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New inventory literally hurts the eyes of people


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I have to speak up as another migraine sufferer and say that the new inventory is extremely difficult to deal with, and left me feeling pretty dizzy. I stopped playing before it got too bad, but that is absolutely not something I want to find myself having to do.


I get why they changed the inventory to a taller grid, it's not hard to see why - they wanted it to be connected when you open the character panel, and you couldn't do that with the previous 10x8 grid. I don't like it, but whatever, I could get used to that, that's just about the shape we're accustomed to seeing, and I get the reason.


But the removal of contrast that used to exist by virtue of the texturing that used to exist inside the inventory boxes, and the new perfectly square boxes, are painful. The phantom "circles" I see between the boxes are absolutely migraine-triggering.


And I don't think this is a small issue, because absolutely anyone who plays or works on an MMO knows that players can spend a lot of time on inventory management. That is a huge deal. We have multiple tabs in multiple cargo holds specifically because we knew there was a demand for people to manage enormous inventory. That's not just an occasional thing, that's staple MMO activity.


So I don't think it's right to say that this is just an annoyance we can hand-wave off like we do a quest menu or something. No one spends much time looking at quest menus, just a few seconds and you're done. But we absolutely DO spend HOURS staring at inventory.


I sincerely hope that this can be addressed, for both player inventory and cargo holds. I don't care if you leave the grid as a 8x10, but please, please make it easier to actually look at.


If this is an accessibility thing, please give us a toggle option for one or the other. I know that's probably a much bigger ask than it sounds like. But I think it's genuinely a worthwhile investment of resources.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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New inventory screen LITERALLY HURTS THE EYES OF MANY PEOPLE LOOKING AT IT. Wish my caps were just some internet forum war hyperbole. Nope. Lots of people find the new inventory unpleasant and taxing to their eyes in very real way.


OMG I'm so glad it's not just me! The glaring brightness of all the little squares actually gives me a headache and makes everything seem extremely cluttered and confusing.


Those colors need toned down on the brightness and the empty inventory slots need to be dimmer.

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I'm really sorry. My only goal here was to validate that this is a "real" thing and not just people being overly sensitive. But it is very much the issue for me, because it's something I deal with and it's why I can't personally look at the inventory screen...


edited to add: please don't click the link if you think this is even remotely an issue for you. That's a fair point and I tried to warn, but it wasn't enough. But again, the gaps in the rounded rectangles create a "honeycombing" effect that if you deal with this issue, you will instantly react to and feel quesy from...


I'm sorry, I didn't realize this until you said it. My apologies for being insensitive towards your issue.


So if we summarize, this is the list of very real, very negative physical effects of the new inventory/UI in general:

- migraines/headaches

- dizziness

- phobia episodes

- eye strain


And let's not forget, these don't go away when we close the game! It's something we have to deal with in our real lives, work and raise families while enduring something caused by a trivial matter that could have been avoided


Management issues:

- difficulty determining junk from valuable stuff

- difficulty identifying what this valuable stuff is

- harder to organize


Positive effects caused by the new inventory:

- is new

- someone got paid for hours of work

That's it.

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I had the same issue, a really bad migraine because of the inventory. If the blue boxes weren't glowing so brightly it probably wouldn't be so bad but they end up with this weird phantom visual issue that combined with the brighter glow is just really bad on my eyes.
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Well I just unsubbed and pointed this as a reason for me leaving. I'm pretty sure no one reads the reasons for cancellation, but still.


It's sad to see this, when it could have been avoided. It's sad that someone, or multiple someones didn't deem this important. It's sad that with all the information they had, the decision makers decided to go with it anyways.


You could have not accepted the concepts, you could have asked for an additional revision, or two, you could have burred it and never release it upon us, your loyal player base, who loves you and who loves the game. This just saddens me.

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There is always a bit of "new is bad" that goes away as people get accustomed, but this is genuinely more than that.


How can you tout new "fonts that are easier on the eye" and then greenlight the new inventory that burns blue squares in one's retinas, just HOW?


And how do you greenlight a partial UI revamp that now has a disjointed combination of new and old styles?


The most hilarious thing is that now the character preview in the stats page is now vastly superior to the still default old gear preview window.


I could understand them electing to go a different way style-wise, even if I personally preferred the old style, but what I really won't get the way it was half tooshed. And I mean literally, re-doing only a bit of the UI in the new style and leaving half of it in the old. Why would you do that? So that the glaring defects are even more obvious to everyone?

Edited by aeterno
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Add me to the list as the new inventory definitely hurts my eyes and over time could cause headache. The only other game that hurt my eyes this bad was wildstar and in that game many complained about something being off and affecting vision and headaches and look where they ended up not listening.
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I want to separate the "I don't like these changes" arguments (valid opinions btw) from the "this UI makes me sick" or "makes my head hurt" crowd. Yes, some of the latter is hyperbole. But I definitely want to bring attention to the fact that for some group of people, these changes actually do cause negative symptoms. I shared why that's true for some earlier (won't reshare b/c even the link itself causes some to feel sick). But I think it's really important that someone on the dev team take a look at some point. Specifically talking about the new inventory UI for now, and only that. And before someone says "can't please everyone," I want to point out that most modern UI approaches intentionally don't do UI the way the new inventory UI is done, for these exact reasons. PM me if you want to understand more...
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Hope they fix this, give an option in preferences or tone down the blue or add some background color… Anything at all at this point. Very hard for me to look at my inventory for more than a minute or so now :(


Only the Inventory and all the horrid bright blue squares is causing issues :/

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I want to separate the "I don't like these changes" arguments (valid opinions btw) from the "this UI makes me sick" or "makes my head hurt" crowd. Yes, some of the latter is hyperbole. But I definitely want to bring attention to the fact that for some group of people, these changes actually do cause negative symptoms. I shared why that's true for some earlier (won't reshare b/c even the link itself causes some to feel sick). But I think it's really important that someone on the dev team take a look at some point. Specifically talking about the new inventory UI for now, and only that. And before someone says "can't please everyone," I want to point out that most modern UI approaches intentionally don't do UI the way the new inventory UI is done, for these exact reasons. PM me if you want to understand more...


Yeah this is not about likes or dislikes, or opinions. I appreciate you addressing this issue so directly.

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I can tolerate the other changes in this patch but the inventory UI legitimately does give me a headache (which for me brings some nausea as well). I tried working with storage last night and had to stop, it was just making me feel terrible physically. I'll have to wait to see if they'll create a way to toggle this off or perhaps remove it completely, but I know unless they do my playing days are over soon, as a f2p or sub.

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I can tolerate the other changes in this patch, but the inventory UI legitimately does give me a headache (which for me brings some nausea as well). I tried working with storage last night and had to stop, it was just making me feel terrible physically. I'll have to wait to see if they'll create a way to toggle this off or perhaps remove it completely, but I know unless they do my playing days are over soon, as a f2p or sub.


In the same boat as you, this is fairly awful ATM :(

Edited by Sethrah
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I want to separate the "I don't like these changes" arguments (valid opinions btw) from the "this UI makes me sick" or "makes my head hurt" crowd. Yes, some of the latter is hyperbole. But I definitely want to bring attention to the fact that for some group of people, these changes actually do cause negative symptoms. I shared why that's true for some earlier (won't reshare b/c even the link itself causes some to feel sick). But I think it's really important that someone on the dev team take a look at some point. Specifically talking about the new inventory UI for now, and only that. And before someone says "can't please everyone," I want to point out that most modern UI approaches intentionally don't do UI the way the new inventory UI is done, for these exact reasons. PM me if you want to understand more...


Exactly as Joon says. It’s actually doing physical harm to some people if they try and play with this UI. It’s not about if you like the modern look or the old look at this point. It’s that the colors, font and highlights are causing eye strain, headaches and migraines that are physically doing harm for some players.


And Bioware’s continued silence on this aspect alone is glaring. They’ve made no apologies, no post to say we will fix it or that they are even considering fixing it. Bioware are AFK as usual when there is a major problem.

Edited by Totemdancer
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add me to the "the new inventory ui is literally giving me a headache" group. finally looked at it for more than a minute to organize and sort my new gear, and this new ui is making that literally a painful experience for me. i wish i could say that i can't believe that this got past testing, but sadly that's not true. Most of the ui changes i'm not a huge fan of, but could live with, but this makes it difficult to engage with the game in a non-superficial manner.
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Yeah, seriously, please give us some control over the brightness of the new interface. The inventory is probably the worst, but the character creation screens are also really high contrast. Perhaps tone it down a smidge?


My biggest issue with the character creator was the inability to zoom out and see the whole character. The dark background was not that bad.


But the new UI does give me a real headache if I have to keep inventory open for extended periods.


So far there haven't been anything in this expa... eh... "reduction" that I like...

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