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Something has to be done about rampant toxicity in Ranked


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Yeah, I’ve seen the recent speed hack videos too. Have you seen the guys who are floor and wall hacking. There’s a video of one of them even doing it in a pve flash point last week.


I did, and its more common that what people think. Unfortunately, the devs seems to be sleeping, multiple reports have been sent, about cheating and also wintrading. His own dev on theorycrafter discord openly recognizes the wintrading going on, and still not a single wintrader that has been reported has been banned. Like they recognize cheating and then they dont take actions? EA must be extremely happy about this...

Edited by Gorekann
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I made that suggestion weeks ago. Notice how there is always one or two sandbags queueing just to "try it out" because they aren't aware that there is only 20 people queueing at any given time which leads to being globaled and causing insta losses. Now if a zerg of pvers and rpers were to all "try it out" and queue at the same time it wouldn't mess up any queue. What it would do is create actual brackets of ranked. You would have 4v4's of terrible pvpers who can barely survive in regs but you know what they would have? Fair balanced games. It would be like watching 8 babies throwing water balloons at each other. Eventually some of them would fall down. Maybe one of the mercs holding down the S key to walk backwards while blowing through all 3 of his dcds at once because someone hit him with an autoattack or maybe it would be the sorc that bubbled upon instantly taking damage. But in the end there would be so many games going if people would just queue. You think with all the whining these people do about how horrible and unfair regs is, how people who deathmatch ruin muh objs and I can't get muh green pvp junk box that they would all just go to arenas where you get a BLUE pvp junk box for LOSING. And you know what would happen? They would actually win some games and get the ultimate casual pvper reward; the coveted purple pvp junk box which has like 3 satchels of mats in it and like 10 pieces of assorted mods, implants and other junk to crumble up into a few tech frags or sell to a vendor.


I don’t think this game has enough players these days to seperate the small numbers into solo ranked, group ranked and mixed regs.


If Bioware wants ranked players to have numbers or proper competition, then they need to consider a different alternative to what we currently have.


The solution is to remove the “ranked” moniker from the name and seperate all arena and objective pvp into just 2 queues. Then add a public rating system to all pvpers once you’re in the top 200 that refers to an arena rating and an objective rating (it could stay private until you hit the the top 200).


You can still have your seasons and your bronze, silver, gold and top 3s from arena, but you can also have it for objective pvp. This also adds an incentive for players to get better or play properly in objective pvp.


This way you remove the stigma of ranked because it’s all just pvp in this game. There is no separation between regs and rank populations. You just have arena or objective pvp and you can choose your preferred type of play.


The top players will still vie for the top places and rewards in arena (plus objective pvp) and lower tiered players should hardly ever run into them unless the queue numbers are really low.


Of course for that to work in objective pvp and be fair, you’d need to get rid of group / premade queuing or have a seperate group queue (which defeats the purpose of combining the population). At first some people who like Premade go to stomp pugs will complain, but the over all health of pvp will improve and they will come around when they see the games can be more fun and balanced.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Of course for that to work in objective pvp and be fair, you’d need to get rid of group / premade queuing or have a seperate group queue (which defeats the purpose of combining the population). At first some people who like Premade go to stomp pugs will complain, but the over all health of pvp will improve and they will come around when they see the games can be more fun and balanced.


I play this game to play with friends; myself and 2 buddies queue together. we queue together for chatting and camaraderie. we all live in different US states and gaming is about the only thing we can do together. If we were forced to queue solo, then most likely all of us would quit. my group is probably not alone in this.


never will understand the mindset that people should play a multiplayer game solo. the entire concept is about playing with friends in all game modes offered

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I play this game to play with friends; myself and 2 buddies queue together. we queue together for chatting and camaraderie. we all live in different US states and gaming is about the only thing we can do together. If we were forced to queue solo, then most likely all of us would quit. my group is probably not alone in this.


never will understand the mindset that people should play a multiplayer game solo. the entire concept is about playing with friends in all game modes offered


You’ve completely missed my point and gone straight to the conclusion that I hate premades or playing with friends.


And the situation within the game has changed in that we no longer have the player numbers for fair or balanced games with premades and the matchmaking.


The reason for my post was to address another issue entirely to do with ranked and unbalanced matchmaking. And the way to do that is to amalgamate ranked and regs and do away with so many queues.


But there is a hurdle if you want to do that because you need to make it fair if you want to have real competition (like ranked). That is why there are two queues for ranked. A solo queue and a group queue.


Of course in a game that had plenty of players, you would have 4 queues in a system I’m suggesting.

1. Solo Arena

2. Group Arena

3. Solo Objective

4. Group Objective


Except that is not feasible due to low player numbers. So the way forward is to make a concession if Bioware want to improve the system to make it more fair and balanced across the pvp eco system.


That concession is making 2 queues only. And sadly, the only way to make that work in a competitive environment is to do away with grouping. Which only leaves 2 choices.

1. Arena (solo)

2. Objective (solo)


I would even suggest Bioware merge lowbies into the 2 queues and give all players access to max lvl abilities and gear while in pvp (as I’ve suggested in other threads).


You can still play with your friends and try and queue sync. Of course some of you might be on different teams sometimes, but you can still chat together on voice or make your own custom txt channel. It’s actually fun playing against your friends as well as having them on your team.


If you would quit so easily over changes like this that would improve pvp as a whole, then I don’t think you like playing fair pvp that much to start with.

Sounds more like you prefer ganking solo players than having competitive games and getting a better quality of matches.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I have to put it gently (I would not wanna trigger the moderator). So, we are living in a world when whatever you do, say or even just think hurts someone's feelings. Everything is toxic for someone. Now there is a saying that, If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. The reason I am saying this because I've been pvp-ing for over 15 yrs and I never experienced this unbearable "rampart toxicity" and I played games like Age of Conan (lol talking about toxicity). Was I called everything in the book, of course. So what, it's ether true on not. If not who cares but if it's true that's when it hurts. So if you frequently experience the pvp rampantly toxic, maybe the problem is client sided.
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Speaking of toxicity....there was this mando healing tonite lol. Luckily I was not on his team. Got 3 wins in a row thanks to him. This is the kind of mando that 1 DPS can kill by themselves. The kind of thing that doesn't even happen in regs if the mando is barely breathing. I have a feeling he might have been throwing for someone because his account while new had only PVP played on it. But there were people spitting on him on the other team and flagging him endlessly. Checks out though. You don't want to see toxicity? Then don't be worse then a regular regs merc would be. Even the most basic mercs in regs can just walk backwards while holding the S key and pop dcds while staying alive.
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Speaking of toxicity....there was this mando healing tonite lol.


I was in those games. It was not pretty. The guy had no tactical, no set bonus, blamed his team when he lost, ignored all advice. He definitely should not have been playing ranked.


I will say... From my experience, 99% of toxicity in ranked can be attributed to people that have no business queing ranked. It's not a justification or excuse. But if you are queing ranked without gear or without a single clue how to play your class, and you are tired of getting flamed at... there's a simple solution. Get gear. Learn your class before queing ranked.


And seriously, the people that que ranked with no gear and complain about toxicity: You should look in the mirror. You ruin the game for everyone else. When the mando healer logged on on SF there were 3 games going at the same time. 30 minutes later there was 1 with a 15 minute wait time. It's not a coincidence that people stop playing ranked when complete bots join que.

Edited by septru
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Doesn't matter what Key you are pressing you should be moving with the mouse not slowly backpeddling you are a range DPS in TC GF


don't s-key over my jokes. :(


true story: I unbound s-key awhile ago. but I rolled a jugg tank when I came back. I couldn't bear the slow pvp leveling experience, so I hopped into FPs. I needed to kite bosses but strafing was too fast. I hit the s-key and found myself trying to pop a WZ adrenal! :eek:

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Ranked has been toxic since launch. SR is a broken game system, which should be removed.


Rating should not exist in SR, and after 8 years later, and a game failure I cannot understand why SR with rating still exists in the game. Since its inception we have seen a broken and abused system full of cheats.

If you cannot control a competitive game play just do not do it.

Ranked should be TR only, and possibly guild based.

SR should be like when it is off season a practising place.


Rating in SR is a joke has been and always will be.


BW should take take the tip from WoW which removed SR, and PvP quality has drastically started to improve since when they removed it.

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