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[Suggestion] 3-way PVP


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Ok, first all, we really need a suggestion forum.


2nd, I think BW did a good thing with huttball allowing same faction PVP. I think they should go further, and allow all maps for same faction PVP.


And 3rd, they should really take advantage of that momentum, and go even further. Design maps for 3-way PVP. It could be a capture the flag map, but with 3 x 10-man teams battling for it. Since we can have same faction, it could be emp vs. emp vs. rep for example, or any combination.


3-way PVP is WAY different from the normal 2-way PVP, and would add something to put it well above most current MMOs.


Think about it. Flames and bumps are welcome.

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I'm not sure about the current maps, but 3 way PvP might work for maps that are designed for it.


I like this idea.


Woot! Someone saw it between all the other posts!


Yeah, the idea is to have other 3v3 maps in addition to the 2v2 maps. Have some epic, chaotic battles!


Thanks for the support!

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