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Maintenance: February 15, 2022


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Why is this not the message you see when you attempt a log in? Your new customers are not used to this treatment. might be a good idea to you know inform them... They still think you will be up any minute, because that's what it says when u try to log in.


What are these "new" customers?


October 2021 5,771.9 -693.3 -10.72% 9,783

September 2021 6,465.3 -898.4 -12.20% 10,986

August 2021 7,363.6 +1,082.5 +17.23% 12,525

July 2021 6,281.1 +1,210.7 +23.88% 10,388

June 2021 5,070.4 -801.6 -13.65% 8,996

May 2021 5,872.1 +932.0 +18.87% 10,021

April 2021 4,940.0 -528.1 -9.66% 8,465

March 2021 5,468.1 -1,259.8 -18.72% 9,667

February 2021 6,727.9 -1,078.7 -13.82% 12,236

January 2021 7,806.6 +1,740.3 +28.69% 13,143

December 2020 6,066.3 -308.7 -4.84% 10,745

November 2020 6,375.0 +164.9 +2.65% 10,369

October 2020 6,210.1 -1,331.2 -17.65% 10,331

September 2020 7,541.3 -2,980.1 -28.32% 11,800

August 2020 10,521.4 -7,928.3 -42.97% 21,283

July 2020 18,449.7 - - 27,416




I don't know wht happened between July and August 2020, but dayamn.

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The gaming industry must be the only industry where Devs can consistently under-deliver yet keep their jobs. I know in my line of work (banking/finance) they'd be out on their ear if releases were this shoddy all the time.


But then again, it's only gamers, they won't care. They've already got our money!


Imagine if this game got it's yearly budget based on a meeting between the Head Developer and all the subscribers. They'd be running on a shoe string! (I think they already are to be honest!)

Edited by Catalan
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no ETA on servers? if my boss gave me a task and then asked how long it would take to finish and i told him "no ETA on that," he'd fire me.


Actually, even in the event of a catastrophic failure (physical damage to infrastructure, malicious code, license running out (it happens), other event causing a failure in services to downrange customers, we always had a timeline. Our initial response is, "We think it's X, and the soldiers are working on it". (Granted we had redundancy, but some areas had SPOF (Single Point of Failure), and thus contingency plans were enacted.


You are correct however, in that if I responded with, "We don't know what it is or how long", or worse - radio silent (Not answering emails or phone calls), well, that's not how we do business.

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So when the game was supposed to release a couple of months ago, they stated they needed more time to work everything out and that for sure the game would release today as scheduled. Now here we are and there's no expected time when this maintenance will end. So basically, the game will not be released today as promised.
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no ETA on servers? if my boss gave me a task and then asked how long it would take to finish and i told him "no ETA on that," he'd fire me.


They should look Star Trek


Cap't Kirk: How long will it take to repair the warp drive?

Scottie: uhm, 6 hours Cäpt'n

Captn Kirk: Scottie you have 4 hours,

Scottie, ok, we will do it in three, james.

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Hey everyone,


We will be taking the servers offline on February 15, 2022 to deploy Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith.



DATE: February 15, 2022

TIME: 6:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT (12:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC)



Patch notes will be available on Monday, here: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!


Guess what it's 1:00 PM CST

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Guess what it's 1:00 PM CST


Guess what...


Hello everyone,


Today’s server maintenance has been extended with no ETA. We will be updating social channels and the forums once we have an update, so please keep an eye on Twitter or on the dev tracker. Thank you for your patience.

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Well they are late, they owe us money!!! as of 33 min late they owe us 1 us cent they better pay up.

Amout due me $.01:mad:


lol for me it's not that big a deal, i just want them to inform the new ppl before they get all mad, put it in the login msg. with the changes they are making we gonna want them to wanna stay. It'd help if the devs did less things to annoy like giving them a maintenance timeline that's already passed making em hunt for info, just be upfront.

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Server status says servers are up?




Maybe "up" but LOCKED for public ? ( i haven't tried logging in yet myself)


In the meantime, i go watch the new *trailer* again: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1001273 ( it's actually very well done , imo )


****edit UPDATE:

Hello again,


Servers are now online! Thank you for your patience.


Edited by Nee-Elder
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