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Update on the Legacy of the Sith


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They made those announcements with sufficient advanced warning. Not a week before. You are acting ridiculous to blame the victims here.


Umm that is false. They've made the announcement a week before, and even a day before. This is nothing new. especially this time with all the feedback from the PTS. And please don't call yourselves victims. And also wait for BioWare to respond. In the past they've tried to make up for it, so they may very well do so again

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I just subbed 2 months to play the expansion... And you delayed it for 2 months to waste my money... this is not cool. :mad:


This is exactly why the need to stop waiting until the last minute and let people know about issues like the. The announcement today states that "... it is clear that we need a bit more time ...", and that is why they made the decision that they did. That means that must have had some idea that they would have to delay for some period of time, but waited until today to let us know that the launch date was not only in jeopardy, but that their internal discussions have led them to this decision.


I wonder if they were waiting until they reached some internal goat towards getting new or renewed subscriptions?

Edited by Exly
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Thank you for good decision.

Releasing in the Christmas New Years Holiday time was never an good idea, and mostly came with a lot of 'pain' for the players because the lack of quality.


I "Demand" and recompense, so please give any/all/one Dev statue in game so we can throw snowball's :D for an extra chance of reward :)

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I get and don't really mind a delay but it strikes me as odd to wait 1 week till launch and then push it back 2 whole months.


That suggests issues that can't have been remotely solvable in the timeframe that was left so either unexpected calamity or we just dodged a cyberpunk-esque lanch.

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You're basically supporting their move to get people sub on December and they delay to keep the sub money


i don't believe that was their intention. I do not believe they were trying to commit fraud. Did they push as hard as they could to meet that date, and then realize well we can't? Notice how it was a "hard" decision. And again the expansion wasn't due to release today... if you really want to sub for new content wait for the new content to actually drop. But again, I'm in support of BioWare doing something to make up for it.

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I get and don't really mind a delay but it strikes me as odd to wait 1 week till launch and then push it back 2 whole months.


That suggests issues that can't have been remotely solvable in the timeframe that was left so either unexpected calamity or we just dodged a cyberpunk-esque lanch.


I think the 2 month time frame is just so they don't have to delay again if they have to. You would rather have more time than needed, than not enough time. otherwise we're right back here

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Thank you for taking the time to make this announcement. This is the 100 percent correct call. you MUST put xp for conquest objectives back into the game. removing credits is agreed upon by most of us who tested, but taking xp out?? PURE MADNESS!! lots of people use conquest for leveling, and to take it out is a very bad idea! among other things as well.


You guys don't have to bring a "new leveling experience" or make it MORE grindy. you just have to adjust certain things. I will continue to test once it comes back on and give feedback once again.

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On one hand, I am glad that they will be spending more time to deliver a (hopefully) better expansion. With a delay that long, they clearly need it. And now I will have time to get the armor sets I want with tech frags for the achievements, and farm some DvL tokens on my newer characters.


But still . . . I am very disappointed. Two months is a long delay, and I was really looking forward to this. This is especially disappointing since due to the inability to choose a new combat style on (most) pre-existing characters, I have to wait two extra months to create the characters that I was getting excited to make but that aren't possible currently.


So I'd like to know:

1. Are we still getting Galactic Seasons soon, or is it delayed with 7.0?

2. Are we getting Lifeday?

3. Or Anniversary Stuff?

4. How about CM sales?

5. Any rewards, goodies, "we're sorry we delayed the expansion for two months" distractions at all, basically?

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Personally, I'm happy to see the release delayed. Not because I think there will be any significant changes to the many things I don't like coming with it, but because it's what is best for the players, the game, and the people who work to make it.


Regardless of how I feel about the changes coming, I recognize they represent a Herculean amount of time and effort from all of the SWTOR teams (not just devs, but obviously including them). No one wants their hard work to ship before it's ready - they want people to be able to experience it as they intend it to be. No one wants to have their experience marred by preventable issues that can be mitigated with a bit more time. Some folks tend to forget that the hard-working SWTOR crew are also people, and deserve (need) to have time off like everyone else. They earn it the same way other people who work for a living do.


Most of the questions I'd ask have already been posted here, so I hope they are answered in the FAQ. And I hope that the FAQ is not the end of communication on this, since there will inevitably be follow up questions.

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I second this. Better late and in excellent shape for the release than early and a mess.

Thank you for deciding to delay.


I haven't seen a lot of people saying that they disagree with the decision. If they think they need more time, then they should take it. The problem is that they waited so long to tell us.

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Their time is spent on vacation for over a month from mid-December till mid to late Febuary. You are under the illusion these two months will be spent working on the game.. this is not the case. They will only spend a few weeks in February... two or 3 at max tweaking this.. Most of these two months they wont be doing a damn thing about the game, and not even in the offices.


I'm under no illusions, thank you very much:rak_01:

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lol at people defending bioware's shady tactics, they should never have announced the release date on that livestream, they knew it wasn't going to be ready, plain and simple.

Join any software house for any 18-month development cycle and let us know how the original release date goes for you.


I've worked in software houses most of my adult life in one capacity or another. Delays happen. Scratched releases happen.


Bioware made the best decision possible, far better a decision than in some software houses I've worked for that absolutely burned out their employees working 17-hour days keeping to an artificial deadline and then less than 24 hours before launch announce a delay.


I've nothing critical to say regarding this delay.

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Hello! My question is, what other events or gifts will you be doing since Legacy of the Sith is delayed? Delays happen, and most people are generally onboard with the idea of taking extra time to release a better product. But there is a cost for some of your players. Some people may have planned time off for the launch, others would have played the last several months quite differently if they knew the expansion wasn't coming out till February. A nice gift to the community would go a long way towards making them feel valued during this delay, and also serve to better recognize this milestone anniversary in the absence of new content.
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Normally I can accept delay announcements as in most cases they are understandable, and this is the case here. The expac is a hot mess which makes pushing it back understandable.


However, it's been known for weeks that 7.0 was not doing well, and probably shouldn't be called an anniversary. I know my wife would make me disappear if I told her we're celebrating our anniversary 2 months late. She would let me off if I'd been open and honest in advance, but if I waited until seven (7) days before... You can imagine. Especially if I knew that there were major issues that couldn't be resolved in time. Seven days feels to me like either a) they're too scared to be open, or b) continue to push their responsibilities to the community back.


Given the past actions of the studio, and the responsibility they shirk with community toxicity, my guess is they were either going to Cyberpunk us, or try to not take responsibility until they realized they're in trouble. The lack of transparency is horrifying at this point.


I feel like the time was used up to keep the number of returning subscribers rising. It feels 100% dishonest.

Edited by alloganex
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Join any software house for any 18-month development cycle and let us know how the original release date goes for you.


I've worked in software houses most of my adult life in one capacity or another. Delays happen. Scratched releases happen.


Bioware made the best decision possible, far better a decision than in some software houses I've worked for that absolutely burned out their employees working 17-hour days keeping to an artificial deadline and then less than 24 hours before launch announce a delay.


I've nothing critical to say regarding this delay.


nope, no excuses, they announced it during a livestream in november, not even a month before release date was suppose to happen.. they knew very well they likely werent going to hit that release date. There is no way you don't know at that stage in development. Yes I've worked in game development before. nice try tho :D


edit: to further explain, at that point during the announcement the expansion should have been 98% ready to go gold, and nothing left but to iron out bugs and other small issues.

Edited by SaerethDL
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Join any software house for any 18-month development cycle and let us know how the original release date goes for you.


I've worked in software houses most of my adult life in one capacity or another. Delays happen. Scratched releases happen.


Bioware made the best decision possible, far better a decision than in some software houses I've worked for that absolutely burned out their employees working 17-hour days keeping to an artificial deadline and then less than 24 hours before launch announce a delay.


I've nothing critical to say regarding this delay.


Well if you've done this before in your line of work, it's not a surprise that you think this is an acceptable behaviour with paying customers.


What a gamer.

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nope, no excuses, they announced it during a livestream in november, not even a month before release date was suppose to happen.. they knew very well they likely werent going to hit that release date. There is no way you don't know at that stage in development. Yes I've worked in game development before. nice try tho :D


edit: to further explain, at that point during the announcement the expansion should have been 98% ready to go gold, and nothing left but to iron out bugs and other small issues.


In any given company, what a marketing department says and what the guy with his fingers on the keyboard is doing rarely match. If you worked in a software house, then you above all people should know the marketing department holds project development hostage to deadlines.


Every release cycle is a constant battle royale between marketing and production to squeeze out a delay at all. The marketing material has been printed, the press releases are out, interviews given, and all the while, there's the development team, strung out on coffee and 5-hour energy boost drinks, going cross-eyed trying to make an impossible deadline, until someone comes to their senses and does the right thing.


Keep with your no-excuses shtick, your choice. In the end, Bioware made the best decision possible.

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In any given company, what a marketing department says and what the guy with his fingers on the keyboard is doing rarely match. If you worked in a software house, then you above all people should know the marketing department holds project development hostage to deadlines.


Every release cycle is a constant battle royale between marketing and production to squeeze out a delay at all. The marketing material has been printed, the press releases are out, interviews given, and all the while, there's the development team, strung out on coffee and 5-hour energy boost drinks, going cross-eyed trying to make an impossible deadline, until someone comes to their senses and does the right thing.


Keep with your no-excuses shtick, your choice. In the end, Bioware made the best decision possible.


Best decision possible would be to not announce a release date way too early. Keep defending bad business practices all you like, doesn't make you right. :).


edit: the problem is amounted ten-fold because you cannot pre-order this expansion, its a subscription based game, which people get the subscription early to prepare for the expansion. Stop, I repeat, Stop blaming the customers for bad business practices on bioware's part. It's insulting.

Edited by SaerethDL
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I just re subbed for 6 months, and while I’m a bit let down it’s a wait I’d rather it be so while they perfect the game and deliver the expansion polished. So I’m all for them taking the time they need so long as they do polish the product, I’m interested to know what this delay is for, is it for the combat styles still or is that still set in stone that their original intentions couldn’t be delivered etc, that kind of stuff, are the gearing changes people are leaving feedback being taken into consideration etc
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Well if you've done this before in your line of work, it's not a surprise that you think this is an acceptable behaviour with paying customers.


What a gamer.


The difference is, in any other industry, putting out a crap product risks a lawsuit, especially in the medical software industry where I started. If the software module for a given line of service in a hospital—let's say the pharmacy—was pushed out too soon too fast with too many bugs, and a nurse uses the system to order aspirin for a patient and gets diabetes medication instead, it's the patient who pays the price, and the software company has lawyers calling.


Proper delay to finalize safety protocols is best for the patient, and a delay to finalize a game is best for the gamer.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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You are 100% wrong about this. In fact, Disney LOVES multiple Star Wars content coming out at the same time if it's in different genres (as in Book of Boba Fett is a TV show, SWTOR is a computer game) because then the SW content actually supports and promotes the other genres. People see the Boba Fett show and want to play as a Bounty Hunter and LOOK! SWTOR just released 7.0 so new people (or old unsubs) flock to see it.

Indeed. Remember what happened in the game/on the forums after The Mandalorian? We wouldn't shut up about wanting a "baby yoda" and there were all kinds of Mando related goodies in the CM . I'm pretty sure BW made a fortune from the sales. And we got a Mando-centric story (even though I'm not that big a fan of Vizla, the story is still interesting). And they aren't done as there's more Mando stuff to come when 7.0 releases (or before if they decide to add new stuff to the GM before 7.0 in Feb). Since Boba Fett was always my favourite SW character before Din Djarin, I'm pretty sure old me will be more hyped for SWTOR when I watch the Book of Boba Fett.

Here's hoping I can make a Mando BH with Plasmatech main spec.

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