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Starting point and length of Chapter 1?


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Does Chapter 1 begin when you do acquire your :sy_starship: Starship?


What is its duration with respect to the same players' SW:KotOR and SW:KotOR2;TSL completion-time intervals?!?



I have to admit that the :wea_02::wea_07: Smuggler's Class game experience until the reacquisition of the XS Light Freighter was lovely and ... lengthy enough! :):rolleyes::)

But when Chapter 1 begins and what's its (relative) duration?



Edit: going story-wise and lore-wise, I didn't get it; how did my Captain made possession of the XS Freighter in the first place?!? :D

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Timeline wise I don't know, and I'm not sure there is one.


Level wise, I believe Chapter 1 goes to the mid 30's.


DE had given a pretty detailed answer/description of the aforementioned questions of mine regarding all three Chapters in the Dev Tracker Section of the Old Forum but...


Anyway I forgot some specific numbers (regarding relative game-play hours or so) and the fact regarding the starting point of Chapter 1...

Does anyone possess a much better memory than mine? :D

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Daniel Erickson had explicitly addressed these questions in the Developer Tracker of the Old Forum and he had given detailed answers; however I can't remember the exact numbers he had mentioned.

Does anyone remember these figures?


That's the second question of mine; the first question is about the starting point of Chapter 1: does it begin just after the acquisition of the Character's Spaceship?

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