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RP quality of life improvements


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Hi! I'm in an RP guild. We do event, much like mini D&D campaigns, in your game. It's not only fun, but creative. We use the environments you've created and assets you've provided to tell interactive and evolving stories borrowing from your lore while also creating our own. We acquire every stronghold and constantly purchase coins and new outfits. My guild leader has 45 different characters he uses to act as NPC's for all our various missions and quests. But we could use some quality of life improvements.


More open areas. Places to meet and roleplay without constantly being interrupted by enemies. For instance, giving access to the flashpoint assets so we can use the areas so they are empty. You've created so many awesome environments we can access unless we're doing the flashpoint. And if we did want to do a roleplay event using those assets, we're limited to four participants. I know all this requires processing power, but perhaps if there was a way to request a dedicated phase for rp events?


Think about it!



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