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General Thoughts on the new system?


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why cant i respec in queue? whats the point of loadouts? why let me queue as dps/heals if i cant respec without 20 min lockout?

let me convert some tech frags into medals of commendation

okay, so stealth doesnt take you out of combat but the boss hp will still reset? wtheck?\

give me more than a day to do a weekly for conquest please. i saw oricon, so i started oricon, next day i finished it but the conquest changed to black hole... then the next day it was oricon again, but i couldnt repeat the weekly... still got conquest credit, but was lame.

lastly... why reset my weekly for mm fp? i had 1/2 and was looking forward to doing one this morning for the weekly, and now i have to run an extra one cuz this lame change.


i feel like leveling from level 1 might be more fun now... it was fun on the PTS... but now i have 16 characters i need to get to 80 so unless DvL comes out again i am not goign to level a new lowbie.

Edited by dipstik
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1) I'm honestly not sure why they decided to make the new gear weaker in comparison than 306 gear. That being said - a lot of people had augments on their 306 gear so that would explain it. I haven't seen any comparison of 306 versus 322 gear without augments (anyone?).


2) there is an incentive to play GS for people who did not get the opportunity to get the purchasable rewards. Plus you get CC, new mounts, some armor sets (I don't like them, but heck), and weapons. It's actually pretty cool. I do agree that it would be nice if they could put new stuff for older players on the vendor.


3) well that's how expansions in MMOs work - new gear grind.


4) I'm honestly pleasantly surprised by the combat changes - and I play solo, so those defensive cooldowns are always nice to have. I'm guessing it's not fun in veteran FPs though if you don't have a healer. But I've enjoyed the changes for all the dps specs (not always enough to stop me from switching though, but only for one of the specs I didn't enjoy in 6.0).


5) I don't care that much that I'll be capped at 326 because I'll be done with the damn gear grind. But to be honest, BW is shooting themselves in the foot there too because once we're 326, there won't really be much of an incentive for us to play until they increase the cap... Gearing up is something to do.


6) I'm not sure there. I never heard that it was disabled, except for characters that are too low.


7) I suppose that's where my army of alts is useful. I'll never be able to do CQ with them but at least I can play what I want on another character if needed...


8) In case it wasn't obvious, I hate the changes to Conquest (is there a word stronger than hate?).

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There is only one thing I like about 7.0, and that's the return of the original menu music. After painfully leveling just one toon to level 80 without having done any of the new content, for however short I hear it is, I have no desire to play this game anymore. They changed far too much and all of it for the worse. Share anything you don't like about 7.0 and there's a high likelihood I'll agree. And at the risk of sounding clichéd at this point, I'm someone who'd been playing since launch. If they truly want to sunset this game, as some have suggested, fine. I can accept that. But, why the Hell did they have to destroy it on its way out? Edited by ObscureEmpyre
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Gearing is just too slow and convoluted. I know so many people who feel forced into content they dislike (GSF + WB farming) and as they see others passing them in gear they just quit. And these are raiders too, people who this gearing system was supposedly built towards.


If 7.1 hopes to lure raiders back, the road to 326 needs to be shortened and simplified. Give bosses upgrades, consolidate the currencies and upgrade paths.


Well at least people finally know how pvpers have felt since the removal of pvp gear.

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We wouldn't have a lot of these balance issues if they'd bring back PVP gear. I understand they got rid of it way back because players didn't understand that the importance of expertise. The fault of that is on the Dev's for--surprise, surpise--poor communication. Just write up a blog post--probably no more than a paragraph or two--and post it on the launcher. If people don't read it--that's their problem! Ability pruning for PvP is already present in the game--such as WZ DR and med packs not being able to be used in PvE and Rocket Boost not being available in PvP. Is the PvP code too "delicate" to add additional abilities (the ones they pruned) to that "not allowed" list? Or is there some sort of quirky engine limitation that prohibits the list from being expanded?


This game's gearing system should have bee nset in carbonite no more than the 4th year of the game's existence. The philosophical whiplash is quite grating on the nerves.

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We wouldn't have a lot of these balance issues if they'd bring back PVP gear. I understand they got rid of it way back because players didn't understand that the importance of expertise. The fault of that is on the Dev's for--surprise, surpise--poor communication. Just write up a blog post--probably no more than a paragraph or two--and post it on the launcher. If people don't read it--that's their problem! Ability pruning for PvP is already present in the game--such as WZ DR and med packs not being able to be used in PvE and Rocket Boost not being available in PvP. Is the PvP code too "delicate" to add additional abilities (the ones they pruned) to that "not allowed" list? Or is there some sort of quirky engine limitation that prohibits the list from being expanded?


This game's gearing system should have bee nset in carbonite no more than the 4th year of the game's existence. The philosophical whiplash is quite grating on the nerves.


We don't even need expertise back. Just have the current system, but have the gear we have now be purchasable and upgradeable with warzone commendations. Make the ilvl lower than pve gear and use the current ivl scaling system so that pvers don't utilize pvp to gear faster since the gear would be worse from them.


Problem solved.

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The gear should use mods again. The weekly caps though need to be removed on currencies. I have 25 characters and max my medals of commendation out the first day. I liked the play your way concept that the game had. Give people their choices back. Fix the Malgus bug and I would be okay.
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The gear should use mods again. The weekly caps though need to be removed on currencies. I have 25 characters and max my medals of commendation out the first day. I liked the play your way concept that the game had. Give people their choices back. Fix the Malgus bug and I would be okay.


This would fix a LOT with me and most of my issues... This and modding for stuff because the sabers they use are ugly and I wanna use the ones I've unlocked instead.

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