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Where can I see republic/empire server population stats?


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Most game companies don't release server pop/distributions. However there was a site that tracked headstart guild registrations or w/e which showed only the RP server had a Republic dominance. (keep in mind that info is dated and unofficial)


I chose Imps at launch but quickly rerolled Reps after I noticed the pop imbalance. Now I get to play all the warzones, not just huttball and often I get a queue pop while I'm loading out of a prev match. That some good times!

Edited by Tzanthisc
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I think a large number of people picked the Empire thinking that SWTOR would be just like WoW where the "bad guys" would just automatically own at PvP and that all of the "kids" would roll Republic to be Jedi. My own sense of things (I have played both) is that the "kid" distribution seems fairly even but that overall the Empire appears to have a slight edge in population numbers.
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