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SWTOR raid graphic comparison


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Lets look at a Raid in SWTOR since this is the defining hallmark of an MMO not a single player game.




Now lets look at a WOW boss fight.




Now lets look at a GW2 boss fight.. skip to 1:50... (as much as I love to see Ree)



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I played this game already


All the gameplay innovation in the world don't mean much when you've put it in the most generic fantasy setting I've ever seen.


Also, as a lifelong tank, I don't see any place for me in the fight.


If I can't tank, I got no reason to play.

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I played this game already


All the gameplay innovation in the world don't mean much when you've put it in the most generic fantasy setting I've ever seen.


Also, as a lifelong tank, I don't see any place for me in the fight.


If I can't tank, I got no reason to play.



Okay it was a graphical comparison... not a holy trinity discussion. But clearly you cannot defend it graphically so you had to fall back to something unrelated. Thank you for reinforcing my point.

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You've shown a level 18 world boss from TOR, an encounter from an unreleased GW2 demo designed to impress people (i.e. a "marketing video") and one of the final bosses in top tier raiding from the current expansion of WoW... and we're supposed to draw conclusions from this?


You're delusional.

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But when you reach level 50 there isn't much else to do.


If this game doesn't have good raiding it will fail.


If you think I'm wrong look at AOC.


There was tons in that game to do, until you reached level cap.


No raids, instances weren't done, didnt have gear.


Game failed.


You're right, maybe no everyone likes to raid.

The majority do actually, and if the majority leaves your game will fail.


Start caring about the whole picture, we all want the game to succeed and it won't if only 30k people are subbing.


these videos mean nothing and he hasn't drawn any conclusions or even made a point.


Some of the people complaining currently about the game have some points, but they are so like...not smart...that they can't really maintain or back those points up.

That's fine though, a lot of those people are the people in WoW who liked to pretend like they were hardcore (they weren't) they ran the 10 man heroics that were easy mode (they did) and never ran the older hard content (40's) and (25's) back when it was hard.


New WoW is dumb.

Edited by Qishari
removed insults
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Okay it was a graphical comparison... not a holy trinity discussion. But clearly you cannot defend it graphically so you had to fall back to something unrelated. Thank you for reinforcing my point.


Art style is a function of graphics.


The Art style is just WoW, shinier.


Hence, graphically, it does nothing for me.


Meanwhile, right now, my SWTOR character looks like a total grim-dark bad ***.


Having more polygons in a model don't mean crap when you make a stupid looking model with those polygons.

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I found out GW2 marketers are clickers.


C******y click click! I'm fighting a boss like a pro! Click!


The more I see GW2, the more it seems to be "The game for people that suck at MMOs".


Can't tank? We have no tanks!

Can't heal? We have no healing classes!

Can't keep track of 10 abilities? It's okay, we only have 8!


Of all my MMO friends, 2 are very excited for GW2. Those 2 are the ones we don't bring on raids because they're terrible.

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They werent broken a minute ago.. hmm


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1JfSbKjHHI&feature=related skip to 1:50



Looks like a shallow singleplayer combat engine and UI. One thing I hated about GW was the fact you cannot use all of your abilities. You have to pick and choose. GW2 is the same: Diet MMO. Half the options and features, and half the calories.

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Looks like a shallow singleplayer combat engine and UI. One thing I hated about GW was the fact you cannot use all of your abilities. You have to pick and choose. GW2 is the same: Diet MMO. Half the options and features, and half the calories.


Actually that was multiplayer but w/e... though GW2 will have access to all abilities now. Again this was a topic about the graphical comparison.

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