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Sage, Scoundrel, Vanguard and Legendary Items on PTS!


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I only started the game with 6.0, but ToR made me EXTREMELY happy with not forcing me to do raids (or OPs or whatever you may call 'em) to get my gear. I had my fair share of that type of group content, so much it wrecked me. In ToR I was able to get the highest item-level without doing raids, which suited the greedy gremlin that's living inside me. Now I hear the screams like "Bwuh, why do you need max item level when you don't do OPs anyway?!" I bet I am not the only player who dislikes being locked from the best gear just because we don't enjoy or simply cannot do operations. Gearing up your character to the maximum IS part of a game, but to me it's frustrating when I

know I will never have "the best gear" because of the way I want to enjoy a game (or I can play a game in a - for me- healthy way). It's not a question of "You don't need this if you don't do this or that!" Most people living in a major city don't need a car. Yet - at least where I live - what people buy when they earned their first money is a car. Imagine now politicians would say: "You have busses and subway and cable car in the city, now if you live within these and these areas you simply CANNOT have a car. You don't need it anyways!" Yes, yes, I know - comparing a car to some pixel-gear is weak, but it's the best example I came up with.


There is a difference between the augments and the (current) gear-level of 306. Although - of course - there is a difference in performance between augmented and non-augmented gear... that I mass-crafted purple augments although I just do the occasional MM-FP was a personal vanity-thing. The blues would have worked sufficiently. The gold ones I never crafted because they were too costy, even with getting the RPM and OEM via tech-fragments.


Also the current gearing-system allows me to collect stuff for my twinks with a character that I enjoy playing more. If I enjoy healing with the sage atm my tank still profits from the gathered tech-fragments, too. Also it allows for some pre-gearing: my sage could get gear for my shadow because both fall under "consular". So once my shadow hit 75 I was "up to date" with my gear. Especially for players with less time this was a great way to keep a character "up to date".


I'd rather keep the current gear system than what they planned for 7.0.

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