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Wait? Moddable gear being phased out in 7.0?


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What about the Legacy-bound weapons from the starting planets? Like Flashy. Will they lose the ability to be modded?


I am assuming moddable items will still exist but you wont have access to high rating mods, hilts, enhancements etc so you ll be stack at 306 while everyone else will be at 326 (or 330-334 if you do OPS cuz raiders are special apparently and they get moddable gear, so i am guessing 330-334 mods etc will be from there and nowhere else)

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Ah yes the patented BW design method.


Take a decently functional system (modding pre 6.0) crank it not to 11 but 111 for seemingly no logical reason (hello gazillion lettered variants) and when it becomes overburdening for the players/game (here's 30 items for you to disassemble every time you complete the weekly conquest, what could go wrong with an absolute tsunami of trash flooding the game) whack it with a club like it's a baby seal (basically say goodbye to one of the most recognizable/unique features this game brought to the table).

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This is so ridiculous.. and I'm not sure what's going on with the new 'game scaling' but apparently they are going to scale down all our remaining stats now; critical, alacrity and accuracy; don't know if it's true but man, sounds like a very very bad idea.


You will still have a stat pool that you can min max how you want. Once you can access the mods vendor at some point next year.


BioWare have already admitted that their static gear isn’t close to being optimised in stats.


This is why we need to start a campaign to ask BioWare to add a Mods vendor for each gear type in 7.1 (like they are doing for OPs gear).


The irating doesn’t have to be as high as the Ops gear. We just need access to our own mods vendor for pvp gear, conquest gear and flash point gear.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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This is so ridiculous.. and I'm not sure what's going on with the new 'game scaling' but apparently they are going to scale down all our remaining stats now; critical, alacrity and accuracy; don't know if it's true but man, sounds like a very very bad idea.


People complained things were too easy, now there's a couple less things that make it too easy.

Seems like Bioware obliged the player base.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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People complained things were too easy, now there's a couple less things that make it too easy.

Seems like Bioware obliged the player base.


Static gear would suggest otherwise. That’s about as simplistic a design they could do to make it easier. No one really wants static gear, especially if it’s not even close to optimised. Not sure how BioWare are obliging players asking for it to be harder?

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Static gear would suggest otherwise. That’s about as simplistic a design they could do to make it easier. No one really wants static gear, especially if it’s not even close to optimised. Not sure how BioWare are obliging players asking for it to be harder?


I'm just wondering if optimized 306 gear will perform better than unoptimized 316 gear. Classes like the Sentinel need high alacrity and high crit to perform properly. The caps on the PTS for both those abilities were too low. Will the modding allow us to go above those caps?

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I'm just wondering if optimized 306 gear will perform better than unoptimized 316 gear. Classes like the Sentinel need high alacrity and high crit to perform properly. The caps on the PTS for both those abilities were too low. Will the modding allow us to go above those caps?


You're stronger in 306 gear now then you will be at max gear in 7.0. This has been the running joke said many times...


Enjoy leveling up to 80 where you've become senile (forgetting abilities), slower (alacrity cap raised), less mobile (mobility options reduced), can't see as well (accuracy cap raised), have become more fragile (less defensives), can't button your shirt (no mods, you all get the same pullover sweater now) and have to keep wandering the same areas you've already been. (Lack of new content beyond what a FP and eventually an OP)


But yay expansion.

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I'm probably alone in this but I feel people that play solo should get an equally fair chance at getting powerful gear as raiders. I shouldn't be forced to do group content just to get the best stuff there should be available avenues for all types of players to get equally strong gear.


In this game at least, you are not, many of us are against with the elitist and outdated design philosophy that treats raiders as special to justify why everyone else is stuck with inferior gear.


I never once felt bad because someone else had the same gear ilvl as me, if anything that is good because it means the only difference will be skill, not unfair gear advantages to carry less skilled people.


I personaly dont mind non moddable gear, as long as we got gear pieces with alacrity, accuracy, crit etc, so you would just need 3 sets of boots, one for each tertiary I would be ok, but the fact they are literally capping everyone else 8 levels below ops raiders is simply wrong and comes from a very wrong and outdated design philosophy that has been killing mmorpgs because the majority of players never bother with raids, and the majority is what supports an mmorpg financially, never raiders.

Edited by ralphieceaser
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You're stronger in 306 gear now then you will be at max gear in 7.0. This has been the running joke said many times...


Enjoy leveling up to 80 where you've become senile (forgetting abilities), slower (alacrity cap raised), less mobile (mobility options reduced), can't see as well (accuracy cap raised), have become more fragile (less defensives), can't button your shirt (no mods, you all get the same pullover sweater now) and have to keep wandering the same areas you've already been. (Lack of new content beyond what a FP and eventually an OP)


But yay expansion.


I feel so old reading your description...

But hey, at least I can still look pretty lmao


BTW, what will become of the CM armor/weapon sets? Most of them are moddable now but what about after 7.0?

Will the old ones stay the same while the new ones (if there will be any) being non-moddable?

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I'm just wondering if optimized 306 gear will perform better than unoptimized 316 gear. Classes like the Sentinel need high alacrity and high crit to perform properly. The caps on the PTS for both those abilities were too low. Will the modding allow us to go above those caps?


I honestly don’t know with the capped content. If they’ve made the caps on those stats too low, then any higher gear won’t matter in the slightest. Which will make some classes feel sluggish and slow. I think it will totally ruin those classes if that’s the case.

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I honestly don’t know with the capped content. If they’ve made the caps on those stats too low, then any higher gear won’t matter in the slightest. Which will make some classes feel sluggish and slow. I think it will totally ruin those classes if that’s the case.


That's insane to scale down those stats.. the level sync as it is, is enough already; I would even say it's too much, as a level 75 with the best 306 gear for my class and role, my character actually struggle in places he should not.. if they cap every stats? that is just ridiculous and an extremely bad decision :mad: you're going to end up on a level 17 planet and feel, play 100% as a level 17 character, just make the level-sync optional jesus :rolleyes:

Edited by KovaGilrissian
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  • 4 weeks later...
I hope that one of the delays that 7.0 is having, is that they're making revisiting moddable gear. Having moddable gear has been a staple of the Old Republic since KOTOR I. Switching to a system where gear is just gear seems like a massive backwards step to me; going from a unique and innovative system to the same crap I can get on WoW.
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Maybe my view is too simplistic, but this all sounds like yet another knife to the gut of the solo player. :(


It is. Even some MMO review websites are saying BioWare are going back to their MMO group roots with 7.0. What’s worse is some of these MMO purist commentators are praising the devs for doing it. I don’t think they realise that the majority of the players are solo centric these days. Killing off their solo base is only going to significantly reduce their income and player numbers. Which will result in less content and a quicker demise to the game.

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It is. Even some MMO review websites are saying BioWare are going back to their MMO group roots with 7.0. What’s worse is some of these MMO purist commentators are praising the devs for doing it. I don’t think they realise that the majority of the players are solo centric these days. Killing off their solo base is only going to significantly reduce their income and player numbers. Which will result in less content and a quicker demise to the game.


I think this is a good spot to show you all something. I am now able to get into FFXIV without a mega wait. Yeah! Anyways, In 2 days, I have obtained the 530 gear, including my main and off-hand. 3 accessories. I lack 2 rings, and I'll have those tomorrow. With the release of Endwalker, this gear is now obtainable with poetics.


These are awarded from daily dungeons. I'd already had a couple of pieces of the gear; however, playing alts I didn't press for it. I believe the highest gear is 560 or above...maybe 575(?). Anyway, here's a link to my main character Kasandra Sturmkrieger. Just point to the item, a pop up window will show you the states and armor rating.


This is a far improved way to obtain gear. Not this antiquated manner we are subjected too in SW. Plain and simple, it is outdated and should be put to rest instead of what the devs are doing with it now. Endgame gear is not gated behind "Unreal Raids. Tombstones and other tokens are given to obtain that as well as from hard, extreme, and savage dungeons & raids.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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It is. Even some MMO review websites are saying BioWare are going back to their MMO group roots with 7.0. What’s worse is some of these MMO purist commentators are praising the devs for doing it. I don’t think they realise that the majority of the players are solo centric these days. Killing off their solo base is only going to significantly reduce their income and player numbers. Which will result in less content and a quicker demise to the game.


But isn't that what I said....but in fewer, less eloquent words?

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I think this is a good spot to show you all something. I am now able to get into FFXIV without a mega wait. Yeah! Anyways, In 2 days, I have obtained the 530 gear, including my main and off-hand. 3 accessories. I lack 2 rings, and I'll have those tomorrow. With the release of Endwalker, this gear is now obtainable with poetics.


These are awarded from daily dungeons. I'd already had a couple of pieces of the gear; however, playing alts I didn't press for it. I believe the highest gear is 560 or above...maybe 575(?). Anyway, here's a link to my main character Kasandra Sturmkrieger. Just point to the item, a pop up window will show you the states and armor rating.


This is a far improved way to obtain gear. Not this antiquated manner we are subjected too in SW. Plain and simple, it is outdated and should be put to rest instead of what the devs are doing with it now. Endgame gear is not gated behind "Unreal Raids. Tombstones and other tokens are given to obtain that as well as from hard, extreme, and savage dungeons & raids.


I am not playing FFXIV so I am certainly not versed into its features but I did give a look at the game after seeing the disaster in the making that 7.0 is. From what I can tell the best rating is 580 and is gated behind extreme trials (which require 560 rating to go in). How hard are these? Because it definitely feels that the highest rating is gated behind the highest difficulty as well.

Edited by demotivator
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I am not playing FFXIV so I am certainly not versed into its features but I did give a look at the game after seeing the disaster in the making that 7.0 is. From what I can tell the best rating is 580 and is gated behind extreme trials (which require 560 rating to go in). How hard are these? Because it definitely feels that the highest rating is gated behind the highest difficulty as well.


Actually, 580 is gear easily obtained in a month of doing 4 four circles dungeon. There's 590 gear that you can obtain from Savage mode of same dungeon. The difference between the 2 boils down to 1 to 2 points in stats and 590 gear is dyeable where as 580 isn't. 560 gear you acquire as you are leveling from the dungeons and raids (story and hard mode) in the new areas. This is where the 580 gear is obtained: Pandæmonium


The 590 gear is rewarded to all players who participate in Savage mode. It's not gated as SWTOR has done. Anyone can obtain it if they want to participate in it. I've played a number of Extreme and Savage mode during Shadowbringer with my 510 gear. Started playing the Raids (story and hard) and obtained 520, 525, 530, and 535 from drops and tokens used to exchange and upgrade them. Never once did I have to go into Savage mode for 535 gear.


The gearing system in FFXIV is far superior to SWTOR's, especially now with how they want to give us with 7.0. I have 20 years of experience playing games like Neverwinter, ESO, GW2, SWTOR, FFXIV, and others. FFXIV's system is, by far, the best I've had the pleasure to play with. On a side note, if one wants a Relic Weapon, that requires a grind...and a long one. However, the Relic is not required to get into any dungeon. The biggest difference is the Relic allows a player to put 5 materia (stat enhancers) where the non-relic (like my 535) only has 2.


I'd recommend you play the free to play mode through Heavensward so you can how the gear progression works. That's the best way to see how the system works.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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