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The Unofficial TOR and Boot Camp Discussion Thread


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Hello all


I'm looking to get a MBA 13" i7 and was wondering if anyone has had success playing ToR on a MBA 2011? If so, what kind of performance are you getting?


Any info on this would be appreciated.



Thanks in advance, Cas

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damn, so even if I upgrade to the 6GB and a 64bit Windows 7, I'm still not guaranteed to run the game smoothly? Would I be better off just getting a new computer?


I refuse to go PC, I've had too many problems with them over the years so I'd probably just get an up to date mac....


What costs memory now a days?


I upgraded my MBP 6.2 to 8GB for like 45 euro's. Took Kingston memory to be sure, I could have done it cheaper for 32 even.


Btw FPS and Freezes/stalls/stutters are two different things.

More memory wont help you with your FPS directly, but it could prevent stuttering. Only way to know is to check your resource monitor to see how much the game uses, if you see loads of disk activity (i.e. pagefile.sys)


You know the drill :)

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i have downloaded the ati tray tools and was someone could help me with the settings i need to change.


thank you


also when i change the settings and click bench everything on the screen goes big and it says



No support for GLSL found! Please update your drivers. Benchmark can not be executed.


Does this mean i havnt got the updated drivers for my machine?

Ialways thought i did becuase i made a bootcamp disk for drivers and when i installed them i have gone to the ati website and after downloading a program that will check if i have the latest updates it says everything is up to date.


I am really confused

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A quick update. I was able to create a partition on my iMac, but unfortunately it looks like the firmware to support the 64-bit version is not readily available (and/or I can't find it so far). Any suggestions?


The error I am getting is the that when I go to install Windows 7 it asks me for my CD boot type (either 1 or 2) and I can't select either of them as my keyboard etc. does not work.


Thanks, Scott

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just incase people don't already know my computer is


mid 2011 iMac (smallest screen)

2.5ghz intel core i5

4gb 1333 mhz ddr3

AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB


i forgot to post it again in the post above


ATI try tools may not work with the Apple drivers, I'm not sure. But it looks like it's basically fine tuning the Catalyst settings, which I imagine would require a Catalyst driver. You could check out their forums on Guru3D for more info.


After playing around a bit, ultimately I haven't changed much using the tool. But there seems to be some power tweaks/management going on just with the default settings. The method to turn reflections up is under Tweaks - Standard Tweaks - Force Mipmap filter.


Warning: this is a powerful tool. You could potentially harm your GPU if you don't know what you're doing. Please understand this if you decide to use it.

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Iam runing the following:


2011 Macbook Pro w/ Windows 7 32-bit


2.2 ghz Intel Core i7 w/sandybridge

4 gigs DDR Ram

Radeon HD 6750 - 1 gig GDDR5

750 gig HD


My issue is no matter the graphical setting i get 60+ fps, however I get graphical "stuttering" or "quick freezes" that last only a sec. Iam trying to

figure out how to get passed this stutter issue. I have tried everything

I have loaded the 12.1 preview drivers and still same issue, tweaked all

my settings both on the catalyst menu and in game. Still get the stuttering

every so often. Can anyone lend some insight to this ?


I don't think that issue is related to your GPU or FPS. With Win7 32-bit, Boot Camp may only be accessing just over 2 GB of RAM. This is just a guess, but I'd say it could be related to either a memory or intenet connection issue.

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Hello all


I'm looking to get a MBA 13" i7 and was wondering if anyone has had success playing ToR on a MBA 2011? If so, what kind of performance are you getting?


Any info on this would be appreciated.



Thanks in advance, Cas


You should be able to play on the lowest settings, the MBA only has an integrated gpu, not an actual graphics card. Also keep in mind it's recommended to set aside around 100GB (ideally) for a Windows partition plus TOR, which means you would want the 256 GB SSD (if you plan on running OS X as well).

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A quick update. I was able to create a partition on my iMac, but unfortunately it looks like the firmware to support the 64-bit version is not readily available (and/or I can't find it so far). Any suggestions?


The error I am getting is the that when I go to install Windows 7 it asks me for my CD boot type (either 1 or 2) and I can't select either of them as my keyboard etc. does not work.


Thanks, Scott


Check out the Boot Camp section on Macrumors, I'm betting someone knows a fix for this. I'll post if I find anything.

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i am confused. so do i have the latest drivers for my graphics card?


i got them from making a disk via bootcamp yesterday. If not i really don't know how to get them as the only thing i know to do is go to ati site and got a program from there to see if my drivers needed updating and they said no.



also the graphics on my guys armour looks terrible with all settings on high




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Check out the Boot Camp section on Macrumors, I'm betting someone knows a fix for this. I'll post if I find anything.


Yeah, I have been checking there and on Apple discussions and there seems to be a rather complicated way to get around this issue (I think). It involves downloading some files and then copying the Window 7 disc and then creating a new install disc. What I am unclear about is if I switched and installed a 32-bit version it I would experience the same issue? I hate to buy ANOTHER copy of Windows 7, given the expense and uncertainty around what my game experience will be once I am able to actually load the game.


Thanks agian for all your help daemian!!



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i am confused. so do i have the latest drivers for my graphics card?


As was mentioned earlier, AMD's app is detecting that you have the latest 'official' driver for your card, which is the Apple (Boot Camp) version. The latest Catalyst driver package for standard (non-Apple) ATI cards may or may not work with it. Looking back in the thread I'm pretty sure you've already tried this, but I could be wrong.


The texture issue is being hotly discussed on the first page of General Discussion, as you probably know.


Yeah, I have been checking there and on Apple discussions and there seems to be a rather complicated way to get around this issue (I think). It involves downloading some files and then copying the Window 7 disc and then creating a new install disc. What I am unclear about is if I switched and installed a 32-bit version it I would experience the same issue? I hate to buy ANOTHER copy of Windows 7, given the expense and uncertainty around what my game experience will be once I am able to actually load the game.


Thanks agian for all your help daemian!!




Yeah, I think the issue you're having is directly related to the 64-bit OS, and wouldn't happen with 32-bit. But at this point if you've already tried installing it you might as well try the workaround rather than buying 32-bit as well.

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Thanks D!! Given the way this process is going, and say I am able to install Windows 7 - what is the next issue(s) I am likely to face? Just curious what I should start researching... meaning do I need to look around for specific drivers or other bits of software? Or should the game load once I have Windows and I should be able to play straight away?


Thanks, Scott

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I'm sure that it hasn't always looked this bad though. Seems to be a lot worse now.

Here is another pic from the character screen where I'm sure it used to look better





It's not just armor either. The walls floors character models enemies and transport look fine but stuff like tables chairs mod benches and computers look so bad.


Maybe I just didn't realise how bad it was untill now but I'm sure it was better

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Thanks D!! Given the way this process is going, and say I am able to install Windows 7 - what is the next issue(s) I am likely to face? Just curious what I should start researching... meaning do I need to look around for specific drivers or other bits of software? Or should the game load once I have Windows and I should be able to play straight away?


Thanks, Scott


The first thing is making sure your Windows is fully up to date, service packs etc.

After that you'll have to start getting your drivers set up. I would start with the Boot Camp drivers, make sure everything's working (sound etc.) then get the game installed and make sure it works. Then you can worry about tweaking to get better performance.


There's a good thread in General Discussion about optimizing Windows 7 by turning off non essential services. Pretty good guide especially since you're likely only using it for TOR.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! D you have been a huge help. I am currently finally loading up the game and crossing my fingers I can actually get it to work!! I was able to "borrow" a 32-bit version just to see if I could make it all work and what kind of performance I would get once I did. If all goes well, I will work this weekend to get the 64-bit version installed.


Thanks again and hopefully I will see you in game soon.



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deleted windows from my mac, made another (more large) partition with bootcamp and installed windows 7 64-bit.

I had some trouble with my graphic card drivers and I don't think they're really updated.

Anyway, since now I can use all my 8GBs of ram, the game seems to run a little better.

In some areas I still get massive fps drops (like in the republic fleet) but otherwise it's a little more playable.

I also noticed less frame drops inside the cantina in the old market in Coruscant.


Still, I fear that Warzones (except Alderaan) and Flashpoints will be a pain.

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I have tried every trick in the book to get half way playable fps ... currently with everything in game down low or off, maxed performance, a few tweaks of the ini file and lowered res I get anywhere from 15 - 70 fps which is better than I started with. Maybe my expectation of my machine is to high but I figured a 2010 (late) macbook pro i7 with 8gb of ram and a 330m 512mb would be able to at least run the game properly albeit with most things turned to low.


Anyone else with this type of machine having similar problems? I have read a lot of posts on the subject and it seems really variable with lower spec machines running perfectly to higher spec machines doing 10 fps which seems a bit off so I am hopeful there may be some more fixes coming or something.


The frame rate is so up and down its really kills my enjoyment of the game alas, I'll keep trying till my sub runs out on the 20th but if I can't get a decent sustained fps I won't be bothering to renew which is a shame as I really am enjoying the game!


If anyone has any more tips, tricks or ideas to share please do post them as I am willing to try everything short of any overclock :D





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I was able to log into the game for the first time last night, which was great. Unfortunately I can now see how the game performs on my machine and it is not very good. The sounds and graphics don't seem to mesh, lips moving out of synch with dialog and the characters seem to have very rough edges to them. The cut screens and loading screens look great though...


It was late by the time I was able to log in, given the patches etc. so I am hoping to be able to mess around with the setting more to gauge how much impact I can have by adjusting the settings. One quick question I have - where can I check to see the FPS I am getting in game? I tried looking briefly through the game settings and didn't see it anywhere.


Thanks as always,


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Thanks - I will try it asap.


I am left to wonder what, if anything, I can do to improve my performance?? Is my experience A-typical? Is it a function of my graphics card? RAM? 32-bit versus 64-bit? Too hard to really be able to tell. I understand I will need to read up and play with it - but I sure hope there is better experiences to be had.



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I am running TOR through Bootcamp on a mac. I have a Macbook Pro 15 inch, made in mid 2009.

I have 4GB of RAM, and my processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.53 GHz. I have an nVidia GeForce 9400M video card.

Yet the game still lags like crazy and I don't know why. All of my in game settings are on the lowest they can go. I saw somewhere that someone was using a macbook pro from 2008 and their game was running just fine. So I don't understand why mine isn't. If anyone has any suggestions or knows what I can do to fix this, I would be so grateful. Thank you!

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