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Please Give Us Glam and 'Pretty'


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Ms. Ko, please help us out. We desperately need more glam and 'pretty' items in this game. I'm talking about, Armors, Weapons, Decos, Companion Customizations, Cosmetics, Dyes, Jewlery, etc... Please note I am not necessarily talking about feminine pretty. After all, Din Djarin has very pretty, shiny beskar armor. Why can't we have Polished Metallic dyes? I am so sick of dinged, scuffed dirty armor textures. Why not gloss finishes on some dyes.


Also, after five years I'm still utterly bewildered at the homogenous styles in the game. I do get budget and time constraints, but a little effort would be so appreciated to spice things up a bit. For example, how about a little flare of all the player species aesthetics in armors and weapons? You have 1 major Twi'lek armor. But what about more Miraluka masks, Cathar guns, Chiss stuff? etc..


Also, the "pretty" Deco packs, Onderon, Luxury, Alderaan, Resort, Zakuul, Voss, Are major bummers. Not enough furniture, not enough variety of colors, and the worst part is there is so much stuff already in the game completely inaccessible to us! Why? I've got a whole thread of screenshots here... https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=947351


I think I'll start taking more. ;)


Just, please tell the design team that things need a bit of spicing up.

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Pretty sure whichever dev looks after dye combinations is colour-blind. So many truly horrible combinations. Most of the ones I get are immediately destroyed or vendor-trashed (if able to be sold) as they are utterly ghastly colours.



Frankly they'd get more attention if they let people mix/match their own dyes....within reason.

Say make it a CM option where you buy a "kit" and combine your wanted dye colors...etc.


May actually bomb the inflation crap on popular colors...a good thing.


My suggestion needs refinement - but the point is strong me thinks.

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Frankly they'd get more attention if they let people mix/match their own dyes....within reason.

Say make it a CM option where you buy a "kit" and combine your wanted dye colors...etc.


May actually bomb the inflation crap on popular colors...a good thing.


My suggestion needs refinement - but the point is strong me thinks.




I'd support this whole-heartedly.

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It's not just dyes though (there are some VERY PRETTY ones for Galactic Seasons 2) I'm so done with the dinged-up armor plates. It makes PC look like they don't take care of their equipment which is stupid, and realistically not feasible in reality. What does our man Boba do the day he gets his armor back? He cleans, repairs, and polishes it! Don't get me started on 99% of the rifles in this game, most are just gross! There is no reason why we can't have shiny finishes on rifles.
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Frankly they'd get more attention if they let people mix/match their own dyes....within reason.

Say make it a CM option where you buy a "kit" and combine your wanted dye colors...etc.


May actually bomb the inflation crap on popular colors...a good thing.


My suggestion needs refinement - but the point is strong me thinks.


What would be better is if the dye system was made into two slots: a primary slot and a secondary slot (some armours really need a tertiary slot). All dye modules would be a single colour and could be slotted into either the primary or secondary slot. This would allow for mixing and matching of any two colour combinations.

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You are all so true!!! and i would add they dont even take the time to test the colors on different armors. How many dyes i would have bought but did not because depending of the style of the armor/gear, the result was totally different and transforming the colour.


And if you speak of the basic, why Black can look brown or dirty brown, and white beige passed away depending of the armor ?

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So, what? The David Bowie armor set? With matching hair, makeup, and some sort of glitter based weapon particle effect?


O.k., yeah. I'm on board. Especially if there are custom sound effects thrown in.


If that's your Jam, May the Force be With You. :)


What I am thinking is something more options of inlays and etchings with contrasting metals, bone, ivory, or ebony, within all weapon types. Also, more textures and finishes in materials.


Shiny Armor Plating. No dirt, scuffs, or dings, in the metal.


More patterns and textures in fabrics for robes and clothing.


And more cultural Aesthetics for the races we can play.

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I know that a few Mando BH players have commented on wanting patterned helmets and armor ala Bo-Katan and Sabine Wren.


Personally, I have to agree with whoever it was brought up the fact that you can use the same dye (or color match, for that matter) on two separate pieces of equipment and they'll end up different shades. That can be annoying when you're trying to make those pieces match (armor pieces, or a jacket and pants, for example).

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I %100 agree about this, (if I understood correctly) sadly though there is some very strict dumb rules that almost like medieval age type of rules prevents them doing such things. It is all about "protecting" the young children which drives me mad, thanks to this dumb idealogy we can't have nice things in video games anymore.
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I %100 agree about this, (if I understood correctly) sadly though there is some very strict dumb rules that almost like medieval age type of rules prevents them doing such things. It is all about "protecting" the young children which drives me mad, thanks to this dumb idealogy we can't have nice things in video games anymore.


"Protecting the young children"?


You just being sarcastic? Cause if you think that's the reason - don't ever go the cantina and see what the Twi-leks are doing/wearing. :rolleyes::D (More of a tease/poke)


The reasons are likely budget and time centric - who knows.

Companies do weird things and go in weird directions and constantly ignore QoL things on the game.

Its why I keep saying we need an entire expansions worth of stuff just fixing QoL/Issues.

Would do a world of good.

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I %100 agree about this, (if I understood correctly) sadly though there is some very strict dumb rules that almost like medieval age type of rules prevents them doing such things. It is all about "protecting" the young children which drives me mad, thanks to this dumb idealogy we can't have nice things in video games anymore.


Umm what do the children have to do anything? People run around in the Slave Girl outfits and put their companions in them all the time. They're practically naked. The children thing doesn't apply.


The makeup in this game ticks me off badly. We know there are women designers on staff, and some men are great with makeup, so why is most of it gross? Why do they think unisex beards are a great idea? do they not understand the bullying that some girls go through IRL? They don't even need to follow western ideals. Just give us some gorgeous makeup.

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Yes! I want to sparkle. I want to gleam.

See my reflection in my limousine.

Give me gold, give me shine,

Make it dainty, make it fine.

No dull or rusty flying things,

No grody-colored saber beams,

Give me good-old fashioned glamour please,

So people gawk in twos and threes,

At gear I wear all bright and new,

so people say "Just look at you!"

Edited by xordevoreaux
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"Protecting the young children"?


You just being sarcastic? Cause if you think that's the reason - don't ever go the cantina and see what the Twi-leks are doing/wearing. :rolleyes::D (More of a tease/poke)


The reasons are likely budget and time centric - who knows.

Companies do weird things and go in weird directions and constantly ignore QoL things on the game.

Its why I keep saying we need an entire expansions worth of stuff just fixing QoL/Issues.

Would do a world of good.


There is that undercover outfit where everything is invisible. Combine it with the bathing suit and you're wearing nothing but shorts. I admit to doing that once for the lulz, but eventually I saw that it was ridiculous. I still have one male Chiss character shirtless wearing pants, but otherwise my characters wear something. People talk about Princess Leia in the gold bikini in Return of the Jedi, but they ignore Luke Skywalker in his underwear in Empire Strikes Back. I suppose it is inevitable people will sex up their characters and Companions. It is interesting they chose to indulge a little. There are a number of sexy outfits in the Cartel Market.

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Okay, so if I could design my perfect Double-Blade Saberstaff for my JC it would go something like this...


Shiny silver base on the hilt inlayed with rose-gold celtic knot pattern, electrum crescent emitter guards. Dual phase blade settings. (I always wish my blades were a bit shorter, as I'm not as tall as Darth Maul). A bright aqua crystal. (The teal works, okay but I'd like something slightly more intense.)


If I could design the perfect Saber for my SW it would be polished obsidian hilt, with bright Ivory inlays in a Greek key pattern. Two short dagger blades as emitter guards highly polished, and a highly polished spike pummel. At least the game give me my Cyan crystal.


My JK I'm still working out.

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There is that undercover outfit where everything is invisible. Combine it with the bathing suit and you're wearing nothing but shorts. I admit to doing that once for the lulz, but eventually I saw that it was ridiculous. I still have one male Chiss character shirtless wearing pants, but otherwise my characters wear something. People talk about Princess Leia in the gold bikini in Return of the Jedi, but they ignore Luke Skywalker in his underwear in Empire Strikes Back. I suppose it is inevitable people will sex up their characters and Companions. It is interesting they chose to indulge a little. There are a number of sexy outfits in the Cartel Market.


Its better than having a "child" race in FFXIV called lalafells (they are not children obviously) that people frequently use with "pedo" references.


People will always come up with some stupid crap that devs didn't intend.

It was never about "protecting kids" frankly - its just a matter of mitigating the crap people come up with.

Good intentions and the road to hell as they say.


That said - I still think its just a matter of budget and timing. There are laws yes (the kids thing for example) but even then - SWTOR needs some love in this area for sure (That being glamours and shinies...or not so shiny)

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There is that undercover outfit where everything is invisible. Combine it with the bathing suit and you're wearing nothing but shorts. I admit to doing that once for the lulz, but eventually I saw that it was ridiculous. I still have one male Chiss character shirtless wearing pants, but otherwise my characters wear something. People talk about Princess Leia in the gold bikini in Return of the Jedi, but they ignore Luke Skywalker in his underwear in Empire Strikes Back. I suppose it is inevitable people will sex up their characters and Companions. It is interesting they chose to indulge a little. There are a number of sexy outfits in the Cartel Market.


Now only if some of those nice tops didn't have waste flaps that clipped with robes. :p

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Ug Clipping is so irritating. I'd really like it if we could stop talking about what they do or not do for rating purposes. It really has nothing to do with the subject. The risk to all people with the internet are very real especially to children. But making more beautiful items poses no risk to anyone.


For Example, more embroidery or patterns on robes (like the patterns on Atris' robes) are in no way unreasonable. What kind of patterns or fabrics would you all like to see?

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