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How to go advanced class on merc?


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Did you enter the station from the same way you entered when you left the Bounty Hunter planet (I totally forget the name)?


On the Republic Fleet, the guy is on the West/Left side of the space station, on the map. I assume the Imperial one is the same.

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If you're in the fleet station hanger where you arrive on the shuttle from Hutta, go up the elevator to the main floor.


If you've already moved on to Dromund Kaas, take the shuttle back to the fleet station and go up the elevator to the main floor. Open your map and look for the entrance to the Korriban/Hutta departures. Head there, but don't take the elevator.


The quest giver you want should be standing at the bottom of the steps opposite the Sith quest givers and a quest terminal box (where you may have already picked up the Social mission). Your quest giver's name is Rally Master Kelborn and he sends you to meet with two of his associates, Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne and Gen Vizla, who are by the Bounty Hunter trainer.


I hope that helps!

Edited by ZioGio
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