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Do you ppl saying the nerf was good understand eco?


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As angry and vehement as you are in defense of click button print money
Tell you what, if i make a machine that will let you turn a dollar into ten dimes and a penny, and takes 30 minutes to do so, would you rather click that button all day for a net profit of $0.48 or go out and get a real job? Is my machine economy ruining because it "prints money?" No. Even if every person in America had one, you're talking about (low) millions of dollars in a sea of (high) trillions.


- you're claiming its purely altruistic, doesn't affect except indirectly,
Hell no. It effects me directly. Did you not read where I pointed out I'm making less than half the profits I was previously?


Look, I don't slice. I pay people to slice for me by giving them materials and crafted items. (other people just call this "selling' but I like mine better. Makes me feel LIKE A BOSS.)


Let's say you own a company that makes widgets. You pay your employees to come in and make widgets for you. (you trade those widgets for money for your fancy private jet and whatnot) Gum'mint man comes in and says "these people cannot work here anymore, even if they want to. They can come in and work 10 hours a week only."


now, the gum'mint man didn't stop me from working, but he has surely had a direct effect on me. I cannot live in the style to which I am accustomed because I just lost 75% of my production.


because one character of yours is a crafter
Actually I have 3 characters. One is a gatherer, and my highest level at 28. (see, i level my characters so I'm not looking at all of this based on a level 10 economy, and I recognize that costs will only grow exponentially past where I am now.) That one does actually have slicing, which I have not used since I capped it out last saturday. Why? because Slicing was chump chance compared to sending my free companions out to underworld trade for popular metals and fabrics.


My main earner is a level 15 who gathers his own materials for Cybertech and sells excess.


The third is a trooper who's parked on the fleet and i haven't really done anything with since I can't decide what AC to choose.


(slicers can craft too (knowledge FTW)
man, i wish i had said something like "cannot craft completely independently" to point out that they can craft but because crafting independently requires one to gather with two skills and craft with a third that a slicer will always be dependent on the market for at least some of their materials...


If only I had said that. Wouldn't that be cool?


Reading FTW.


and sells stuff a lot.
Yup. A lot. Like I said, I pay people to Slice for me with goods and materials. Slicers=mcdonalds emplyees. Crafter/gatherer=plumber.


This from a guy who hacked the interface.. just for curiosity sake to see max $$ per day allowances?
huh? I don't recall saying or even implying that. (reading FTW?)


max returns from slicing required running 5 companions on 8 characters on very short missions. managing this many companions in that amount of time with the standard interface simply would not be possible due to UI loading/logging/reloading/etc.


I didn't have to hack anything, i was simply pointing out that the example I gave was well above what any player could normally accomplish and it's STILL well below what can be accomplished by just spam clicking a gathering skill.

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How many of the players that used slicing ever left the fleet stations? Do those people know that there is a ton of credits to be made in the open world? Considering that I have been averaging 100k-150k per 2-4 hours time in the open world without even having slicing as a crew skill.


I think the economy is just fine and is not being inflated due to the massive amounts of credits that were being made via slicing.


Get over the change that was made to slicing and get into the open world. There are still plenty of 100% profit items to be gathered with the crew skill.

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Tell you what, if i make a machine that will let you turn a dollar into ten dimes and a penny, and takes 30 minutes to do so, would you rather click that button all day for a net profit of $0.48 or go out and get a real job? Is my machine economy ruining because it "prints money?" No. Even if every person in America had one, you're talking about (low) millions of dollars in a sea of (high) trillions.



I didn't have to hack anything, i was simply pointing out that the example I gave was well above what any player could normally accomplish and it's STILL well below what can be accomplished by just spam clicking a gathering skill.


I love you bro! you're great.


I've never had a <20 character with more than 50K much less a half million as you say you have. Then you claim a person with slicing (pre-nerf) so there are people walking around with huge bank accounts cannot afford mats off the AH. Let me try that again - a slicers cannot AFFORD mats..


If everyone has a printing press/machine that creates currency the currency will be devalued - YES. If everyone in a county had a million plus dollars YES prices would go up - you better believe it because demand shoots through the roof - and suppliers up their prices to what people are willing to pay.

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Make em as big as you like, you're still laughable.


Slicing was the easiest way to make fast credits by exploiting the game,
Okay, show me how you don't make more money on UWT or TH without being an absolute idiot, please? Actually refute my point. Argue with me. Insult me if you would like and it makes it more fun for you, but actually say something that proves that I am wrong. because right now I'm sitting on a couple million credits that never came from slicing that say I'm very right.


it was not balanced with the other professions, hence it got adjusted.
It wasn't balanced. It had no growth potential whereas the others did, and returned signifiantly less on its investment pre-nerf than just spam-clicking even a rudimentary gathering skill like salvage.


Prove me wrong on this.


Inflation is good!
In an unestablished market where currency also serves as labor, it is, within bounds.


Slicing is fixed income!
If you think that it is not fixed income, then please show me how.


I can't make any money anymore!
Actually, I make lots, thanks. I'm up to 120k net profit already today.



Level 15 characters with 500k is nothing lol!
I've got a level 15 character with 2 million earned from gathering and crafting. 500k is nothing.


Just stop. You give me too much material.
Feel free to share it at any time.
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LOL... this is ridiculous. It's a basic economic principle that the more money being pumped into the economy, the more spending, and the better off everyone is.




Hi, Germany's economic collapse after WWI would like to have a word with you. They beg to differ. Pumping money into the economy is not good either.



It collapsed. The Peace Treaty Of Versailles was step one. It restricted the army to 100,000, took a lot of land from Germany (less food and population), demanded £600 million (I think, it's probably best to check the figure) in reparations. There had been the blockades against Germany in the war.


The Occupation Of The Ruhr was a big losing point for the Germans. They had missed a reparations payment, and the French occupied the Ruhr. The Germans didn't want to work, so started Passive Resistance, which lost them a lot of money.


This was fixed by Stresemann, who made the Dawes Plan. This was a way for Germany to pay their debts off, and gave them a new currency too. Half of the problem had been the Government printing too much money, causing hyper-inflation.

The Dawes Plan basically had Germany borrowing money from America, then paying reparations to the allies, then the allies would pay their debt to America, like a big circle.


Then there was the wall street crash, which affected the world. This caused a depression, as all of the shares in wall street were worth nothing. Germany was struck by poverty, and a lot of Germans were unemployed. This gave Adolf Hitler something to use in his Promise-propaganda. He promised to make Germany strong again.


And he did. He created jobs for people, with societies like Beauty Of Labour having people build motorways. The innovative way of getting people into jobs helped to bring the economy up.


Obviously during the war, things became a bit tighter. More money was being put into war, and towards the end of WW2, the strain was really showing.


I'm assuming you only want up until then :)

Some of the things I've mentioned go into more detail here



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The fact that you are asking people to PROVE you wrong, plus the fact that you are vehemently arguing a point with an insult or more per post is all the evidence I need.


BW has all the figures behind the scenes.. they did it.. I believe they had a darned good reason. But you're right until we prove you wrong (the last gasp of the desperate)


Flinging of insults --> generally can be seen as a emotional reaction. From someone whose characters have millions of dollars and are not harmed directly by any slicing nerf. (Because you claim crafters make so much money they're your primary buyers right?)


I don't need to prove anything - what you say and how you say it is enough.

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How many of the players that used slicing ever left the fleet stations? Do those people know that there is a ton of credits to be made in the open world? Considering that I have been averaging 100k-150k per 2-4 hours time in the open world without even having slicing as a crew skill.
Bingo. Just flying space missions can net 10k easy, and you never need to leave the fleet for that.


Actually, my crafter hasn't even made it to Coruscant yet. I just run esseles to kill time (and because the ornage chest piece continues to elude me!) and rake in the cash sitting ont he fleet as a crafter/gatherer.


I think the economy is just fine and is not being inflated due to the massive amounts of credits that were being made via slicing.
Well it was just fine and on the way to being established. The nerf has put a serious damper on trade.


Get over the change that was made to slicing and get into the open world. There are still plenty of 100% profit items to be gathered with the crew skill.
You're missing part of the point.


Slicing was actually helping to build a fledgling economy. Beyond this, slicing served as an "easy" way for causal players to keep their head above water, earning "minimum wage."


The destruction of slicing has both hampered the economy and removed a viable option for casual players to continue to enjoy the game without playing the market as I do.

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I am a non-slicer.


I gather via Underworld trading, treasure hunting, salvaging, and craft with Cybertech (which everyone seems to think is terrible.)


I make money that is impossible to make with slicing, because (pre-nerf) I was actually selling the things I make and only making things that sell. I sell excess materials, but i do not flood the market with hundreds of them at a time. For odd items, I create them only on special requests and the person pays no money but foots the "research" bill.


I hate the slicing nerf. Every day I make less and less money because there is less cash coming in for other players to buy my stuff.


I like being the guy who has his spaceship mods in three quarters of the ships in the server. I like my guildies not asking for loans. I like new players not complaining that everything is too expensive. I like having actual competition on the market. I like it when I ask someone how they're doing to not get back a response of "grinding to pay for the last two level's skills. haven't trained since 30."


The slicing nerf has removed all of this for me.


Let's play a game. It's called: What's wrong with this post. (I'll give you a hint, It's in the first sentence).

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Let's play a game. It's called: What's wrong with this post. (I'll give you a hint, It's in the first sentence).


Shhh.. you're ruining the tone bro.


Since they're arguing against known economic forces and how they react they have to fudge a few meaningless things. :)


but while we're playing the lets point out errors game:


Assertion that his crafting makes more money than slicing pre-nerf. Yet his income is based upon slicers buying his stuff. Not other crafters (who make more than slicers he says).. but slicer buyers.


That and, once again, the fact that one can slice AND craft is swept under the rug.

Edited by OdonKnight
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you are correct good sir - BUT to properly study a market to make tweaks, especially for game balance - one must remove the printing press which will skew your results - plus attract gold farmers!


Is slicing fixed? No.


Is it where it needs to be? No.


but BW HAD to get rid of gold farmable printing press of press button make money.




Absolute, in an open market this would make sense.


However due to limitations both aritificial and tangible in an MMO the rules don't quite apply and things can be treated on a much more fundamental level.


The concept that slicing was a "free money printing press" is a misnomer and in itself a logical fallacy.


You are correct in asserting that having a hard cap on how much slicing can make doesn't take into consideration that those people also have other professions.




Until the market was allowed to mature it is impossible to determine what combination of professions would yield the highest return on investment.


Not only that but you have to take the fact that the slicing cap has all companions operating all the time which leaves no spare time to run those other professions. Granted you can gather ~2-3M as stated if you use a combination of slicing and manual farming however to hit the cap all companions must deployed on slicing missions all the time.



Whether or not the nerf was justified in a fully matured economy we will never know. What we do know now is that the current economy has taken a huge hit in terms of volume of sales and that there has been no player observable deflation of products.


I'll try and clean up my GTN spreadsheet a bit before I open source it but what I have noticed in the last week is a small/moderate increase of almost all items across the board with significant increase in mission skills (22-50% in some cases) while a noticeable decline in the price of slicing missions.


I also suspect that there were a lot of people that were using slicing to fund their other professions which is also causing the sharp incline in price. This coupled with the fact that more players are reaching level cap and some products are actually seeing an increase in demand.


This may be different on other servers.

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The fact that you are asking people to PROVE you wrong, plus the fact that you are vehemently arguing a point with an insult or more per post is all the evidence I need.
Of what?


Slicing was bad NERF FTWLOLZ.

"no it was not, it was beneficial and may have needed a boost at high levels, and here is why: [WALL OF TEXT]"


"Show me why anything I have just said is wrong."



Yeah... There's some proof in there, all right.


BW has all the figures behind the scenes.. they did it.. I believe they had a darned good reason. But you're right until we prove you wrong (the last gasp of the desperate)
No, I've explained what has happened, what's happening, and why.


Your only response seems to be "no ur rong" which is actually you claiming to be right and refusing to address why i have said you are wrong.


Again, there's definitely some desperation in there.


Flinging of insults --> generally can be seen as a emotional reaction.
i don't recall insulting you. Care to quote me?


From someone whose characters have millions of dollars and are not harmed directly by any slicing nerf.
Actually I just told and illustrated one of several ways I have been directly effected by the slicing nerf. Please take a moment to read. :)


(Because you claim crafters make so much money they're your primary buyers right?)
No. Crafters can make money and if the economy is ever allowed to mature they likely will be a part of my buyers, but slicers have "disposable income." gatherers also have large amounts of disposable income gathered from crafters and (formerly) slicers. Slicers have some income, and were one of several sources of raw cash needed to have a functioning cash based economy, but now they are not.


Most people who craft are slow to pick up on things. They have not realized that the cries of "TAKE MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO PAY ME MONEY" directly effects them.


They do not realize that "spend more money than you make to learn unprofitable patterns" will not result in profit. they do not underastand that destroying large amounts of product on a slim chance to get another pattern instead of making saleable products and selling them will not make them profit.


They seem to think that just taking up crafting should entitle them to have large sums of money thrown at them when they refuse to actually put any crafted items up for sale.


So no, crafters are not my biggest customer base right now.


I don't need to prove anything - what you say and how you say it is enough.
Well, you haven't shown yourself to be correct either, or even give an explanation that is not immediately refutable as to why you could possibly be correct.



if you have anything, let me know.

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You are wrong because of irrelevant observations I made about your posting habits that have nothing to do with the content of your posts. Relevant rebuttals also exist which completely disprove your assertions, but I am not disclosing any of them.




Yes, that is quite the compelling argument. Nobody will ever suspect that you aren't capable of refuting what he is saying.

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What we do know now is that the current economy has taken a huge hit in terms of volume of sales and that there has been no player observable deflation of products.


I'll try and clean up my GTN spreadsheet a bit before I open source it but what I have noticed in the last week is a small/moderate increase of almost all items across the board with significant increase in mission skills (22-50% in some cases) while a noticeable decline in the price of slicing missions.


I also suspect that there were a lot of people that were using slicing to fund their other professions which is also causing the sharp incline in price. This coupled with the fact that more players are reaching level cap and some products are actually seeing an increase in demand.


This may be different on other servers.

No, that's very much what's happening across the board.
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Absolute, in an open market this would make sense.


However due to limitations both aritificial and tangible in an MMO the rules don't quite apply and things can be treated on a much more fundamental level.


The concept that slicing was a "free money printing press" is a misnomer and in itself a logical fallacy.


You are correct in asserting that having a hard cap on how much slicing can make doesn't take into consideration that those people also have other professions.




Until the market was allowed to mature it is impossible to determine what combination of professions would yield the highest return on investment.


Not only that but you have to take the fact that the slicing cap has all companions operating all the time which leaves no spare time to run those other professions. Granted you can gather ~2-3M as stated if you use a combination of slicing and manual farming however to hit the cap all companions must deployed on slicing missions all the time.



Whether or not the nerf was justified in a fully matured economy we will never know. What we do know now is that the current economy has taken a huge hit in terms of volume of sales and that there has been no player observable deflation of products.


I'll try and clean up my GTN spreadsheet a bit before I open source it but what I have noticed in the last week is a small/moderate increase of almost all items across the board with significant increase in mission skills (22-50% in some cases) while a noticeable decline in the price of slicing missions.


I also suspect that there were a lot of people that were using slicing to fund their other professions which is also causing the sharp incline in price. This coupled with the fact that more players are reaching level cap and some products are actually seeing an increase in demand.


This may be different on other servers.


Once again good sir I disagree, in part. I agree that the economy is not matured. I agree that in a fully matured one any tweaks would be more heavily researched, planned, and foreseeable.


I disagree because of what I stated vis-a-vis gold farmers and sellers. Nerf had to happen.


Also, "The concept that slicing was a "free money printing press" is a misnomer and in itself a logical fallacy. "

Clicking a button and getting more back is printing money. no effort - no risk - click button make money.

Spending money for mats (either AH or button for gathering mission), then more mats, then making something and selling it - might bring a profit - but is time intensive.. and not a guarantee on profit.

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Prices will inflate no matter what, people are greedy buggers.


At least slicing would of kept credit sellers at bay, not now. Grats.


Stop comparing IRL econmics to a game. Bloody hell.

The funny thing is, slicing would have acted as a regulated minimum wage to actually prevent late game inflation.


I guess this nerf was a good thing after all: I needed more irony in my diet.

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Once again good sir I disagree, in part. I agree that the economy is not matured. I agree that in a fully matured one any tweaks would be more heavily researched, planned, and foreseeable.


I disagree because of what I stated vis-a-vis gold farmers and sellers. Nerf had to happen.


Also, "The concept that slicing was a "free money printing press" is a misnomer and in itself a logical fallacy. "

Clicking a button and getting more back is printing money. no effort - no risk - click button make money.

Spending money for mats (either AH or button for gathering mission), then more mats, then making something and selling it - might bring a profit - but is time intensive.. and not a guarantee on profit.


Fair enough, however as you concede the point about market maturation then I would like to present the point that in a Mature market the opportunity cost would have dictated whether or not slicing was a "free money" button.


The largest complaint seems to be tied into the fact that someone at lvl 20 had access to this resource (which i don't agree with, bw dropped the ball here, but that isn't the point). At level 20 slicing has the perception of exactly this, "free money". Why would you spent 30 minute questing to pay for skills and a mount when you can just send out your companions?


What we don't know is whether or not this same perception would have existed if it had been allowed to continue as it was.

Edited by Belkiratwo
incomplete thought
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Of what?


Slicing was bad NERF FTWLOLZ.

"no it was not, it was beneficial and may have needed a boost at high levels, and here is why: [WALL OF TEXT]"


"Show me why anything I have just said is wrong."



Yeah... There's some proof in there, all right.


No, I've explained what has happened, what's happening, and why.


Your only response seems to be "no ur rong" which is actually you claiming to be right and refusing to address why i have said you are wrong.


Again, there's definitely some desperation in there.


i don't recall insulting you. Care to quote me?


Actually I just told and illustrated one of several ways I have been directly effected by the slicing nerf. Please take a moment to read. :)


No. Crafters can make money and if the economy is ever allowed to mature they likely will be a part of my buyers, but slicers have "disposable income." gatherers also have large amounts of disposable income gathered from crafters and (formerly) slicers. Slicers have some income, and were one of several sources of raw cash needed to have a functioning cash based economy, but now they are not.


Most people who craft are slow to pick up on things. They have not realized that the cries of "TAKE MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO PAY ME MONEY" directly effects them.


They do not realize that "spend more money than you make to learn unprofitable patterns" will not result in profit. they do not underastand that destroying large amounts of product on a slim chance to get another pattern instead of making saleable products and selling them will not make them profit.


They seem to think that just taking up crafting should entitle them to have large sums of money thrown at them when they refuse to actually put any crafted items up for sale.


So no, crafters are not my biggest customer base right now.


Well, you haven't shown yourself to be correct either, or even give an explanation that is not immediately refutable as to why you could possibly be correct.



if you have anything, let me know.


I love how you ignore arguments made, create one from whole cloth and tailor to fit your rebuttals.

Arguments you have made, "


If you think they made the best money, or even had a GOOD way to make money, you're mistaken. I'm trying very hard not to write you off as someone who has no idea how this game actually works, but you're making that difficult.


Despite selling half of what I was pre-nerf, I'm still pulling in about 200k a day in profits from gathering and CRAFTING skills. I do this with about 5 hours worth of play, and it's really not even that strenuous. i'm doing part of it right now, actually.


It involves zero slicing.


Except that credits aren't money.


Jack, Jim and Jill are slicers. They can make 12,000 credits an hour each. That is all they can make and they will never make more. Ever. Because slcing does not increase past its cap no matter what.


Jerry is a crafter. He can make



So, so far, you've argued that slicing was the economic engine powering other things. Yet, at the same time, slicing doesn't make as much money as a non-slicer crafter. (NOTE - you're ignoring slicers can craft too.)


first insult - against bluejayoo stating hes a liar - no supporting evidence - just you dont like what he said. Then you claim credits aren't money. Not repeating rebuttals destroying this.


2nd insult - you didn't like what msbungle said so you stated, "Do you actually read anything or just post?"


then you went off on a rant on max money a slicer could make versus a crafter selling items. {please see crafter vs. slider avoidance topic just mentioned}


Then you make the premise that gold farmers/bots would find it easier to program their toons to traverse narrow corridors and engage in battles versus finding a way to automate the slicing process. YOUR figure of 5million plus a day is NOT temptation for a gold seller to bot? REALLY?!??!?!??!


3rd insult, "If you haven't learned how to tell the difference between a standard economy and this one, then if you did go to school, go on back and demand a refund. You learned nothing." This again to someone whose conclusions differ from yours.


Once again you retreat to crafter versus slicer argument. Then you state that although your crafter makes more money than slicers your customers are all slicers.


4th insult: "Aww... I'm sorry, son. I didn't realize I was typing for the reading impaired.

Lemme try this again in big letters:"


This at the same time you <AGAIN> argue money making capabilities of a slicer versus a crafter. repeat after me.. slicers can craft too bro.


Then you argue that it would not be strong/negative effects for an economy for everyone in America to have a machine that makes money so everyone has over a million dollars. Really Bro?!?!? Really?


5th: "Slicing was bad NERF FTWLOLZ.

"no it was not, it was beneficial and may have needed a boost at high levels, and here is why: [WALL OF TEXT]"


"Show me why anything I have just said is wrong."



My premise is this and you avoid taking it on: (see above as well as NO UR RONG AND STIPUD)


Slicing had to be nerfed.


1. It enables low level chars to race through slicing and have exceedingly high amounts of money as compared to non-slicers of the same level. Cost of players sold goods climbs as well as diluting the difficulty of getting mounts/etc.


2. As the slicer is also a crafter the slicer can buy all the goods they want and make their crafted items and destroy non-slicers from penetrating the market. (as rare items for better than green designs are expensive)


3. The biggie - Having the ability to click a few buttons for a relatively low level character to send off companions that results in a profit is an open invitation to massive gold farmers/bot farming for credits which will then make economic problems of increased cash availability worse. The more money there is of a currency the less it is worth.


BW absolutely has to remove the ability to click a few buttons and print money. They just had to. Are further tweaks necessary - absolutely. The virtual economy is still just getting started.


Printing/creating money devalues that money - making prices go up. The more printing - the more the inflation. Inflation will happen - but is compounded by printing money plus will be made worse the more people figure out how to bot farm credits and pre-nerf slicing was fertile ground - click one button and wait.

Edited by OdonKnight
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Let's build a hypothetical situation.


Say your Underworld Trading material costs on average 10 minutes and 1000 credits to obtain 1 material. This material can be sold to a vendor at 100 credits each. For you to want to put it on the AH, you'd want to fetch more than your sunk cost, which is 10 minutes and 1000 credits.


But how do potential buyers save 1000c? They need to invest their own labor and time. Without slicing, a direct money generator from labor, selling trash items and quest rewards to vendors is the main way of getting money. If it takes someone 1 hour to gather 1000 credits to pay for your 10 minute + 1000 credit sunk cost... It wont be worth it for him.


Buyers will find its HARDER to make money to pay for your stupidly high sunk cost. Thus, they'll be uninterested in buying and force the equilibrium price LOWER than your minimum cost to produce. This HAPPENS in the real world. THIS IS WHERE A COMPANY SHUTS DOWN AND DOESNT PRODUCE SQUAT AND THE PRODUCT FALLS OFF THE MARKET. The equilibrium price a product fetches is lower than the cost. Selling goods to a vendor still results in a massive loss, meaning it wouldn't have been worth it to even find the material to begin with.


Now, hyper inflation WILL occur with slicing. Possibly to the point of devaluing money until another form of currency materializes (read: Diablo's SOJ) However, with slicing, an equilibrium will be reached above the base cost value, and will continue to increase. So the material that costed 10 minutes and 1000c today will sell for 3000c. Next week, it might be 4000c. But now, people will continue to sell materials/items on the AH, because there is a profit to be made, compared to selling to a vendor, or conversely, doing nothing at all.


But wait you say! Why wont everyone just jump to slicing? Because the more slicers there are, the faster hyper inflation rises, and the less supply there is for materials, meaning you'll make MORE money every 10 minutes farming materials and selling to slicers rather than being a slicer for 10 minutes. Market will reach an equilibrium where the number of slicers will balance out with non-slicers. People will jump professions to where they think they can get the most money for their time. But this will only work if people PAY to keep a market moving. And thats what Slicers do.


So good job BW. You traded a hyper-inflating, but balanced market for a stagnant one. I hope you find yourself out of work the moment they stop printing bills.

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I don't want to burst your bubble but slicing doesn't make money anymore. In fact it makes you lose approximately 500 credits a mission. And if you are "LUCKY" you lose entire sum. Slicing was made for non-crafters so they could play the game and earn money now slicing is ruined. Even if you go looking for the lockboxes it is still not what it meant to be.


I keep seeing this comment, but I've never actually figured out where a developer actually stated that.

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No, slicers put money into the economy by printing money. The other gathering skills destroy money. The rest is just money moving about.


Slicing as it was would create rampant inflation, where you'd eventually have to be a slicer, or a crafter selling to slicers, to be able to afford anything worthwhile that could be traded.


Personally I'd like slicing credit missions to be replaced by some other sort of mission, so that skills are on a level playing field, and then the economy balanced around that.



No, slicers put money into the economy by printing money.


Opposed to the "real" internet credits you mean that come from "real" mobs?


The other gathering skills destroy money. The rest is just money moving about.


So that's like.. I dunno.. a working economy?


Slicing as it was would create rampant inflation, where you'd eventually have to be a slicer, or a crafter selling to slicers, to be able to afford anything worthwhile that could be traded.


Again, so a proper working (INTERNET) economy with certain areas generating and other area's costing money. "Huge inflation?" What inflated hugely and with which numbers did it previously work well? It didn't, so there's nothing to inflate.


"You have to be a slicer, or somehow sell something to get the money from slicers"

Opposed to, "you have to grind, or somehow sell something to get money from grinders"? Except that when the people with money actually got it by "working hard".. they won't need your crap as they found something better while doing so.


Personally I'd like slicing credit missions to be replaced by some other sort of mission, so that skills are on a level playing field, and then the economy balanced around that.

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People greatly exaggerated how much money you made with slicing. The only reason slicers had so much money is because slicing would typically take the place of a mission skill. Therefore, you were not only making a few credits, but you also weren't spending a ton sending your companions out on missions. This made bank rolls looks large for slicers, because it was early game, and there wasn't much to buy on the AH. People are just to simple minded to look at the bigger picture. It's like someone sitting on 500K cash and another on only 100K but with a 500K house, and thinking that person has less then the one with the most cash.
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I haven't read through the entire thread but this is what I've seen:


I'm losing constatly between 300 to 100 credits, even on Abundant/Rich about 50% of the time.


Since the patch I stopped buying stuff from other people, so enjoy your crafted stuff, I know I'll enjoy the credits I have left.



Edited by ozirizo
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...The nerf only effects slicers, they don't have an unlimited credit supply and actually have to put effort into their skill.


LOL What? Yes it was so much effort to send 4 companions out and rake in cash while I leveled. I tell you, it was back breaking. ROFLMAO! Dude, don't front. Slicing was good while it lasted. I'm level 32, have a little over a million credits, all my inventory slots, a bike, and 2 bays in my bank. It was a good run while it lasted, lets accept the gains we got and move on...sheesh.

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LOL What? Yes it was so much effort to send 4 companions out and rake in cash while I leveled. I tell you, it was back breaking. ROFLMAO! Dude, don't front. Slicing was good while it lasted. I'm level 32, have a little over a million credits, all my inventory slots, a bike, and 2 bays in my bank. It was a good run while it lasted, lets accept the gains we got and move on...sheesh.




Your reading comprehension is so full of fail that creates multiple disturbances on the force.

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