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What are you doing now (pre 7.0) ?


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The Nightlife event is over, the Feast event is over, most interested players have hit lvl 100 in Galactic Season 1 and November's repeating events hold little or no interest for players who have been around a while.


What are you doing to fill in the time, in game, between now and the (hopefully soon) launch of 7.0?


I have just hit my Limitless achievement and find myself at a loss for a direction.


Suggestions welcome.

Edited by hillerbees
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Reacquainting myself with the game. I took over a year off after playing from beta until the summer of 2020. Essentially, I deleted some old characters and I'm leveling those classes again to familiarize myself with the game. I'd go after achievements but I've had quite a few bug over the years, so I stopped that hunt. Overall though, just enjoying the game again until the launch of the latest expansion and the ten year anniversary that coincides with it.
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I'm basically doing the same things I usually do. I do the weeklies for VM and MM flashpoints, some OPs with my guilds, and a bunch of Space Barbie stuff.

Most of the 'events' have been maxxed out for me for years. I don't need any more Bounty, Raghoul, Gree, Nightlife, Dantooine, or Feast tokens, and I have all the decos, etc (from them), that I want. I don't care for the Swoop Rally so I don't do that. (I would like to get the speeders for my collection, but it's not worth it.)


My general approach is to not worry about 7.0 until it actually drops. I'm in no hurry. 🙂


Edit: It just occurred to me that I used to do a lot of SH decorating, but I've sort of lost interest in that as well.


Edit #2: The post below reminds me that, for PvP I still play some TFC almost every evening. (Team Fortress Classic is an old 'capture the flag' mod for Half Life that's pretty much dead now, but some old timers still play.)


Edit #3: I haven't been following any of the discussion about 7.0 or what's supposed to happen. I learned my lesson pre-6.0 to just wait and see. For example, there was all this whining and going on about gearing in 6.0 only to find out it was easy as pie in actuality.

So I won't know whether or not I like 7.0 until after it comes out. But, what's the hurry? 🙄


Edit #4: I also have 999 Renown, full 306 iRating (on main characters) and 2+ billion credits. I'm hoping that 7.0 might actually give me a new reason to play.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Interesting replies...keep them coming!


Its funny the swoop event holds no interest for me either and I've given everything a look in the game since launch.


One thing I am doing I should say is a bit of housekeeping on my alts storage space - melting down 306 items into scrap to tidy cluttered space ...but its hardly something that keeps the juices flowing!

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Mostly pugging MM fp and a handful of Ops. I doubt I'll be doing any group activities or endgame after 7.0 comes out, so I'm getting my last few MM fp achieves.


I'll save re-running storylines for after my sub ends since I'll have much more time on my hands when I'm ignoring all endgame activities.

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Cleaning out the bank, disassembling all the extra 6.0 endgame gear, using all the stuff I think/expect will be come useless with 7.0, trying to make as much creds on GTN as possible, catching up on Chapters where needed, doing CQ where it's easy.


Basically just general housecleaning and maintenance stuff, clearing the decks for new campaign.


Also trying to get/keep myself in a positive frame of mind, and avoid the trap of falling into negativity. Not because I think the negativity isn't justified, but just because being negative only hurts me, and ruins my fun.

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A galactic tour while collecting achievements I should have been finished. HM Flashpoint bonus bosses, Recon droid scanning, final few elite mobs/silver grinds with the Star Fortress companions I have left to finish the grind with. All on my OG characters that I spent countless hours on throughout the years.
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With university starting up again for me and the constant onslaught of negative changes for 7.0 (though there are a fair share of good ones too), I haven't been playing as much as I was earlier this year. The lack of communication and iteration on our feedback took the wind out of my sails.


When I do play, I'm mostly healing (sorc) for my guild in operations! Also the odd few story missions here and there on alts and a bit of achievement hunting.

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Cleaning out the bank, disassembling all the extra 6.0 endgame gear, using all the stuff I think/expect will be come useless with 7.0, trying to make as much creds on GTN as possible, catching up on Chapters where needed, doing CQ where it's easy.


Basically just general housecleaning and maintenance stuff, clearing the decks for new campaign.


Also trying to get/keep myself in a positive frame of mind, and avoid the trap of falling into negativity. Not because I think the negativity isn't justified, but just because being negative only hurts me, and ruins my fun.


I like this post! - Lets keep it positive!:cool:

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I'm a dabbler.


I have a ways to go on Swoop reputation, so I'm trying to do some of those, but 3 races a day is the max I can tolerate, plus I'm slow. They make me motion sick if I don't leave the breaks on :o


I like raising up my low level alts, but I really need to set them aside for awhile. I need to focus on max level conquests. I want to get at least the chest pieces of gear sets I don't have so I can use them as cosmetic shells. 3k fragments a pop! I want to get the DvL outfits before we can't get currency anymore. My Imp guild needs 275 more command encryptions to fully open the ship, the Pub guilds needs so many encryptions I could cry.


I'll make a new outfit here and there, maybe do a photoshoot of them. I'm back to volunteering for TorFashion. I want to document more static weapons since the weapon designer is finally on the horizon!

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I've taken a long (years long) break from a game, so I'm currently exploring the swoop racing as its actualy entirely new to me, while catching up on leveling alts and doing conquest stuff while I can still finish it on multiple characters and build up my credit stash (unlike a lot of players, apparently, I was NOT sitting on billions) finishing up a story on my main as well, still not sure how far into the story I will be taking my alts. some of it I did not enjoy at all, but I want to see all of it before I decide whether I want to repeat it or making it a one time only thing.
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Just came back after a lengthy break so I'm getting the 8 classes to 100 renown for the titles. Starting to feel a bit grindy with 7.0 looming but I'm over halfway there.


The recent events - Feast and Swoop are brand new to me so they've been interesting. The Galactic Season was fun for the 1 week that it was in the game when I came back. Trying to knock out a few achievements as well but not too motivated honestly. 200 flutterplumes on Alderaan anyone? :rolleyes:

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I'm finishing up the stories on my new Darth Occlus, because I never played one before.


After that, I guess I'm going to wait until 7.0 to play any other characters. I haven't played them since DvL went in, and I don't want their alignment ruined, not to mention that I'd like to try other combat styles for them.

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