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When did flashpoints become so chill?


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On Star Forge. 4 years ago was the last time I was pugging flashpoints with any real frequency (been doing them with pre-assembled groups a decent amount between then and now tho). It was not forgiving to error. Groups would vote to kick someone who erroneously aggro'd adds even ONCE. If you died on a boss fight, you could rest assured you were gonna be kicked and saddled with an activity finder lockout.


Started pug queuing for FP's again just in the past couple months, and wowee are things different. If someone dies on a boss or gets knocked off a ledge or does something else clumsy, the group just laughs about it/ the dead player tries to boost the morale of their teammates who are still in the fight.


When did casual players replace all the perfectionists in the FP queue? Not complaining by the way; I like getting FP's done in a timely manner, but I'd rather have a group that takes it lightheartedly than a bunch of wannabe Type-A's who get their panties in a bunch at the slightest mistake.

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On Star Forge. 4 years ago was the last time I was pugging flashpoints with any real frequency (been doing them with pre-assembled groups a decent amount between then and now tho). It was not forgiving to error. Groups would vote to kick someone who erroneously aggro'd adds even ONCE. If you died on a boss fight, you could rest assured you were gonna be kicked and saddled with an activity finder lockout.


Started pug queuing for FP's again just in the past couple months, and wowee are things different. If someone dies on a boss or gets knocked off a ledge or does something else clumsy, the group just laughs about it/ the dead player tries to boost the morale of their teammates who are still in the fight.


When did casual players replace all the perfectionists in the FP queue? Not complaining by the way; I like getting FP's done in a timely manner, but I'd rather have a group that takes it lightheartedly than a bunch of wannabe Type-A's who get their panties in a bunch at the slightest mistake.


I would say 1 in 16 people is still a *******. I base this on (2) completion cycles of Veteran and master weeklies, However, most people are just quiet and seem to expect you to know whats up. And the smallest group the people who talk are just the best.

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Yeah for the most part the new wave has been pretty chill. I imagine that will change at 7.0 launch for awhile. But after the community grief/exodus hopefully chill players are still around.


But yeah people seem to love the gearing system/combat feel of 6.0, has been bringing in some good players. Pleasant surprise.

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When did casual players replace all the perfectionists in the FP queue? Not complaining by the way; I like getting FP's done in a timely manner, but I'd rather have a group that takes it lightheartedly than a bunch of wannabe Type-A's who get their panties in a bunch at the slightest mistake.

There's a certain amount of RNG involved. In the many years I've done GF FPs, I've run into both sorts of groups.


However, some of it may be down to the /ignore function, particularly now that it's a Legacy ignore. Many of the "group nazis" who would have caused those problems have been "ignored" out of GF.


It may also be that many of the 'hard core' players who would be concerned over such things, have gone to other games .


Overall, I'd have to agree, though. GF does seem to be more "chill" these days. 🤩

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Part of it may also be that, with Conquest giving specific Flashpoints as objectives, many of the more... volatile types... would migrate to those Flashpoints on their various characters to earn those Conquest points, leaving other, randomly chosen Flashpoints more free of negative temperment...
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