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Just so we're clear, if you intend to remove substantive skills and abilities in 7.0


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to make things "easier" and the role of each loadout more distinct a.k.a. "dumbing down" the complexity of the game then we, the undersigned subscribers will not/very unlikely to be renewing our subscriptions.


EA/BW Communities management and SWTOR Programme leads please respond with truth and reassurances rather than wasting everyone's time and goodwill on speculation, frustration and anger.



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to make things "easier" and the role of each loadout more distinct a.k.a. "dumbing down" the complexity of the game then we, the undersigned subscribers will not/very unlikely to be renewing our subscriptions.


EA/BW Communities management and SWTOR Programme leads please respond with truth and reassurances rather than wasting everyone's time and goodwill on speculation, frustration and anger.




agreed, without new classes/advanced classes since release dumbing down, taking away abilities of existing old classes is something terrbile which will make all classes too simillar, easier, not interesting and monotonous. Guardian without reflect is same sentinel but without two lightsabers. No one asked for ability removal, people prefer variety and different possibiltiies. I won't play mobile swtor with limited number of abilities i must choose from a small list

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I suspect it would be a "final straw" kind of situation for a lot of long-time subscribers.


There's lots to like about SWTOR, and some things in recent years that are frustrating, mostly the lack of funding for QA and a better release cadance for new story updates and playable content.


The basic gameplay, for PVE and PVP, has always been enjoyable, though.


If even this is compromised, I also don't see myself continuing either.


I know that long-term subscribers aren't really the target audience for how SWTOR makes most of its money. I'm sure EA doesn't mind the subscriptions, but casual players who come and go, purchase lots of CM items when they join for the first time or return are who they cater to. Or, it seems that way from the outside, anyway.


Folks who stay subscribed and play the game at level cap are a small minority and don't matter much overall.


It's still odd to me changing the basic combat for classes is how BW chose to use the limited resources they have for the game's development, though.

Edited by arunav
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I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment expressed in the original post. SWTOR has the best class design of any MMO I know, and it is one of the primary reasons why I keep coming back to it. If you ruin this, you will alienate me from the game. Please do not do this.
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I know that long-term subscribers aren't really the target audience for how SWTOR makes most of its money.


Yep, i've felt this since around 2012-2013 ...and yet i'm still here lol shows just how tragically desperate for STAR WARS mmo some of us are. :cool:


It's still odd to me changing the basic combat for classes is how BW chose to use the limited resources they have for the game's development, though.




Utterly baffling tbh.

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As a player and subscriber for almost all of the last 10 years, I will never support this game again if they dumb down these classes. This game don’t come out with enough content to shallow down the gameplay.


I would rather not have an expansion then for them to butcher the classes and claim they are giving us choice by taking it away.

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I would rather not have an expansion then for them to butcher the classes and claim they are giving us choice by taking it away.


I enjoy the uniqueness of classes currently on offer. I'm also a long term subscriber primarily due to the class stories and the hope that our classes would get some attention in 7.0 and well, it is Star Wars. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, however:

Remember kotfe and that bad decision they made to remove all our unique class companions then return them to all classes through "alliance alerts"* until they realised how bad we reacted to it? Remember how so many of us un-subbed that they sent out individual questionnaires asking us why we left and what would bring us back (I got one and they paid proper attention to our responses). Changing what's unique about the classes to basically a couple of option for specs (force user or tech users that can use everything or do everything possibly) to appease the class-story-skipping-short-attention-span-but-big-CM-spender seems a mistake.

I too would rather they focused on decent content - a good story to the standard and length they put into kotfe/kotet rather than 2 minute cut scenes plus a 20min flashpoint. That other game I can't mention but played for 10 years is looking very attractive if the new spec thing turns out to be exactly the doom we think it will be. Once I can access the PTS I may change my mind. Doubt it though.


*six real life years it took to get them all back, most of them in very unsatisfying ways.

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Founder and subscriber since launch here - this is a total deal breaker.


Leave our classes alone Bioware, yes that's right OUR classes.


Why would you waste the resources you have on removing abilities rather than creating content. Disgusting quite frankly.

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Hello sorry for my english I'm french. I come here from World of Warcraft, a game that I absolutely loved during more than 8 years especially thanks to my warrior class gameplay. Suddenly devs did a sort of pruning, they removed skills and abilities and make them to be a choice. They butcher my class to the ground, make it fell boring and slow. I never play it again and leave World of Warcraft for ever since. And many players were like me.

I played SWTOR shortly after and love how complete the gameplay was.

Pruning is a complete garbage and ruin everything. Take it back while there is still time.


I'm shocked, this cant be happen AGAIN.

Edited by LeoAugustina
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Removing abilities for the expansion is an absolutely horrible idea. Bioware will lose a TON of players if this happens.


The fact there is even any Dev time being spent on this is absolutely ludicrous. There are so many things to fix/improve that spending any time even thinking about removing skills/abilities is kind of a slap in the face to the player base.

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to make things "easier" and the role of each loadout more distinct a.k.a. "dumbing down" the complexity of the game then we, the undersigned subscribers will not/very unlikely to be renewing our subscriptions.


EA/BW Communities management and SWTOR Programme leads please respond with truth and reassurances rather than wasting everyone's time and goodwill on speculation, frustration and anger.




I stayed with this game for years and supported it no matter what. But if they remove at least one of my abilities im gone for good. That means the devs really do not understand their community.


Lol, and I hoper they will bring back the blade dance and I will be able to choose between it and freaking barrage....oh well.

Edited by Nathan_Hanefort
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Pre-ordered the Legendary edition and subscribed since early access and I have to agree with the comments here. The game is so very easy enough already. Please BW do not remove abilities or change how a spec plays. Balance changes is one thing but to remove fundamental abilities that make classes & specs unique is ludicrous. Would be great to have the Devs reply to acknowledge the plan now. Are they still going through with this? I was excited for the new expansion but now I'm left questioning how much longer I have left to enjoy and play the game. RIP.
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At first glance, this all seemed nice and thoughtfull, then i started to think about my 35+ toons... what will happen to them ? will all of them be the same as ffxiv have 1 toon for everything ? will all the armor sets and stuff i have for each different toon suddenly not matter anymore ? each toon is build unique with a space barbie style to reflect it etc. so is this to no avail ? im all for change and such, but like many others have stated, EA have a really wonky history when implementing changes to a game.


For now time will give me a little better insight since alot of my thoughts are just that... thoughts, but im allready starting to panic abit about this change comming...

"i feel a disturbance in the force!"

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turning their back on hardcore subs just to please new players that come and go, doesn't strike me as a genius move. complexity is part of the beauty of swtor, don't turn it into one-of-the-many-mmo's seeking to attract casual gamers.

casual gamers can enjoy the game as it is. if they want to compete with the dedicated players they would have to dedicate as well

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