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What do you like about 7.0?


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The best thing about 7.0 is it's brought life back to the forums. I've spent more time in here waiting for this disaster to be fixed then I have running the 30 min of content. There's more content in a complaint post then what was added to the game.


That said, load outs are nice, but they are a little late. I now have alts for each spec so I don't get much out of this. If this would have been here years ago, I'd probably be more excited about them. Still better late then never.


Leveling with all the xp boosts seems to flow a bit better. As a new user I remember being confused by the amount of abilities that were thrown at me as quick as they were. They now seem to be better. For the free to play, the abilities might come in a bit too slow.

Edited by gidder
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I love the extra combat style ALOT! It's so much fun to be able to switch your classes on the spot while playing. Great idea! The Loadouts work well. I love being able to both melee and do ranged DPS on one character, have stealth, etc.


The rest I can't comment on because I haven't gotten my characters to 7.0 content yet. Still enjoyng 6.0 I really hope they add more story content because that's mostly why I play.


I really do wish they would give us BACK so many of the abilities you have to trade in one to get another or were eliminated. Why do devs feel that in order to do an expansion they actually have TAKE AWAY things people use and enjoy? Why piss people off unnecessarily?

Edited by __andrea__
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Mob tagging and GS targets being more PvE / Solo friendly.

Other than that, nothing.

Combat styles are ok but If I wanted 8 mercs and 8 sorcs I would of just rolled them in the first place.

(makes the grind easier for me...)

Gearing up 1 main and 15 alts is going to take centuries (with item caps)

Soooo.. not a lot to be excited about...

Edited by Rammboo
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