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Auto-tagging or whatever -- BioWare, did you really mean for it to be like this?


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I confess, I did not read EVERY SINGLE THING about 7.0, but I read a lot. Both official and fan content. I think I was more prepared for some of the shocks than a lot of folks, given the complaints I keep seeing here, in chat and on social media. But I never read a thing about "auto-tagging" which, I'm told by old school/Founder-era guildies, was implemented with 7.0.




This apparently is the reason why everybody and their Wookiee jumps into your fights now. Before, it wasn't that common for someone to horn in on your fights -- I mean, there would always be that ONE dude, but mostly, they'd steal the objective you were fighting for. But now, apparently other players you aren't grouped with can get credit even if you have done most of the damage (more on that in a second).


I hate this. I can deal with crappy green gear on my L80 toons and all the numerous other glitches. But this was supposedly an improvement? If I wanted to play like this, I'd go to a PVP instance because at least then I could damage annoying players.


It really came to a head just now on Yavin with my Operative healer. I have her healing and Vector L50 on tank. It takes a bit longer for me to do these fights than it does on my Marauder or Jedi Sage. But my healer can survive most things unless I start pulling stupid. She was doing the mission where you have to "download data from the terminal" and then fight three rounds of droids. I started it twice, and twice, the same player jumped into my fights. This was at least 5 mins apart, too. He horned in on a different mission fight, too, in a different place. Just an allaround nice guy!


Both times, I did not get credit for the mission completing. Because supposedly, it was MY responsibility to tag him so I could complete the fight? THAT IS FREAKING INSANE. It shouldn't be on me to support other people on MY missions, MY fights. [the third time was the charm, as nobody decided to "help."]


I first noticed this happening right after 7.0 launched, on Onderon, when someone kept following me around, getting into my fights. At one point, he aggro'd a second mob, DIED and left my Sage and Lana to hammer down like 10 goons. Which we did.


Yavin used to be my favorite thing to do. I could handle the occasional griefer jerkwad. But now, it's every time. This was the first time I've had the "you shoulda tagged the other person to get credit for your own fight" issue, even though it's happened to my damage toons, too.


Honestly, of all the changes, both those BioWare inflicted on us and the inevitable glitches, this is the one making me hate the game the most. I really can't believe this is an improvement. My guildies are trying to convince me, but I'm just not seeing it.


Rant done. Helpful comments, links and observations appreciated.

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I think the one thing I actually love about 7.0 is shared tagging. Some heroics are long and slow and boring and being able to do them with others without grouping is awesome.


But yes there are BUGS and it's what you should be reporting, instead of complaining about shared tagging. I agree that if the mission doesn't complete because people are helping, it's annoying, but it's a bug (I'm guessing the person helping was of the opposite faction though).


So send a bug report.

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This was observed and reported during the PTS. From the testing I did of it, the person who first hits the NPC gets its drop (whether they need it or not unfortunately). Everyone gets credit for the kill that does at least some damage to the mob. Whether this is a bug or an oversight, I don't know. I'd report it as a bug and see what if anything happens. I think it was never intended to share drops outside of an actual group.
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From what I've experienced, it appears to be working as intended.


I've tagged into a couple fights, but I always stay to help them kill the group, and most of the time invite to group once we've looted in case they want to go on together.


I haven't noticed any loss of drop credit when I tag in, or any loss of credit for kills when someone else joins my fight. (although I admit I'm usually liberal with the AoE and target swapping, so I could have just been tagging everything by default without trying)


The reduced cooldown on clickables has been great too

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It happened to me several times trying to do a bounty contract. I was using my items on the NPCs. items I had to buy first.. only to have other people steal the credit.


Is this the part where you're questioning "miscreants"? Are the "items I had to buy first" the free drinks or interrogation probes?


Just trying to understand, no offense intended...

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This is good information here even if I disagree with the conclusion ("shared tagging bad").


I'm fairly new to SWTOR, started playing not long before 7.0 landed, and hadn't considered there might be situations where jumping in and tagging things (especially for current mission objectives) could be detrimental to the player I'm assisting. I'll keep an eye out for that.

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Some missions like Priority Targets do not register for people outside the group that attacks first which is frustrating for things with a longer respawn time.

Can confirm this. Many in the WB groups yesterday argued that we'd all get the tag on the Taris boss and didn't believe the two of us who said only the group who did the summon click would get the kill count - the moaning that happened when we were proved right :rolleyes: The tagging system gives everyone basic loot from the WB but only the group/person that tags first (and is obviously the same faction) gets the credit (though this is pretty good for those solo ninja clickers that will tag the Tatooine or Taris boss knowing full well the group gathering will kill it for them /sigh). It's a similar thing with mob objectives for heroics; some count, some don't. It's a frustrating system that needs to be adjusted.

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Yes, this happens on the probe droid mission pubside on alderaan. If you don’t get the first shot on each of the waves of adds, the mission tracker won’t update. Sounds like the same problem for the Yavin proving grounds mission.


This and the delay on respawns in some open areas (like the Coruscant Black Sun area for Face Merchants) are areas that need to be looked into. These are issues that need to be addressed, but I think they are fixable problems. And if they are fixed, then I think shared tagging will be one of the big success stories of 7.0.

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The removal of tagging brought at least that ONE part of this game into the MMORPG mainstream. Tagging was a moronic idea to begin with.


Oh, im sorry...you did not do damage first? You get zero credit. Please try again and dont mind the respawn rate as you wait.

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Yes, this happens on the probe droid mission pubside on alderaan. If you don’t get the first shot on each of the waves of adds, the mission tracker won’t update. Sounds like the same problem for the Yavin proving grounds mission.


This and the delay on respawns in some open areas (like the Coruscant Black Sun area for Face Merchants) are areas that need to be looked into. These are issues that need to be addressed, but I think they are fixable problems. And if they are fixed, then I think shared tagging will be one of the big success stories of 7.0.


To be fair, the probe droid mission was broken before 7.0 too. If anyone helped with the first wave, they could get the tag off the second one and screw up your mission.


But anyway, the Saving Face mission can be messed up when people help too.


Then you have the Mando heroic that works great, anyone can spawn the boss and everyone gets credit. But the Fallen Star one doesn't work that way. Go figure. Either way, heroic missions definitely need to be adjusted/fixed.


While I'm at it, I'll mention that the Chamber of Speech is awful now. I got Tython rampage 2 before getting the four required items. Talk about a crappy drop rate. I don't know if they adjusted it for the worse or what, but the mobs die so fast that it's not like we have time to actually tag anything.

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The main problem with shared tagging in this game now is that the game was not designed with it in place, so many missions have been created with mechanics that assume that it is single tagging (very likely done in diferent ways over the years). Simply turning it on a global level is not enough, the mechanics of all these various missions would also need to be updated.


This is just another aspect of 7.0, when you change so many systems at once, a lot of which have been there since pre-launch, then you have to expect problems, and I am not sure that the team in its current configuration has the bandwidth to fix them all.

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Is this the part where you're questioning "miscreants"? Are the "items I had to buy first" the free drinks or interrogation probes?


Just trying to understand, no offense intended...


Yes.. It has always had a 100% drop rate and it still does if nobody else interferes.

Every time anyone else "helped" I got nothing and had to redo.

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While I'm at it, I'll mention that the Chamber of Speech is awful now. I got Tython rampage 2 before getting the four required items. Talk about a crappy drop rate. I don't know if they adjusted it for the worse or what, but the mobs die so fast that it's not like we have time to actually tag anything.


The item only drops from the Sentinels (taller Silver/Strong droids), There's only a few of those in the cave, so it does result in fewer drops, but you can avoid alot of the other groups of adds

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