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7.0 gearing is total MESS


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the moment i saw details about it i thought: "fml were going back to unassembled components system" but its even worse with all the different pieces basically locked to the activity i gain it from like flashpoints.


and ofc my biggest issue is that max gear is once again available only to the niche-niche nim ops players and as a bonus? only they will get to have actual modable gear. here i thought kicking apart all classes was the worst - soon as i kinda got over that you at biow go and basically ruin amplifiers(totally pissed about that as well) and rolling back gearing system years back and making it worse.

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It's so bad I have a hard time believing it's not motivated by malice.


Never attribute to malice, what can be explained by incompetence, stupidity, or greed. (Latter is my emphasis)


Shoutout to the (possible) original author , Van Goethe, who wrote:


Misunderstandings and lethargy perhaps produce more wrong in the world than deceit and malice do. At least the latter two are certainly rarer.

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Cannot agree more, gearing in 7.0 is lacking common sense.

If i recall corectly the 3 tier gearing system was popular back in 2012-2013 and then a new CXP gearing system was invented with 5.0, followed by a renown system in 6.0 (the current one is slightly better).

Edited by AleksandarKey
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Your best bet is to show your displeasure by making it known on the forums and simply unsubscribe from the game, if the changes come to fruition. There are number of good MMO's on the market and they would be more than happy to take your money. This is probably what I'll be doing once this gear change goes into effect. I primarily came back for the ten year anniversary.


I took almost eighteen months off from this game from right around the beginning of the summer in 2020 until two weeks ago, do the math on that one. I'll use fifteen months to remove any error. That's $15.00 x 15 which comes out to $225.00, not a lot, but I also probably put in $20.00 here and there in the CM, that all adds up and I'm only one person.


I don't think this game is going to shutdown anytime soon, but keep in mind, their license with Disney is nearing its end and if there's not a sizable profit margin, don't be surprised to see the plug get pulled.


I don't think there's any malice as someone mentioned earlier regarding some of the changes, but one has to wonder whether it's ignorance, arrogance or simply incompetence. It's truly baffling that all these years later, there's yet another gear change on the horizon.

Edited by Pirana
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You know, I'd be ok with it if they just keep adding ways for solo players to keep getting gear progression doing solo things after the release of 7.0.


I can't believe they'd be stupid enough not to do this. I'm hoping that right now they're just trying to placate the loudmouth entitled mythic raiders.

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I'm hoping that right now they're just trying to placate the loudmouth entitled mythic raiders.


There is nothing more cringe then hearing someone say "well I do Mythic God Squirrels, this is nothing."


Will say the raiding community I've interacted with hates just about everything thus far in 7.0. But if they're trying to appeal to THAT crowd from WoW more reasons then ever to exit. Don't know what it is about that game but man does it bring out the worst in people.

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Don't know what it is about that game but man does it bring out the worst in people.


It's not just WoW, but I'll use them as an example.


If you PvP'ed in WoW, and were competitive about it (which involved win-trading and pillar-humping), you still, over time, learned some tricks that would aid you against somebody who PvPs a lot less. With your success(es), comes a feeling of superiority.


If you did Mythic dungeons (another niche crowd), you not only learned the in's and out's of a particular dungeon (and sold carries, much more difficult than raid selling), there was an obvious sense of "I'm good at this, REALLY good. People pay me (gold I assume) to carry them through this M + 21"


If you raid at the highest level (and let's be honest, they're not all water-walkers. Many of the NiM posers on this board were taught tips, and tricks, given gear or credits, and carried themselves. But there can be a feeling of "I do NiM raiding - and you don't"


If you combine any of the above with people who are not having success in LIFE, then then you can begin to understand why they are so vociferous in their defense of THEIR sacred cow.

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If you combine any of the above with people who are not having success in LIFE, then then you can begin to understand why they are so vociferous in their defense of THEIR sacred cow.


Hehehe, I think you hit right on the money with this.

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by definition: Nghtmare ops are niche from the start, so only allowing them to have access to the best gear after the awesome gearing we had in 6.0 where everything no matter what activity you focused on helped you get better gear is just stupid.


As i mentioned before its like they went back to the Unassembled component days, made it soo much worse and called it a day.

I mean 7.0 gearing even without the best and only modable gear being strictly restricted for NIM ops raiders is so stupid just by the convoluted way you apparently are supposed to get gear and upgrade its rating - a rating! ->> they might as well have just kept the current system so everyone could min-max the gear to their satisfaction.

Edited by Darittha
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this new gearing system is gonna be awesome. Tired of renown crate spam filling up my inventory with useless junk. Tired of dissembling 1000 items a day. Tired of not feeling like I've progressed or been rewarded or been challenged. I'm ready to play with people again and be apart of a community. 7.0 is gonna be awesome sauce for me :D Edited by SaerethDL
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I've said it before and I'll probably say it again...


why do solo players care about having the tippy top tip top gear? It's not like you need it at all to play solo content. You don't need it to play FPs. You won't even be able to benefit from it in PVP due to stat cap.


I don't think I have a single piece of 306 gear right now. And have 0 interest in spending effort to get any, since it does not contribute to my play in the slightest

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I've said it before and I'll probably say it again...


why do solo players care about having the tippy top tip top gear? It's not like you need it at all to play solo content. You don't need it to play FPs. You won't even be able to benefit from it in PVP due to stat cap.


I don't think I have a single piece of 306 gear right now. And have 0 interest in spending effort to get any, since it does not contribute to my play in the slightest


Because not every SOLO player has the same experience. The 300 gear I have helps me immensely!

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