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Is BioWare missing what Star Wars truly is?


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Hey all,


This is my first topic on the forums so far, and I wanted to talk a little bit about the current pvp stiutation of the game. Though I am pretty sure that this has been discussed (and being discussed) 2381917 times here on this forums, but I just wanted to approach the situation from a different point of view. I will try to be concise.


As many of us here, I am a true SW fan, and really like the element of PVP in every MMO I play. Unfortunately, years following the WoW's first implementation of Battleground and Arenas, World PVP in many MMORPG's have been pretty much ignored, as the devs found that having instanced PVP was a "safer" route for them, especially after many people crying over pvp rewards or being ganked.


I'll just come straight to the point. I think the open world pvp of the game is not enough, and we are aware of that already, however what I really think is, when BW made this game, they never considered open world PVP (or PVP in any form) as their priority. Or at least I am feeling that way.


When you think about it, we are playing a Star Wars game here, and at a time where Republic/Sith are having one of the biggest battles on the history. This concept is underlined even from the beginning of the game with movies, with the lore itself, and the framework that the game is built on.


However, when looking at the actual game, I clearly cannot see this. Seriously, just having a Warzone and not letting Sith/Republic encounter each other on many contested planets, not letting them having this epic fights you've been mentioning all the time -also in the movies themselves- (yes, you can encounter but it feels that the devs actually intentionally tried to avoid Sith/Republic encountering each other-at least this is what I feel), do you think the game offers this feeling?


If the game itself is SW game, a MMORPG or not, is it possible to have it based on anything other than PVP? Do you think it is possible? Seriously guys, in any SW game, can you ever imagine Jedi's gathering for a raid to slain a Krayt Dragon or whatever you name it?


But it feels this way. It feels that it was designed for something else. It feels PVP was never the main focus, and I don't like the idea. I don't care if you have more PVE elements in other MMO's like WOW, but in SW you just cannot do this. There will be ganking, ambushing, events, PVP raids, and so on. Because it is Star Wars.


In fact, I don't like the idea of having Tank/DPS/Support in this game as well, but I guess it is a completely different discussion. But when you think about it, it kinda signals to you that the game itself was designed in PVE way, not in a PVP way. And i find it a bit disturbing, and the potential being completely wasted.


I don't care if the game had so much world pvp that we would not be able to quest, would be ganked whatever, but it would add to the fun aspect of the game. Really, do you think Sith would let Republic growing stronger? I really don't mind getting ganked, ambushed killed by others when I am questing but hey, we are in a war right?


And all of this would in fact reinforce the social element of the game, since you would be forced to group with your allies, for something other than these heroic quests, because you would be under the threat all the time. So the game would perhaps feel more MMO than a Co-Op game.


Am I the only who thinks a SW game should be like this, especially considering the timeframe of the game? Imagine the Galaxy is facing the greatest battles ever, and the Jedi's are raiding for PVE to get better items IN ORDER to kill stronger mobs later. lol. You can do this in WoW, but sorry not in Star Wars. At least this is what I think.


I really wonder what you think about it...

Edited by Bscalp
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