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Massive lag


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Today I logged in and saw my ping hovering around 340'ish and often skyrocketing to around 20k ms. Obviously this makes playing the game impossible and frustrating.


I'm not sure what's causing it; I didn't experience this yesterday in-game and I'm not experiencing it in other online games, only SWTOR.

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I blame the event that's currently running. My latency is fine, my connectivity to the Internet in every other regard is fine, but there I was today, more than once, hitting a mob, my companion hitting the mob, and its health not going down at all until nearly a minute later.


Same thing last night, no latency issues whatsoever, but perusing the GTN was slow as death. I'd enter parameters, nothing, but then I waited a few seconds, and things showed up.


Conjecture on my part, but I'm thinking the servers are struggling to support the demand for the feast event while still trying to keep everything else up and running -- plus a surge of players wanting to get their double XP fix in, and it's a perfect storm for server-side latency.

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It’s very hard to help diagnose issues when people don’t provide enough info.




Where are you playing from (region, city)

What server are on

What ISP (helps if only people on that ISP are having issues)

What time of day

What part of the game is it occurring


You can then take extra steps to help diagnose on your end by running PingPlotter.com in the back ground and seeing if there are any issues between you and the servers, like packet loss or drop outs or spikes at any of the hops.


Seeing as this performance issue isn’t being widely reported here or on ea.answers.com, I’m assuming it’s a variance in your connection to the servers and may or may not be related to each other or the game.

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I think xodevoreaux was correct; the problem seems to have fixed itself. Thanks for the replies anyway.

The problem, in your case, was probably just a bad hub somewhere on your 'route' to the servers, and these problems usually do clear up when the bad hub is repaired/replaced (or routed around).


Occasionally there can be problems with the server, but usually, if it's just you and a few others, it's probably an internet routing issue.

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