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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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They do but the mountains and oceans are a much much much longer mount run than the ones on SWTOR , much larger areas in WOW is not even comparable.


SWTOR is like a garage, walls on a 4 sides.


WOW is like a stadium walls on all 4 sides.


couldn't be farther from the truth. Tatoine is HUGE even with out having to go to the exhuation zones. It's about the size of half of all of Kalmandor.


You didn't like SWTOR thats fine however to feed missiniformation like saying Tatoine or Hoth is small well that is just wrong.

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couldn't be farther from the truth. Tatoine is HUGE even with out having to go to the exhuation zones. It's about the size of half of all of Kalmandor.


You didn't like SWTOR thats fine however to feed missiniformation like saying Tatoine or Hoth is small well that is just wrong.


LOL! No its not, not even close lmao!

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Exactly. There is so much to like about SW:TOR. Their level designers made such nice looking worlds. Worlds that you can't go anywhere in.




Right here. I think we knew it going in that it was a "lead around" type map but personally I didnt realize how much it would make it feel closed off. There is literally only one spot to go to get from one map to the other. Forget the space game being on rails it feels like the whole game is on rails! Not saying its bad and I did not expect it...Just that it is having quite a larger impact on my sub decision than I thought...

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Hoth seems as big as a WoW continent. Lots of areas to explore. I found a hidden treasure chest on a mountian top by exploring.


There's also world bosses and datacrons to find by exploring the other huge worlds.



One good thing is that Bioware can add new planets. New planets.

Edited by Vectorkov
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I don't see why people equate large with good.


I don't see the landscape of WoW full of players. They are 98% in cities, in dungeons, in raids, or in battlegrounds. Not exploring. Once someone gets out of an area, they rarely, if ever, go back. So what if it's huge? I prefer content, not long runs.

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7 year wow player here...


Wait, what? People are complaining that the worlds aren't open enough? You're upset because SWTOR isn't a vast expanse of nothingness where you can run around aimlessly?





You're comparing it to WoW right? The same game where every lowbie complains of having to run to -blank- town and people whined so hard they practically give mounts to new players just so people could get from point a to point b in a reasonable amount of time?


You actually WANT to spend all day running to the next objective?


Frankly, I don't see why people even give this idea the time of day. If it were any more open people would just complain it's too far to their next quest/city. If you want vast expanses go outside and visit your nearest park/lake/ocean/field. I can confidently say majority of gamers want to kill, explore, and quest, they don't want to frolic in meadows all day.


Great Post. Once you got a flying mount did anyone ever travel on the ground anymore to explore or see the scenery. Maybe some people did but the majority just wanted to get through the leveling as fast as possible to get to end game.


This is the first MMO I have played in a long time that I am enjoying the leveling.

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Great Post. Once you got a flying mount did anyone ever travel on the ground anymore to explore or see the scenery. Maybe some people did but the majority just wanted to get through the leveling as fast as possible to get to end game.


This is the first MMO I have played in a long time that I am enjoying the leveling.


Exactly. Most people viewed the wide-open spaces in WoW as annoyance. But you know, the grass is always greener, right?


But I honestly don't understand why people feel the need to post these "i'm leaving". So leave. I guess it's all about getting attention. Like the guy who has to yell "i'm out" in a party. Nobody cares if he leaves either - the party will go on.

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It's a themepark MMO, what did you expect?


If you want something open go play a sandbox game. In a game like EVE you can point in a direction and go. Come back 8 hours later and you're stilling *********** going that direction! I never ceases to amaze me when people play a themepark MMO expecting to be free to do whatever you want. It's like going on a rollercoaster then complaining it stayed on the rails.

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I sure hope you don't try to swim out into the ocean in WoW, otherwise you'll be unsubbing from that game as well.


Or, let's hope you don't try to activate your flying mount in Mists of Pandaria, otherwise you might unsub when you realize you're restricted to the ground.


In all seriousness, does not being able to drive endlessly in the desert make this game any less fun?


Hah when I got to tattooine and saw how much desert there was - I wished it was smaller!

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It's a themepark MMO, what did you expect?


If you want something open go play a sandbox game. In a game like EVE you can point in a direction and go. Come back 8 hours later and you're stilling *********** going that direction! I never ceases to amaze me when people play a themepark MMO expecting to be free to do whatever you want. It's like going on a rollercoaster then complaining it stayed on the rails.


Yeah. Remember AC? That world was GIGANTIC. Not a darn thing IN IT, but man you could run forever.

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When I was in beta I read a previouse build had no exhaustion zones , I read they were put in beta to stop ganking during beta and would be removed.

In beta the cities seemed to have many more people in them , I assumed with retail release there would be even more people in cities instead there are far less(Reason #1 for unsubbing)


Reason #2 is once I reached Tatooine in retail I saw they didnt remove the exhaustion zones and like reason #1 the sharding leaves tatooine less populated than in beta.


Thats why I unsubbed after testing beta.


you unsubbed after (after buying and subbing to the game)testing beta



yes... those exhaustian areas at the far edges of the map... really stop ganking. yes indeed they do. totally stopped us last night! this video is all photshop for fraps as a matter of fact. the fact is we died long before reachign where the video takes place! for realz!

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First of all, SWToR is not WoW. Why do people insist on comparing the two.

Like comparing basketball and baseball. Just cuz a ball is involved doesn't mean they are anything like each other or even supposed to be.


Second, ever been to the desert, or a frozen wasteland? I have, the only people who run endlessly into the desert looking for a terminus, are those looking for a terminus in life.


Third, the reason Bioware has created such short borders is to remind the players "hey, your going the wrong way... the incredible storyline we spent years developing for you is back thataway."


I hated the huge treks in WoW from point a to point b, being forced to run along roads and hope I didn't get attacked by endless streams of wolves, bunny rabbits, zombies, etc.


I am just amazed at the things people complain about.



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They are simply different designs. You can run around all the open areas of WoW and see.. nothing. Because most folks are just camped at the city, waiting for their next LFD group. The only time people run around is to collect resources. You are limited going forward while leveling due to the level of critters. Once someone leaves a zone, they don't go back. So while sure, you may think there are these great open areas, to be honest, they are rarely used. It's an overblown issue imo.


I was worried about Skyrim for example, being too small. I remember the huge, massive landscape of the first game. But I'm having the most fun in the content-packed land of Skyrim. Bigger and open isn't necessarily better.


I agree with you about that bigger isnt necessarily better.


I cant understand why people have wow as example, since you have flying mounts in that game, and all u see are treetops and big ugly textures.

And again this game has PLANETS, its not one world in total, you can't really link them all together.

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im so tired of hearing these posts, if you like world of garbage so much than cancel your sw sub and go back to world of garbage as one we dont want you here, two we dont want you here, and three for anyone who wants to invest time into the fail that is world of garbage now then well u belong with the little children
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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


I agree.

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