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Maintaining customized quickbars after switching combat styles?


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Hello. I'm a returning player and am currently having an issue concerning my UI quickbars.


Whenever I switch between combat styles, the skills on my quickbars don't return to the state in which I customized them. Instead, when I switch over, the skills just come back in a randomized state.


I'm sure you can see how this would be annoying. I hate having to customize my skills every time I switch between my combat styles. I've honestly been sticking to one combat style because of this which kind of sucks because now I can't take advantage of both my styles.


Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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If you create a second loadout, switch to that loadout, switch combat style on that loadout, and organize your quickbars you have a loadout that is set up for that combat style and that quickbars setup.


When you then switch back to the original loadout, your gear and quickbars are still organized as normal.


If you change combat style instead of changing loadout, your current quickbars change randomly. But if you change loadout, you return to the loadout you previously organized without any random effect.


It has worked flawlessly for me. And should work flawlessly for you.


Unless you have a bug.

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