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Is it possible to redo missed flashpoints?


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Sorry if this was already posted, but tried to search to see if it was possible but couldn't find any info, or perhaps I just suck.

So as the title suggested, I started played the game like 2 years ago, stopped for until now after reached level 50, yes the free section, and I didn't know about the flashpoints so I missed it. Now I subscribed and just finished the Maelstorm Prison, Taral V, The Battle of Ilum and found out those flashpoints story are pretty good.

For the class story, Vanguard, level 59, I reached when I was ordered back to Coruscant urgently.

So I was wondering, is it possible to do the flashpoints that I missed? If so, how and do they follow specific order?

Thank you, still new to this game.

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Flashpoints are the SWTOR equivalent of "dungeons"(1) in other MMORPGs, and are, as a consequence, inherently repeatable.


The order of the flashpoints with a solo mode (called [sTORY]) is approximately:

* Black Talon (Impside) // The Esseles (Pubside)

* Boarding Party (Impside) // Taral V (Pubside)

* The Foundry (Impside) // Maelstrom Prison (Pubside)

* Directive 7 (Both)

* Battle of Ilum (Both, part of the Ilum sequence that follows the class story)

* The False Emperor (Both, part of the Ilum sequence that follows the class story)

* The Prelude to Revan sequence:

** Assault on Tython (Impside) // Korriban Incursion (Pubside)

** Korriban Incursion (Impside) // Assault on Tython (Impside)

** Depths of Manaan (Both)

** Legacy of the Rakata (Both)

* The Shadow of Revan sequence:

** Blood Hunt (Both)

** Battle of Rishi (Both)

* The "Traitor Arc" sequence (attention: the mode for advancing the story is now [sOLO-STORY]):

** Crisis on Umbara (Both)

** A Traitor Among the Chiss (Both)

** Nathema Conspiracy (Both)

* Onslaught: Objective Meridian (Both)

* Post-Onslaught:

** Echoes of Oblivion (Both)

** Spirit of Vengeance (Both)

** Secrets of the Enclave (Both)

* Legacy of the Sith:

** Ruins of Nul (Both)


(1) For "raids", you have to play Operations in SWTOR.

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Fortunately, there is no such thing as missing a Flashpoint. Any and every Flashpoint is always available for doing.


There are constraints like

- character level required

- difficulty level you can do it on (some don't have a Story difficulty)

- ease of finding a group (Colicoid War Games is not in the group Finder)


But these constraints are flashpoint-specific, and are always applicable to the relevant Flashpoints.


You can do any FP any time.

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