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I'm wondering


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Hi guys,


I'm started playing a sith warrior and want to go marauder, but i see alot of people complaining about a marauder.


Is it really that bad or are it just people that can't play :), please give me a warning if it's really not alot of fun, cause then i can switch.


thanks alot guys

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both, it's a tough class to play if a. you aren't geared to your level, everytime you level, and b. if you group with anyone else, solo as much as possible away from everyone so you don't see how easy it is to grind to 50 as any other class compared to marauder, don't pvp until your level 50 with lvl 50 gear or you will get even more frustrated. Once your there the class is supposedly "awesome" and just fine. Though I've yet to see any youtube videos that show proof of that. It's all about your playstyle and mood, what you can put up with and what you can't put up with.
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Hi guys,


I'm started playing a sith warrior and want to go marauder, but i see alot of people complaining about a marauder.


Is it really that bad or are it just people that can't play :), please give me a warning if it's really not alot of fun, cause then i can switch.


thanks alot guys


The class is awesome.. the people that say it sucks just don't "get" the class and come here with QQ.

You don't need to gear up every time you level, obviously it never hurts, but it's definitely not necessary.

I'm now lvl 32 and have soloed the entire time.. I think I died less than 10 times in 32 levels, and I'm doing quests that are 3 levels above me.

Don't listen to the people that say it's broken.. .it's not... if anything it's a little OP in PVE.


I can't speak for PVP as I don't do that.

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Mara is a love it or hate it class, there's no gray areas... but then "only a sith deals in absolutes" so I suppose that's fitting.


My mara is currently lvl 43 (rage spec) and I love it. Yes, it is challenging, yes you ARE very busy with keybinds, etc. (someone previously likened it to playing Mozart on a keyboard), yes one mistake is often fatal. That being said, the feeling of accomplishment you get once you finish off a pain in the backside quest or manage to emerge in one piece from a pull which you were pretty sure was doomed to fail from the get-go, is unmatched.


If you're looking for a faceroll class, this isn't the one for you.

If you're looking for immediate gratification and roflstomping mobs 4 levels higher than you are, this isn't the one for you.

If you're looking for a 2 button wrecking ball, this isn't the one for you.


If you are the type of player who actually READS their talents and abilities and is able to see how they all tie in together and utilize them all effectively, this IS the one for you.

If you enjoy having to THINK and problem solve, this IS the one for you.

If you enjoy feeling like you EARNED each and every level you achieve, this IS the one for you.


There's no shortcuts as a mara. It can be tough... and honestly that's what I enjoy about it the most. Yeah, it's more work than my BH, but it's extremely gratifying work on a personal level.


Don't let any of the very vocal naysayers dissuade you from giving it a shot. Try it, see if you like it. It's not a class that is going to appeal to the masses, but there are those of us that it DOES appeal to in a lot of ways.


TL;DR: If you just like to zone out, push a couple of buttons and see big numbers, you're not going to enjoy a mara. If you like to engage your brain and have to think about what you're doing in order to achieve something, you'll love it.

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The class is awesome.. the people that say it sucks just don't "get" the class and come here with QQ.

You don't need to gear up every time you level, obviously it never hurts, but it's definitely not necessary.

I'm now lvl 32 and have soloed the entire time.. I think I died less than 10 times in 32 levels, and I'm doing quests that are 3 levels above me.

Don't listen to the people that say it's broken.. .it's not... if anything it's a little OP in PVE.


I can't speak for PVP as I don't do that.


Most people who say it is awesome, are ones who haven't ground another class up to a decent level and realized how horribly marauder actually is =p Other classes will be easier and faster, marauder will be slower, and require more downtime in comparison, but it's not impossible.


On the plus side once you get quinn you can do quests 4 levels above you sometimes if you are tedious and careful. If you and your companion have matched gear. It's pretty crucial to have your companion you have out geared up to be able to do that though. You can't do it truly solo without your companion.

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Most people who say it is awesome, are ones who haven't ground another class up to a decent level and realized how horribly marauder actually is =p Other classes will be easier and faster, marauder will be slower, and require more downtime in comparison, but it's not impossible.


Most people yes, but I have a Jugg in the mid 30's and in Beta I had a few others up there too.

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Most people yes, but I have a Jugg in the mid 30's and in Beta I had a few others up there too.


Yeah I had a upper 20's assassin, and a upper 30's sniper and a bh in the upper 20's in beta and the shear effectiveness sub-50 is night and day vs other dps classes. I can't personally vouch for lvl 50 yet but from what I've seen I've yet to be impressed. I'm just hoping to be in place when some changes come through.

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Marauder is challenging, which makes it fun. I play Annhilation Marauder and destroy. They are relatively frost DKs in wow. The unsung heroes. The one that works tirelessly to help down the bosses, but they remain in unholy's (vengeance jugg) shadow. It doesn't matter though. If you want a super spotlight for being epic, pick immortal jugg and try that for pvp. If you want to thrive with DPS, but be unrecognized, we marauders are here to stay.


We are the backbone of every group, when we're recruited for FPs and operations. We save our friends by acting as extra-mob killers.


BTW, I soloed Baras. W/ Pierce. So what now?

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BTW, I soloed Baras. W/ Pierce. So what now?


what level were you? what level was baras? what gear was on you/pierce? kinda silly to say that without any useful information to describe how epic it was! =p


I soloed jaesa's master through every fight too! and I used vette! It's not as epic if I said he was lvl 35 and I was lvl 36, it is more epic if I said I did it as a lvl 32 and he was lvl 35 etc...

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I was like you, my dear OP.

I played a tank and found that... tanking isn't my style, mostly because due to my low performance graphics card, managing an entire mob is easier said then done. It became frustrating and I felt like I wasn't playing at peak performance, so I decided to go DPS. I went with a Shadow, but again, due to lag (especially in warzones) from my graphics card, I didn't want a class that was so dependant on it's big damage coming from positioning.


Fully fed up with the Republic quest line, I rolled a marauder and I'm happy to say that I have no intention of looking back. I don't see how people can QQ so much about this class, but perhaps it's just a high level PvP thing? I dunno.


Last night I solo'd a Heroic that was two levels higher then me, and I've never played an MMO before.

So I fail to see how this class needs a buff, at least in PvE.

Keep your gear as close to top notch as possible. After I got to Fleet, I took Artifice, Archeology, and Treasure Hunting - all you need to craft lightsaber mods. And then sat in the Cantina and preceeded to get purple crystal, hilts, and enhancements for both sabers while doing Warzones solo for the credits. I'm now just facerolling through quests.


I highly recommend giving this guide a read if you want to learn more, although at present, it only has a Carnage spec section, which is what I've decided to roll.


Edit: As a side note, all I'm doing is this, when approaching elites...

1. Try to stack Fury off weaker mobs first to 30.

2. Target elite, active Cloak of Pain and Saber Ward and Berserk.

3. Charge, proceed to use free Vicious Slash until it's out.

4. The rest of the battle is done by keeping Carnage, Force Scream, Battering Assault and Retaliation on cool down, spamming the default attack to keep Rage up and build Fury, and whenever Berserk pops, spam Slash. Also reactiving CoP and SW whenever they're available. I can't really give a rotation because it's all based on how much Rage I have and when things pop. If it's a mob, or there's lesser baddies nearby, I'll throw Smash into the mix but don't target them directly, unless I feel it necessary. Also, while spamming the default attack, if I max rage, I'll use Slash instead, for obvious reasons.


Someone will probably quote this and say I'm doing it wrong but, at the moment, this is working quite well.

Edited by xKatastrophe
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Keep your gear as close to top notch as possible. After I got to Fleet, I took Artifice, Archeology, and Treasure Hunting - all you need to craft lightsaber mods. And then sat in the Cantina and preceeded to get purple crystal, hilts, and enhancements for both sabers while doing Warzones solo for the credits. I'm now just facerolling through quests.


This, going back to the equipment point, it makes a huge difference, but its a time/money sink involved in making your class as easy to grind as any other dps class on the imperial side =p thats the only true issue @katastrophe, if you expect to roll the class and grind through it purely by loot and rewards, especially if your someone who doesn't like the side quests and tries to focus on just doing the class quests thats where you will have the most problems and complaints, as other classes ie sorc can go through mostly just class and occasional side quests as needed with 1/10th as many problems and issues.


It's not that you "CAN'T" do it, its everyone else can do it better!

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both, it's a tough class to play if a. you aren't geared to your level, everytime you level, and b. if you group with anyone else, solo as much as possible away from everyone so you don't see how easy it is to grind to 50 as any other class compared to marauder, don't pvp until your level 50 with lvl 50 gear or you will get even more frustrated. Once your there the class is supposedly "awesome" and just fine. Though I've yet to see any youtube videos that show proof of that. It's all about your playstyle and mood, what you can put up with and what you can't put up with.


Here is a level 50 Rage spec Marauder tearing it up... it's a trailer, but looks good to me.


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This, going back to the equipment point, it makes a huge difference, but its a time/money sink involved in making your class as easy to grind as any other dps class on the imperial side =p thats the only true issue @katastrophe, if you expect to roll the class and grind through it purely by loot and rewards, especially if your someone who doesn't like the side quests and tries to focus on just doing the class quests thats where you will have the most problems and complaints, as other classes ie sorc can go through mostly just class and occasional side quests as needed with 1/10th as many problems and issues.


It's not that you "CAN'T" do it, its everyone else can do it better!


Oh yeah, totally. I literally spent maybe... god, don't even know if I want to admit this, but maybe like... 6 hours doing Warzones and crafting? Occasionally, I'd stop doing warzones and just watch Netflix through my phone to pass the time, or que up Vette to craft some gear and then go grab some food. xD


It's time consuming but I feel it was worth it. Plus, you unlock recipes that can sell for pretty decently on the AH, from my experience.


And I do every quest. My OCD demands this from me. I've yet to buy anything from the AH. I usually get a piece of orange gear that looks good and then upgrade it through crafting and specialty vendors.

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Oh yeah, totally. I literally spent maybe... god, don't even know if I want to admit this, but maybe like... 6 hours doing Warzones and crafting? Occasionally, I'd stop doing warzones and just watch Netflix through my phone to pass the time, or que up Vette to craft some gear and then go grab some food. xD


It's time consuming but I feel it was worth it. Plus, you unlock recipes that can sell for pretty decently on the AH, from my experience.


And I do every quest. My OCD demands this from me. I've yet to buy anything from the AH. I usually get a piece of orange gear that looks good and then upgrade it through crafting and specialty vendors.


Yeah thats what I've started doing now, I'm 36 with 248 artifice, 254 arch and 400 th, and my class quests are at lvl 40/41 right now so i've been trying to do just pvp and artificing to get up to my level in lightsaber to try and reverse to purple and essentially do the same thing, I started at 0 artificing though so, so far I've sucked in about 12 hrs grinding that up, and for the most part I've been on loosing huttball matches so money from pvp to support it has been very lacking.


Space mission dailies help though too.


As for the youtube post, despite the fighitng sub-lvl 50's thats probably the best one I've seen yet, at least he is solo in majority of those fights which is a huge bonus. I've seen soo many videos of here is how awesome marauder is, I'm killing things with 2 other allies helping me in addition to them having half life to start with!

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Yeah thats what I've started doing now, I'm 36 with 248 artifice, 254 arch and 400 th, and my class quests are at lvl 40/41 right now so i've been trying to do just pvp and artificing to get up to my level in lightsaber to try and reverse to purple and essentially do the same thing, I started at 0 artificing though so, so far I've sucked in about 12 hrs grinding that up, and for the most part I've been on loosing huttball matches so money from pvp to support it has been very lacking.


Space mission dailies help though too.


As for the youtube post, despite the fighitng sub-lvl 50's thats probably the best one I've seen yet, at least he is solo in majority of those fights which is a huge bonus. I've seen soo many videos of here is how awesome marauder is, I'm killing things with 2 other allies helping me in addition to them having half life to start with!


Since your Artifice is about twice as high as I've ever had it, do you eventually get to make Mods? I forget. Really bugs me that I can make everything BUT mods... can't remember from my previous toon if these unlock.


And that YT video was crazy. O_o

I was more amazed at how smooth it all was. God, I need to upgrade my video card... T_T

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Since your Artifice is about twice as high as I've ever had it, do you eventually get to make Mods? I forget. Really bugs me that I can make everything BUT mods... can't remember from my previous toon if these unlock.


And that YT video was crazy. O_o

I was more amazed at how smooth it all was. God, I need to upgrade my video card... T_T


You can do the hilts, the crystals, and the enhancement slots, the mods I've not been able to make yet, not sure if we ever do it might be an armstech thing.

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