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Are you still having fun in SWTOR or ?


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I came back to the game after a few years away and have been playing through 6.0 as well as KOTFE with one of my alts and finishing the Trooper story so I can become legendary. I'm a very casual player so it's enjoyable. I like the secondary combats a lot and compared to WOW, where EVERY story ends with a raid (I play solo) I really appreciate that I can actually finish a story in SWTOR and make actual choices. I hope they add more content for 7.0. Still have yet to play it though.
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No you dont. Thats just silly. Its a game not a job. Its not something you have to do. If you are not having fun just walk away


Yes I do :) I foolishly set my subscription to renew every 180 days and still have some months left - wasn't expecting they'll ruin the game so terribly. So I decided I'll at least complete the season if I already pay for subscription.

Maybe during those few monts BW will make some moves bring the fun back and I'll be able to actually enjoy my rewards.

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I cancelled my subscription after 10 continuous years as a subscriber. I have 23 days left, and I will continue playing to get my money's worth out of what I have already paid to play this game. Then I may pop in and play for free, but will not give them another penny of my money if they don't get their act together and make this feel like less of a job, and focus more on making the game fun again.


To the devs:


Stop the gear grind.


Allow moddable gear for all customers at level 80.


Stop with all of the ridiculously low currency caps.


Fix Victorious Pioneers armor to give 150% xp at all levels.


Give access to good gear to all players regardless of their chosen activity.


Fix the numerous bugs. You should be ashamed of the long list of known issues that should have been corrected prior to launch.


Stop making conquest feel like a job. Conquest has never been this difficult to achieve (until now), and changes to punish players by making them work harder make the game less enjoyable to play.


Start listening to us by actually responding to us when we tell you that you are taking the game in the wrong direction.


Stop telling us things that just aren't true like when you told us that the initial launch date would be on Dec. 14, 2021, when you knew that you had a long list of known issues, and there was no way that you could meet that date when you provided it to us.


Stop withholding information. Be honest. Withholding information is just another way of saying that you don't respect us, and don't think that we deserve to learn the truth. I see little difference between an outright lie, and an intentionally unspoken truth kept secret because the truth is unpopular.


When you do deliver information that proves to be unpopular, don't ignore the criticism. Instead, use the criticism to make changes to improve what you are doing. That does not mean that you have to do exactly what people are asking you to do, but it should get you thinking about how to reduce the divide between your goals, and our desire to have fun.


Let players use cartel market weapons without having to us old mods that make players have to choose between underperforming or using what they paid for. If you take someone's money for a thing, then you should allow them to use it. If you can't figure out how to do it with the outfit designer, then suck it up and add the mods necessary to allow people to use what they paid for.


I know that this is not a complete list of issues that if fixed would get me to subscribe again. Until then, my frustration with the game exceeds the level that I can tolerate, and makes me angry, and feeling angry when I play the game is not fun.


At this point, I think it is important to work on a plan that focuses on what you can do to make the game fun again. Then put out a proposed roadmap of what you have planned and open up a weeklong window for player feedback on it and incorporate player suggestions into an actual roadmap that you will work to employ to save the game from the harm done with the release of the 7.0 "expansion".

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I cancelled my subscription after 10 continuous years as a subscriber. (snip) .


I've seen a lot of these on the forums lately and heard even more from long term guild members. It takes a lot to get a long term subscriber to walk away. Not good news for any MMO when the veterans start to leave.

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I'm still having fun, I mean as much fun as a gear grind can give you. I'm basically doing the same content I was in 6.0. Instead of hitting CZ and Black Hole daily for conquest now I hit it on all my lvl 80 toons for gear boxes and aquatic matrix. I see a lot of complaints from ppl, who apparently loved farming hammer station, that the content now is too repetitive 😂😂 make it make sense 🙃🙃


As far as the class changes go, I'm a fan. Pvp is infinitely better imo without the extra stuns/roots. And the content in the game being bolstered means u can't just face tank 20 mobs and ur OP comp just heal through it. You actually have to use ur dcds and be strategic with fights. Read your tool tips ppl, a lot of the abilities ppl are crying over losing, are still there just rolled into another ability. For example I saw someone complain that they lost their spike opener on Sin. The stun opener is still there just as an extra ability on reaping strike iirc.


Loadouts are actually amazing, and I'm even enjoying the combat styles even tho I'm not using them for fun, I only use them for efficiency. Changed all my alts over to stealth for their secondary combat styles and stealth through all the content in order to do conquest and gear grind as fast as possible.


There are definitely cons, all the bugs that border on game breaking can be annoying if u care about the story (i don't really care all that much I can wait until it's fixed). Not being able to use modable weapons is a major fail. Bioware makes a ton of money from selling rare skins on the cartel market and for a max lvl toon unable to use something you get in the collectors edition is about the biggest face palm bioware has had in 10 years 😂😂 However the majority of ppl who play this game are altoholics who play the story and lvl their space barbies. None of this effects them tbh.


So TLDR I don't see a lot of changes from the content I enjoyed doing in 6.0 but can understand why there are some who aren't thrilled with 7.0. Overall yes I'm still enjoying the game 👍👍

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I still love the vanilla class stories, KotET and every story expansion that came before it but each year the new story segments coming out get shorter and less satisfying. Nothing else being edited or added to the game is of any value to me so I pay 3x the cost of a brand new, full single player story game and receive 1/20th of a new game per year in new story updates and it’s getting harder and harder to justify doing so.
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I'm still having fun. I only play the stories.


A while ago I tried group flashpoints, but I was disappointed I kept dying and had to run back to where everyone was upon res. I only had story gear. Other times players abandoned it when it didn't go right for us on the first try. Bad experience bias accepted, this wasn't for me. I might try it again.


As long as I can continue playing the story as I've been I'm happy. I'm looking forward to trying the Class stories again with different combat styles. My quirk in how I play it will be a while. I want to catch up on already existing characters. The nerf in Companions is noticeable. Content I've played before is a bit harder - taking longer to kill mobs, I'm still attacked when Companions tank, and I often need to self-heal after combats. It's not impossible play like Spirit of Vengeance upon launch, but it's slightly annoying as I'm used to how it was. It's not rage quit annoying.


For the first time I got 306 gear from playing. I know it's no longer the top gear, but for me the highest I ever got was 282 during Spirit of Vengeance. I got my first 306 gear as a reward for completing Onslaught. During Echoes of Oblivion I got a couple of 306 gear in drops. It's progress for me. I'll still never have the best gear ever playing Story, but it's nice that I do benefit from the gear max increase.


The new UI doesn't bother me personally. I like when opening my character gear window the inventory window also opens. I am disappointed I lose ability powers, but I'll adapt. I wasn't enjoying a couple of combat styles on my existing characters, so I'm glad I can change them. A few ability powers have shorter cool downs than before. That's nice.


I do hope the bugs I've read about are fixed before they directly affect me. At the moment I'm not doing stuff where those bugs occur.


Whatever the rage people have over 7.0, I don't have it.

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Having fun, yes. But am I having more fun than I did in 6.0, no. Gear mods need to come back. I want to be able to use my CM weapon shells. Companions need more balance attention. Character tertiary stat scaling needs to be removed -- i don't like skill rotation timing being thrown off by whatever content level I am playing.
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Considerably less fun.

Each year they seem to give me less fun.


This used to be my social game, untill they made chapters you cant group for anymore (without it counting for everyone anyway). Even heroics stop working in groups unless you literally hug eachothers all the way to use clickables or area discoveries.


Now, on top of that, they messed up class balance so bad we cant even hardcore raid with a big variety of classes because bunch of them parse 5k lower than other for no good reason. Class balance was really good last expansion, how the heck did you manage to mess it THIS bad??

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Honestly my biggest gripes are Flash Point rotations and Heroics rotation. Limiting these things makes the game way more repetitive than all the previous versions before it. The gear mod removal also kinda annoys me, but I can live with it honestly.


I'm not pissed that we got little story content, or no raid yet, or no new daily zone yet, I don't really care. I mean it's a sad excuse for an expansion but it's not like they charged us money for it. It's free with a sub, and while disappointing for a 10 year anniversary, I don't feel ripped off. The loadouts are long overdue, and the extra combat styles are nice to have. Hopefully the weapon outfitter will be here soon, and most things will be fine.


They just need to add a lot more choices to the weekly rotations or get rid of that concept altogether. Cause we went from hammer spam to Athiss, BT / Esseless spam instead and ugh 😩

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Well I was always running old content, but I was running the content I liked.


Now I mostly end up doing GSF because it's the only thing that gives fast CQ points and upgrades. I enjoy it, but still, I didn't sign up to play a space combat game.


The whole thing is just so messed up.


I used to enjoy doing CQ on all my alts, now just the thought of having to kill 35 more mobs on a planet to FINALLY get some decent CQ points makes me want to log off.

Edited by Pricia
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Thought I was just bored before 7.0

Now I'm even more bored due to the constrictions.

I am trying to dig deep inside to stay subbed, but it is not seeming logical at this point.

This game is like a product that was popular because of the product. Then one day you see, "new and improved", printed on it. Only to find it is smaller and no longer tastes the same and makes you feel ill hours later.

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It's quite disappointing. I've been a sub since release. I knew that with AE involved, this would happen sooner or later. It's the same thing they did to SWG. So far, I am still having some fun. Just not like it used to be. The sad thing is, it is probably the beginner of the end, for me anyway. It was fun while it lasted....
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No. I am doing a WALK through for my last playthrough until my now gone guildmates and I decide on a new home. I have managed to walk every quest on the first 3 worlds in going on 3 weeks now...the worst part about it is not the time its taking, its that I am actually watching shows/movies or listening to podcasts while doing it, even the fighting because of how boring it is. Nothing like combat taking twice as long on normal mobs because developers think longer = harder. I dont even need to look at the screen nor want to because of how mind numbingly boring it is watching that insane level of health slowly go down on them.


In response to your signature 7.0 is not the worst expansion in history. WoW's WOD was. Yet to see anything worse/QUOTE]


Star Wars Galaxies Combat Upgrades and New Game Enhancements is laughing at what you call "the worst". This update is second only to those. Hey, Star Wars MMOs is totally owning this category!

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As a founder, I've done pretty much everything in SWTOR that I want to do. I'm not really interested in making new characters any more, or trying out new 'styles'. Been there, done that.


Before 7.0 was released I was just putting in time doing FPs for guild CQ and playing some other games. I even un-subbed for a while while playing FFXIV.


Now, I'm having an enjoyable time doing CQ and GS objectives, plus FPs and the occasional OP. I haven't spent time in other games since 7.0 dropped.


Yes, there are bugs, etc, that are annoying - the lack of moddable weapons and/or weapons outfitter being the main one, but overall, I'm having a ton o' fun. And I expect the major bugs to be fixed soon-ish.


In spite of all the complaints about gearing, etc, I completed MM SoV last night with a GF PUG. (DPS with iRating 322)


Since I've played so many aspects of the game, Space Barbie has become a large part of it lately. One thing that is missing in 7.0 in general are new hairstyles and outfits.

Edited by JediQuaker
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As a founder, I've done pretty much everything in SWTOR that I want to do. I'm not really interested in making new characters any more, or trying out new 'styles'. Been there, done that.


Before 7.0 was released I was just putting in time doing FPs for guild CQ and playing some other games. I even un-subbed for a while while playing FFXIV.


Now, I'm having an enjoyable time doing CQ and GS objectives, plus FPs and the occasional OP. I haven't spent time in other games since 7.0 dropped.


Yes, there are bugs, etc, that are annoying - the lack of moddable weapons and/or weapons outfitter being the main one, but overall, I'm having a ton o' fun. And I expect the major bugs to be fixed soon-ish.


In spite of all the complaints about gearing, etc, I completed MM SoV last night with a GF PUG. (DPS with iRating 322)


Since I've played so many aspects of the game, Space Barbie has become a large part of it lately. One thing that is missing in 7.0 in general are new hairstyles and outfits.


First post, 07.28.2021


You start out with how you barely played because you have done it all and was bored but now you are magically enjoying doing the same content as if its all magically new and different...something doesnt smell right. The content you are doing now is not different than before so where is this magical change that made it all better coming from?


I am not doubting you saying you are enjoying 7.0, I am doubting the claim you are a founder and went 9 years without posting and having grown bored with pre 7 to magically find it great now. Its more likely you are relatively new to the game and are pretending 7 is the be all end all to upgrades.

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Hello everyone, new subscriber here. I very rarely have money to spend on this game (relatively speaking) so this might be one of the only times I can be here to speak my mind. I want to get as many unlocks as possible as Preferred but plan to subscribe again if I'm rich enough to in the future, or if I want to focus on playing subscriber only content like operations.


I'm not biased towards liking 6.0 and before, because I spent less than a year on it as Free to Play. I found this game just last year and feel I've missed out but am playing now. Didn't have a powerful enough PC but I do now. 7.0 has some problems, but I believe it can be fixed "good enough" in due time. Not everything it has done is bad.


Ironically enough, I care less about the 2 combat styles thing 7.0 is going for compared to the other smaller changes it has made, but don't mind it much either. If I want a certain class or story, I just make a new toon. I'm enjoying the quest to get Legendary status but want to know absolutely everything that could lock out class stories and if I could access it again with a new character if I accidentally lock myself out starting certain story expansions?

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First post, 07.28.2021


You start out with how you barely played because you have done it all and was bored but now you are magically enjoying doing the same content as if its all magically new and different...something doesnt smell right. The content you are doing now is not different than before so where is this magical change that made it all better coming from?


I am not doubting you saying you are enjoying 7.0, I am doubting the claim you are a founder and went 9 years without posting and having grown bored with pre 7 to magically find it great now. Its more likely you are relatively new to the game and are pretending 7 is the be all end all to upgrades.

I am a "Founder". You don't have to be subscribed continuously to be a Founder - you just need to have been there at the start.

I took a break back in 2014 or so to play WoW and GW2, but I came back in 2017 or so. I also un-subbed for a while in 2021, which is probably where that 'first post' figure comes from. I'm sure that if you really checked, you'd find forum posts from me going back to 2012 or so.


But, yes, back in 2021 I was getting bored. GS1 was over (for me), my gear was a fully augmented 306, and all I was doing was GF FPs.

But now, it's GS2 with all it's missions, new gear to get, new FPs, guild getting active again, World Boss groups, etc. I spend hours playing SWTOR every evening without (as I mentioned elsewhere) feeling the need to spend any time playing anything else.


Edit: It is curious that my 'first post' is listed as being in 2021, but my first "infraction" is listed as in 2015. 😂

I guess unsubbing really screws up your stats. 😏

Edited by JediQuaker
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Returning player. Used to play near launch. Then dipped in a few years later. We arrived back a few weeks before the update (we didn't even know about the update until a week or so before).


Having a great time. Just finishing class story. Main character is nearly 80 - Guardian/Sorcerer, a combination that lets me tank for my family and friends then enjoy running Madness through the PvE and PvP conent. Regarding PvP, even at lower levels we've found the queues very short. Enjoyable, in as much as an under-geared player thrashing about in PvP can enjoy themselves.


My guardian went from mobile & nearly unkillable to one or the other, or something in between. All thanks to the new skills system. Before I basically had everything and now I have to really weigh up what I will gain and lose with each decision. Really rewarding.


UI is ok. Already adapted. I have boring old normal eyes, so the inventory doesn't cause me to implode or anything.


- Hotub :)

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To answer the OP:


It depends on what I do... Taking a new alt through the trooper story as a sniper is definitely fun and feels a lot better to me than a vanguard or commando.


But playing my level 80 chars? That isn't even remotely fun for me. I might as well watch paint dry, that's how enjoyable the game is for me at level 80. And watching paint dry is probably more fun ....

Unfortunately I'll run out of fun things to do eventually, as more and more of my alts are approaching 80.

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I am a "Founder". You don't have to be subscribed continuously to be a Founder - you just need to have been there at the start.


And you just slammed the door shut on your credibility.


The game was subscription only its first 16 months. You are not a founder and your posts contradict their own points. There is no way you never posted on the forums and are now here all the time just to defend the game with really bad arguments that make no sense.


EDITED TO ADD: Any can find ALL posts from ANYONE. YOu have none before that date, its your first post...mine however go all the way back to them having changed over to the current forum system from their original which was used even during Beta 1...because that is how long I have been here, long enough to actually know the history of the game which you clearly do not.

Edited by gregordunbar
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First post, 07.28.2021

Learn to search... name + swtor easily found posts from back in 2016

JQ is an old timer in this forum and was very active before his break and even if not, there are players who played this game for the whole time it's out and never posted anything here. If they do now, their opinion has just as much value as anyone else's. You don't have to agree with them but neither do you have any high ground to call them out like that.


As for the real topic of this thread, I do have fun in 7.0.

Personally I've got to say I actually have more fun now than before 7.0, because while I do enjoy the story and raiding too, MMFPs used to be my favourite activity in the game. Especially with random groups because those are kind of a surprise package every time. Late 5.0 and 6.0 took out most of the fun though, too many people not really enjoying that content but still running it for command/renown crates, for quick conquest and whatever other 'reward'. Faster faster, no time to really play them, skip this stealth that, cheese this cheese that... Zero communication, you'd be lucky to get a short greeting. Vote kick when one wanted to do a bonus boss or just a trash group too many. Add Hammerstation spam and the fact that 306 gear and just somewhat decent playing pretty much let you to ignore way too many mechanics, took out all the fun for me.


I like to tank and also like mechanic heavy stuff over damage checks at any time, so I really appreciate that tanks can't be replaced by a DPS with taunt as easily any longer and you have to mind the the mechanics again. Had a blast running FPs this week. We didn't always defeat the final boss, like in Nathema for example when it got too late at some point to try again, but it was fun to share ideas with the group for waht to do better, what went wrong, seeing how we got closer and closer to succeed. Necessary group play in a group activity again.


Admittedly, the solution with the rotating FPs isn't ideal especially for the levelling phase, but while I'd prefer it to have the rotation change daily for example, it now is what it is and at least encourages players to come out of their HS comfort zone and try the other stuff. Except for the badly balanced ones like Umbara, the FPs usually are more about knowing what to do rather than putting out the best numbers anyway so with some patience and explanations there is no reason why group should not get through if they actually try.

A solution that once done the same FP could not be run again for the day and legacy would have done the trick too, but probably would have had its own side effects and likely been received equally negatively. Because most people didn't/don't care about FPs, they just care about the quick rewards that are gone now.


About the gear grind and stuff, I simply play what I like and will get my gear with time. I won't let conquest, commendation currency X or Y dictate what I do with my time. There just is no hurry to race to the top as fast as possible, new content where that will be really necessary is coming so slow in this game that in my opinion any pressure felt to grind heavily is nothing but self-imposed. Relax and enjoy the game, the rest will come with time.


Really though, if you don't enjoy the game itself any longer because some rewards are different now, I really have to ask, why are you still playing at all? Because if that is the case, the content wasn't really done for fun in 6.0 either but for the in my opinion often quite meagre rewards and carrot dangling just the next renown level away.. We certainly were showered with gear, but 80% if not more of that was actually trash that only cluttered the inventory, an illusion of a reward so to speak, something shiny that not really had much use. Personally, I rather have a long term goal that means something instead.

Of course more new content would be even better, but I'm realistic enough to see that the pace of that won't change all of a sudden, all hype about the anniversary doesn't change the fact that it's only a very small dev team and well, still EA.

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I am having a blast watching casuals cry that this game is too hard now. This expansion is amazing. People stopped spamming EC and Hammer Station to get bis, old operations are got harder with the 320s. The rush and grind for the new gear is thrilling!


Combat styles are a miss, but loadouts are cool.


I wish we had more content though, that is a shame.



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