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Please fix the UI, I'm begging...


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I know there is a lot to be said about the launch of 7.0, but can we PLEASE get the UI fixed. Specifically the item boxes. I get that the whole point was to make everything look more utilitarian, but the inventory physically assault's my eyes and makes it impossible to look at. The symmetrical layout of evenly spaced boxes on nothing but black space is causing an optical nuisance and is pretty close to making this game unplayable for me.


I have no idea if the right people will see this, but I thought it was worth a try since it is a problem.



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You know at first, I thought you were talking about something really minor to be complaining about, and overall I still think that. I never noticed an issue.


Now that I've read this, and I look directly at the black squares, I do see the optical pain and headache they cause. Weird.

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Full post by in Developer Tracker by JackieKo -- Relief is coming!


As I’ve alluded to in a previous post from earlier today, we are finalizing details on when the next patch will be. This will include the UI contrast adjustment and other fixes. When we have that info, we will be communicating that to the wider player base including details of everything that will be deployed within that patch. More communication will be coming.



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