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Shotgun RE Problem


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I am trying to RE shotguns I am making and I cannot get any of them to give me an upgraded recipe. Any of the other weapons I usually only need to RE 4-5 to get an upgraded recipe, but the shotgun is a no-go after over 20. I have tried the level 9 and level 13 shotguns and have had no luck with either. Is this a known bug or can you not actually get a better recipe from shotguns? Just wondering if anyone else has run into this or knows something about it.


P.S. - Sorry I cannot contribute to the slicing nerf wars XD

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There was another threat that was rightfully ************ about REing discoveries getting a nerf bat to the face and two have down a whole crapload of REing shotguns with zero successes (like 40+ REs) which I myself did like over 40 and got zero discoveries. One speculated that that whole "This weapon can only be used by special abilities" is causing it to be bugged out.


Long story short... don't RE shotguns atm.


You know BW employees a damn response to RE getting the nerf bat would be pretty damn nice...

Edited by Ambros
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Yep, another 10 shotguns and nothing... I guess this particular one is rare. I could see purple being this rare, but over 20 RE's and nothing.. I really would not mind it so much, but my server has crap for trade resources in the GTM... The upside is I make decent credits selling resources, the bad thing is I also need them. Guess I will keep trying... Thanks and GL to those out there trying to make a living crafting.
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