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Devs: Can We See A More Random Rotation Of PvP Maps?


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I've played PvP since Makeb/F2P came to SWTOR so I'm not some rando complaining about one match. Is there anyway we can fix the randomness of the PvP games? I did 90 min of PvP with guildees last night solo Qing and half of the rounds were Hypergate. The other 50% were the three Huttballs and one Voidstar. This is not the first time that this has happened - I Q for PvP and there is a better than 50% chance that I'll either get Huttball or Hypergate. I used to love Hypergate - no more - way too many times playing it. I think I've played three Civil War games in the past month and ONE Novare Coast. The same goes for arenas - I don't remember the last time I played a classic arena - its almost always the Tatooine or Rishi one.


I'm not saying do all Novare Coast (although I would love it). I'm just saying put them all on random and have at it. Its not random to get all Hypergate and Huttball match after match after match.

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I find things tend to bunch up together. it's especially noticeable when I get a third VS or AHG. I also tend to get a lot of HBs strung together, but not necessarily the same map. this occurs strangely enough when the queue population is low. like I got the same arena 3x in a row and I didn't have to wait long for the pops at all.


it's almost like every WZ is designed to pop 3x but the hope is that there will be multiple pops at once so that each individual player only sees one or two of those maps before the next one pops for him. but that's pure speculation.

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I’ve been gone a long time and recently came back. I was looking forward to playing all the different warzones again. When I do get a warzones it is ancient hypergate 8/10 times. The other times it is almost always huttball. I will rarely get voidstar or novare coast. I have yet to get Alderaan civil war.


Still I will take ancient hypergate all night over arenas any day.

Edited by Saikochoro
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I've played PvP since Makeb/F2P came to SWTOR so I'm not some rando complaining about one match. Is there anyway we can fix the randomness of the PvP games? I did 90 min of PvP with guildees last night solo Qing and half of the rounds were Hypergate. The other 50% were the three Huttballs and one Voidstar. This is not the first time that this has happened - I Q for PvP and there is a better than 50% chance that I'll either get Huttball or Hypergate. I used to love Hypergate - no more - way too many times playing it. I think I've played three Civil War games in the past month and ONE Novare Coast. The same goes for arenas - I don't remember the last time I played a classic arena - its almost always the Tatooine or Rishi one.


I'm not saying do all Novare Coast (although I would love it). I'm just saying put them all on random and have at it. Its not random to get all Hypergate and Huttball match after match after match.


I have seen numerous threads where people are asking for map voting or map filtering and also numerous threads where the devs claim to be "gathering feedback" but nothing changes. The devs know that most of us are sick of Huttball or Hypergate popping constantly but what they have is a general contempt for PVPers. The devs of this game as you must be aware of are not capable PVPers nor do they even hardly play the game they are tasked with maintaining. They hate us because they don't understand how to use their DCD's or how to win fights and spend what little time they actually engage in PVP respawning and running back to mid to die and respawn again. At least that is one theory I have as to why the dev team doesn't just use common sense methods to improve pvp that I have seen suggested by people on the forums for the past several years. People who don't have a career in game design or work in the industry. Since I started playing again I am already getting tired of Huttball, Voidstar and Hypergate...especially this Vandin map. I never thought I would miss Odesson.

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I’ve had one nova coast pop in since GS started. The majority of my matches have been played (in this order) Void Star, Hutt Ball, Arena and then Hypergates. I’ve had a handful of Civil War, Yavin and OPG (which still pops way too much for the my liking).


Hutt ball maps are actually worse than it use to be before they were temp removed to be fixed. Adding this extra slow to ball carriers has not reduced or removed the Desync. Adding a speed debuff that works on all class speed abilities may seem like a solution, but it has zero affect on the main culprit of Hutt ball Desync. Operative roll isn’t limited or slowed with this change and so they still cause the most Desync in the game. But at the same time haven’t been nerfed into the ground like ever other classes mobility has.


The Desync in Hutt ball is still the same (sort of). There is a very slight difference. Where once you could predict where and when the Desync was going to happen, now its less predictable and in my opinion worse because you can’t plan to counter it.


And with the speed debuff, it lasts after you pass the ball and even through death and respawn. So no one wants to pick up the ball or have it passed to them. All this speed debuff to ball carriers has done is promote more death matching, and it’s slowed down the dynamics that made Hutt ball fun and turned into a big grind fest that even die hard Hutt ball fans hate playing.


If you can’t fix the Desync to 95% in HB, then sadly, the only real option is to remove HB from the rotation permanently.

You can still keep it in the game for people’s who might want to do challengers and organise kick balls.


Once you remove HB, you can set every map to have the same pop %.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Actually tbh there is desync in every map now, voidstars just by people walking and jumping, Hypergates the same thing, arenas and huttballs. Even novares and civil/yavins have desync, with the point you're trying to make, they might as well remove every map. https://clips.twitch.tv/ClearCoyBubbleteaRickroll-n-uSJVW60YLeP6oj <- mara there didn't have predation or any speed boost, he was just trying to jump and desync'd in hypergate. Happens more often than not on a daily basis
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Actually tbh there is desync in every map now


I'm someone with a steady, good ping who has all sorts of trouble with desync for roll, mad dash, jet out, and much less frequently the targeted abilities (leap, holotraverse/sin equiv). it's nearly 100% of the time with roll, and it is 100% of the time in certain places related to elevation change (most of which are located in the pit).


I've never experienced desync in the same way on flat ground. I've seen what seems like super predation jacked up so that players are running faster than buffed PT HO on flat ground like VS for longer than the 3s that a sin might get after teleporting (possibly a different type of glitch or hack - it's rare), but never the kind of desync that occurs with the former abilities where the targeted character model stutters and appears to drop down when he goes up or vise versa and cannot be attacked, which is always tied to elevation changes (even if it's just a 1-2 foot drop, there's still an elevation change involved).

Edited by CheesyEZ
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(Leaving the desync issues aside, as that's A.) an engine problem and B.) not the subject of the thread... )


How is map selection supposed to work at the moment? I was under the impression that Voidstar, Hypergate, Huttball (any of 3 maps), and Capture (any of 3 maps) modes had equal likelihood of popping on any given queue, with OPG popping 'less' and Arenas appearing when there weren't enough people for 8v8. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the dev post that led me to that conclusion. Anyone know what I'm thinking of?


The devs, of course, have a lot more data on total map frequency than we do, but out of curiosity I did start logging my matches, mostly to figure out what 'less' meant for OPG (near as I can tell, it means mythical). My last 54 warzones break down as follows:

Arena 4

Capture 11

Huttball 14

Hypergate 7

Voidstar 18


I've only had one mode run go longer than 2 in a row, and that was a string of 4 voidstars, so my personal impression is that map variety isn't terrible. The caveat, of course, is that I rarely play more than 4 warzones in a row anyway, so I'm not sure what the only-PvP crowd sees in comparison.

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