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Why Continue To Play SWTOR?


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I only read the OP's first sentence. that's all I could probably stomach. Let me tell you something young lady, I didn't play that other game much, the last time I played was the sometime in the third month after release. I never felt the need to play the game where all the little kids think you learn how to play an MMO. My kids won't even touch it with your fingers. Now enough of posts about some other "training wheels" game on the SW:ToR forums. If you want to talk about kindergarten MMO-ing, then go talk about on that other (I can't even call it a game) thing's forum. Don't assume it's popularity is for anything good.


Kindergarden? well atleast it worked well and felt like MMO and not a buggy single player game. It is by far much harder at endgame and more complex than you can ever have with current combat system or character responsive. As far as i can see this is the "training wheels" MMO, hell even calling this game MMO is a disgrace with the "lively" world this game has.

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Dear OP,


I'll take your damn novel and sum it up in a quick sentence answer to your question: Why continue to play SWTOR?


Why? Because WOW looks like LEGOS at this point. Regardless of how complete/full and fun the game can be at times, it looks TERRIBLE and I cannot get past that.

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I had to stop playing WOW just becuase I wasn't interested in putting in the time. It held no real story and there for nothing really for a casual gamer. I found myself spending way too much time just grinding to get to the next level. Here I can level up by questing with a little grinding in between for money and a few extra points.


You do make a good point about the new generation of players coming in though. Too many people expected a perfect game at the start. BW will take a bit to iron out the bugs, but when they do this game will be as good as (if not better than) any on the market.

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I'm just glad I finally found an MMO that lets me wander through it at my own pace, recapture a bit of my childhood and love of star wars, and gives me a good story along the way.


I'll probably never set foot in a raid or do much more than go for kills in pvp, I'm just too busy IRL and too old to be bothered trying to put effort into impressing a bunch of people that have the social skills of a pack of jakals.


I've met a few nice people and put them on my friends list, but I feel like swotor was built for the older, wiser post wow gamer, the ones that are in no hurry and enjoy taking in the scenery.

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I'm just glad I finally found an MMO that lets me wander through it at my own pace, recapture a bit of my childhood and love of star wars, and gives me a good story along the way.


I'll probably never set foot in a raid or do much more than go for kills in pvp, I'm just too busy IRL and too old to be bothered trying to put effort into impressing a bunch of people that have the social skills of a pack of jakals.


I've met a few nice people and put them on my friends list, but I feel like swotor was built for the older, wiser post wow gamer, the ones that are in no hurry and enjoy taking in the scenery.


I completely agree. Swtor is made to be enjoyed, not rushed

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I'm not ashamed of playing WoW. I'm just annoyed that when you admit it here you're basically the communist in the middle of the US and get treated as such. <_<


I don't think it's about the fact that you play WoW.It's more about the way some people play it or any other game.The elitists or nolifes as you could call them.


It's been the same with Age Of Conan and the Khitai hardmode grind or Tier 3,3.5,4 grind.

All this rush to be world's number one.My bro was playing in the top guilds and they could spend 7 hours straight just wiping at the same boss.No life,no sleep,just cigarettes,chips and coca cola and the neverending grind.

Once they got what they wanted,they were parading in front of the trade/auction house to show their newly won tier 3 chest and spamming global about how great they were.


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I didn't read the whole thing, but I still got what the OP was saying. Mainly cause I was thinking the same type of thing earlier today.


I started to realize that one reason so many complain is they are still looking for that same feeling they got when they first left the starting area of WoW (most people in the MMOs today started there).


Now I didn't start with WoW, but it was the first one that I really was able to sit down and play and really get into and really enjoy. I even remember my first kill on WoW, it took me 10 minutes to loot the thing, but I remember it. I remember clearing out of the starting Dwarf area and then going through the tunnel. I remember seeing all of Dun Morogh open up in front of me thinking OMG I have to explorer all of that?


As you run through the mountains to the first town you catch glimpses of where you are going to be later on. You see Ironforge hidden in the mountains, and catch glimpses of other players already riding off to some place on a gryphon. I remember I found I could make a campfire, and I did right outside the inn. I probably sat there for 40 min just talking to random people that walked by. All the while there was a Night Elf dancing on the steps next to us.


The first time you enter IF, or the first time you took Tram, and wondered why am I moving East and West, but on the map I go North and South hmm....Who doesn't remember the first time in Molten Core. You enter and walk around the corner and see two massive Giants. Then take on the Fire Elementals. As you cross that first bridge you stare at the Core Hounds that are pathing around. You just think OMG how are we going to do this.


I'm sure people will come and flame this thought of how lame and stupid WoW is. How simple it is, how kiddie it is. These are the same people that are still chasing the high I just described probably from WoW. It is the top dog and people always like it when the top dog goes down.


Nobody can argue that WoW is a well designed, and for the most part well coded game. Does it have issues yes, are the bugs yes, are their exploits, of course there. You are going to have those issues with every piece of software it's just going to happen.


I watch a good amount of Criminal Minds, and have read some Profiling books. One thing they say quite often in the show is that the serial killer is chasing that feeling they got with their first kill. Perfecting their craft chasing it, but they always know they will never get that feeling quite the same way. I honestly think a lo of the complaining that goes on comes from that same area. Everybody wants that same feeling of grandeur when you first walk up to Orgrimmar, or first time you saw Ragnaros pop from the lava. If just some of the zones were so large and well done. Azshara was probably one of the coolest looking zones. Also not forget that Blizzard behind only maybe SquareEnix has some of the best music in any of their games. Every song fit every zone it was designed for. It really set the mood for the game.


So mainly people are chasing those first feelings they had. At this point though it's all old hat, been there done that. It's more or less repackaged goods. Call of Duty is the same way. Lots of people were so enamored with the original. So blown away by the gameplay. Now in the new one one of the biggest complaints is there has been virtually no change in the gameplay. If they do make a drastic change people are going to complain cause they aren't use to it. People enjoy the new one every time it comes out, but I don't think they get same feeling they got when they were finally going up against friends in the original.


You nailed it!

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WoW is old. I played it for 6 years or around that. I came to Swtor for something new and refreshing, and it's delivered. I love swtor, and I know with bug fixes, content updates, and a little love this game will go a long way. WoW served its purpose, but now it's Swtor time. The developers made a beautiful game!
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Why continue playing SWTOR. Because I F'ing want too and not amount of fit throwing by the nay sayers will change the fact its a nice game despite the minor bugs.


Then this wasn't written for you, sir. I'm glad we're of like mind on why we are playing it.

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A game can be challenging without repetition or ego boost rewards. Actually, so far I've found both the class and group content to have challenges greater than the leveling experience in other games already (having to use almost every ability available to me on the elite enemies in class quests and CC in level 20 group missions).


The issue is a lot of MMO junkies don't want challenge, they want a system that makes them superior to others. I would love to see SWTOR succeed without them entirely, but I also see how many of my gamer friends still shy from any title from the MMO genre because they don't like feeling like they're in a skinner box.


Hopefully enough have been convinced that TOR isn't your typical MMO, because otherwise it needs the typical MMO crowd to survive.

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I don't think it's about the fact that you play WoW.It's more about the way some people play it or any other game.The elitists or nolifes as you could call them.


It's been the same with Age Of Conan and the Khitai hardmode grind or Tier 3,3.5,4 grind.

All this rush to be world's number one.My bro was playing in the top guilds and they could spend 7 hours straight just wiping at the same boss.No life,no sleep,just cigarettes,chips and coca cola and the neverending grind.

Once they got what they wanted,they were parading in front of the trade/auction house to show their newly won tier 3 chest and spamming global about how great they were.



Not pathetic, just a goal. A goal they achieved. Nothing wrong with goals in life, whether that be in video games, sports, academics or basket weaving. To each their own.

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A game can be challenging without repetition or ego boost rewards. Actually, so far I've found both the class and group content to have challenges greater than the leveling experience in other games already (having to use almost every ability available to me on the elite enemies in class quests and CC in level 20 group missions).


The issue is a lot of MMO junkies don't want challenge, they want a system that makes them superior to others. I would love to see SWTOR succeed without them entirely, but I also see how many of my gamer friends still shy from any title from the MMO genre because they don't like feeling like they're in a skinner box.


Hopefully enough have been convinced that TOR isn't your typical MMO, because otherwise it needs the typical MMO crowd to survive.


Your last sentence holds more truth than most people want to accept.

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I play SWTOR because of the STORY and all these posts about it not being an MMO is bogus.


When I play a game I want story, seen progression with characters, meaningful dialogue. Endgame for me is not "ZOMG look at my panda and it's Epikness armoors"


It's about knowing what happens next to the character you took through an entire game. Call me a non MMO'er all you want but do not say I'm not a hardcore gamer.


At least to me SWTOR makes it seem at the end of the day I've accomplished something and I have something to look forward to doing (other then "login raid logout")


I applaud the Dev's decision to expand on legacy.


And Wow may have poisioned the MMO for life because MMO is about "raids" etc, but SWTOR has everything a game needs to succeed




I'm not pulled into a game because i can "raid and be Eleet" I am pulled in because of the story of the main character.


As for the posts where people say quitting will send a message.


Quitting sends one message

"I am RAGE and don't see the point of SWTOR cuz itz nots WoW"


OBVIOUSLY it isn't


It's just a matter of how many will stick with it as time goes on and let it flourish or if they will just hatepost and rage quit




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I played AO, SWG, MxO, LotRO and now SWtOR.. never played WoW.


You have played some quality games, and WoW was once a great game as well. That time has long since passed us by, though. There's a reason it's so popular, of that there is no doubt.

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