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Cant get passed the Malgus boss fight on Nul/Elom


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Was really excited to play the new expansion but this is a deal breaker. Bioware how can you release this with a bug that completely halts story progress? I tried everything to get passed him. I let my companions fight him and I stay back but he then hits me with lightning which kills me off. There's no way to get passed through this and I am pissed off because I also paid for the subscription and now I have to wait for who knows how many months for them to patch this up. IS there a way to get temporary invincibility while my companions finish him off? Im just desperate at this point. Please help.
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Just run around the outside edge while hes doing his abilities....then when hes done, dps him. Wash rinse repeat until done. Worked like a charm for me.


Stay out of the middle as much as you can. Youll get hit by his charge and the big aoe he does. Plus, youre risking falling through the ground.


Stay on the edge.

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Just run around the outside edge while hes doing his abilities....then when hes done, dps him. Wash rinse repeat until done. Worked like a charm for me.


Stay out of the middle as much as you can. Youll get hit by his charge and the big aoe he does. Plus, youre risking falling through the ground.


Stay on the edge.


What's incredibly irritating about this reply is that it only works on occasion and doesn't "work like a charm." Even Bioware has acknowledged there is a bug that is unavoidable, absent hiding behind a broken pilllar and letting your companions do the fight, which is clearly not the intention. Even then, you have to get the timing on heading to Kolto packs just right.


To the OP, wait until March 22nd when in theory there will be a fix applied. In my case, having run the fight three times, twice with no bug, once with having to cheese it...I've given up until 7.10 when hopefully there are changes in place.


For me. 7.01 doesn't cut it. As my sub expires today, I bid you all, adieu.





Edited by Jdast
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What's incredibly irritating about this reply is that it only works on occasion and doesn't "work like a charm." Even Bioware has acknowledged there is a bug that is unavoidable, absent hiding behind a broken pilllar and letting your companions do the fight, which is clearly not the intention. Even then, you have to get the timing on heading to Kolto packs just right.


To the OP, wait until March 22nd when in theory there will be a fix applied. In my case, having run the fight three times, twice with no bug, once with having to cheese it...I've given up until 7.10 when hopefully there are changes in place.


For me. 7.01 doesn't cut it. As my sub expires today, I bid you all, adieu.






Take care ! Drop back by again ... Next release maybe?

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Take care ! Drop back by again ... Next release maybe?


if there is ever a release again. 8.0 imagine, all you get is a 2 minute cutscene for the expansion and all the work went into the new armor set on the cartel market.

made by the 2 remaining devs, when the rest left the studio or moved to mass effect 5

Edited by GeneralGyro
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What's incredibly irritating about this reply is that it only works on occasion and doesn't "work like a charm." Even Bioware has acknowledged there is a bug that is unavoidable, absent hiding behind a broken pilllar and letting your companions do the fight, which is clearly not the intention. Even then, you have to get the timing on heading to Kolto packs just right.


To the OP, wait until March 22nd when in theory there will be a fix applied. In my case, having run the fight three times, twice with no bug, once with having to cheese it...I've given up until 7.10 when hopefully there are changes in place.


For me. 7.01 doesn't cut it. As my sub expires today, I bid you all, adieu.






I never said there wasnt a bug......nor did I say anything about hiding anywhere. The guy is a bit desperate to get it done...as hes mentioned....so i threw out there what worked for me....i didnt say it was guaranteed to work.


If my reply irritated you so much...then you should have just skipped it and saved yourself a bit of triggerness.


Au revoir to you as well.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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Some people have luck with "cheesing" him.

Others don't


I'm decidedly in the "no luck" category.

I tried 20-30 times before I had enough.

I'm waiting for the patch, and for other people to verify the fix works.


I didn't log in once this weekend.

Not because I was busy with stuff in real life...I wasn't


Just because...yeah....not a fan of 7.0

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I'm decidedly in the "no luck" category.

I tried 20-30 times before I had enough.

I dont know what your issue is. Every single class has at least one ranged attack. I have done this fight once on every class with ease. Its LONG and a bore but its easily doable. You stand with your back to one of outer pillars and DONT MOVE AT ALL with the two companions in the middle. Every class has some type of ranged ability. You use a ranged attack on Malg every time its up and dont leave the pillar. If he is out of range move just close enough. Use the ranged attack and sprint to the pillar. Boom done. On a class that can tank its really ez bec you just stand with your back to pillar and taunt him over.


Keeping your back to the pillar is most important. Like I said on some classes its just a long bore of a fight. A simple youtube video search would have solved your issue. If you dont look things up you have no one to blame but yourself

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I realize that this FP appears to have bugs that affect some people, but I think the main problem is the "SoV" affect.

That is to say, people get on here complaining about bugs and difficulty, and then some other people start to blame their failure on the FP, instead of trying to do better. (Not necessarily the OP)

I've successfully completed SoV and Nul on Story, VM, and MM modes - though I've admittedly been in failed MM groups. It seems to me that learning your class - including self heals and defense - is more important than bug issues.


I know that a player can become kind of lazy in their approach to the game from rolling through most content with a companion that keeps you healed no matter what, but I do like the idea that at least 'some' ordinary (non-NiM) content does require a bit of 'skill' or effort to complete.


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I realize that this FP appears to have bugs that affect some people, but I think the main problem is the "SoV" affect.

That is to say, people get on here complaining about bugs and difficulty, and then some other people start to blame their failure on the FP, instead of trying to do better. (Not necessarily the OP)

I've successfully completed SoV and Nul on Story, VM, and MM modes - though I've admittedly been in failed MM groups. It seems to me that learning your class - including self heals and defense - is more important than bug issues.


I know that a player can become kind of lazy in their approach to the game from rolling through most content with a companion that keeps you healed no matter what, but I do like the idea that at least 'some' ordinary (non-NiM) content does require a bit of 'skill' or effort to complete.



I've personally been smacked down with the "BUG" ... but I'll give it one more chance to see if the "work around" will help (again).


For the record I enjoyed SoV (and have said so on more than one occasion).

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I realize that this FP appears to have bugs that affect some people, but I think the main problem is the "SoV" affect.

That is to say, people get on here complaining about bugs and difficulty, and then some other people start to blame their failure on the FP, instead of trying to do better. (Not necessarily the OP)

I've successfully completed SoV and Nul on Story, VM, and MM modes - though I've admittedly been in failed MM groups. It seems to me that learning your class - including self heals and defense - is more important than bug issues.


I know that a player can become kind of lazy in their approach to the game from rolling through most content with a companion that keeps you healed no matter what, but I do like the idea that at least 'some' ordinary (non-NiM) content does require a bit of 'skill' or effort to complete.



It's not necessarily a player issue as you suggest. The bug can strike you no matter what you do. Or not strike you at all. So there may be nothing you can do to avoid being killed by the bug.

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It's not necessarily a player issue as you suggest. The bug can strike you no matter what you do. Or not strike you at all. So there may be nothing you can do to avoid being killed by the bug.

Yeah, but if you are trying it "20-30 times" and failing every time, I'd suggest it's not just bugs that are the problem.

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Yeah, but if you are trying it "20-30 times" and failing every time, I'd suggest it's not just bugs that are the problem.


Well...I'm not really one to sit back and cheese it out.


I don't have a problem waiting for it to be fixed.

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Yeah, but if you are trying it "20-30 times" and failing every time, I'd suggest it's not just bugs that are the problem.


why go out of your way to defend rubbish game design? it's garbage and bioware should feel bad. but they don't they're laughing all the way to the bank with gullible players money. no regular shmuck swtor casual player who doesnt use the forums or check the internet about swtor is going to suffer or cheese a boss, they'll just quit.


elden ring is a thing if you want to ram your head against walls and find ways to cheese stuff.


and its worth more time than this 200+ bug riddled mess of an update. i never seen a studio say they have 200+ bugs to fix as if it was a good thing until bioware said it. 200+ bugs to fix is bad. but they released the untested, feedback ignored update anyway. usually other studios would be ashamed of it and quietly fix everything.

Edited by GeneralGyro
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I realize that this FP appears to have bugs that affect some people, but I think the main problem is the "SoV" affect.

That is to say, people get on here complaining about bugs and difficulty, and then some other people start to blame their failure on the FP, instead of trying to do better. (Not necessarily the OP)

I've successfully completed SoV and Nul on Story, VM, and MM modes - though I've admittedly been in failed MM groups. It seems to me that learning your class - including self heals and defense - is more important than bug issues.


I know that a player can become kind of lazy in their approach to the game from rolling through most content with a companion that keeps you healed no matter what, but I do like the idea that at least 'some' ordinary (non-NiM) content does require a bit of 'skill' or effort to complete.



lol skill required to work around a poorly designed and buggy fight. Sorry but expecting anyone to work around the mess because a company can't get their "big fight" to work right is pathetic. Average joe isn't going to google how to work around this. And standing against a pillar isn't always going to work I had a fight down to 10% and got pulled and reset, that's not fun. Took be 17ish tries day one to get through it. Besides the fact it is horribly boring.

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I played this FP 4 times

First 2 was Veteran Mode from group finder

The Second Two was solo on ranged characters


The deaths was mostly because of not knowing the tactic or just standing in bad place at bad time...

I didn't see any bugs described sooo loud in the forums....and as Keith said here:


We have experienced this bug when playing on our live characters, however, this bug does not present itself on our development servers. Reproducing a bug on development servers is step one in resolving any issue as it allows us to dig deeper into the source of the problems.


So this is an strange bug...someone has it someone don't..


Are you jumping when the Malgus tries to Force Pull?

Are you trying to fight Malgus when He is in Relentless Assault?

Are you trying to fight him inside the kill zone ?

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