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Dark vs Light???


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Is this true all the cool kids chose Darkside.


Some say theire story is mutch better, thier Euqiment is better and cooler ;(


I can agree is hard to find cool outfits for my smuggler.

And I do be defeeted alot.

My trooper alt kills everything, mobs 3-4 lvls above, and now we talking gold.


My smuggler get his as kicked of mobs 2-4 lvls lower them him.

And gold I have a hard time to beat if I'm not at leats 2lvlv above them.


Most of it because, Corso Harpoon, or natural cover. Natural cover, is always a certain death sentence for my smuggler.

And it is annoying that I cant chose.

Its not all the time you have split vision enough when you go down in cover to see if I roll rto the right or left or worse right in to the mob.


And my ninja Wookie, come on whos bright Idea was to make a samurai Wookie.


It would be better if we could chose what kind of Companion we wanted, Healer, melee, or distance, sniper what so ever. As for now, the only C I'm ok with as smuggler is Corso, and thats just because he tag along from the beginning. But with harpoon and C-abilities that respawn everi elivator, death, speeder, speach film etc makes the Smuggler annoying to play.


So should I turn dark with the rest of the cool kids, since their, C are better to look at, Good side got all the ugly once and strange robots or aliens. It seems the Devs, like the dark side better....



Hmmm Stay Good or go bad...


What do you think?

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Some how I think all dev also playing sith.


And thats why the cool smuggler ala Han Solo just washed away.



Come on give us playeble smuggler, Gve me a way to not have to dual weild or use a shotgun wich the latter is not star wars.


Give me some cool clothes to use, and let me be able to recruit all those women I flirt with instead of a nerdy droid or a samurai Wookie.


First the nerdy droid was Lökes (onion) for luke in Swedish M.A.D magasine.

R2 also Lökes. Not Han Solos.

He had a brutal Wookie who shot with a light-crossbow, wich should be eq with either shoot gun or sniper.


He had a cool snob as friend in Lando.


He had a neirdy looking Senate daughter flirt named Leia, Meet sevral of those with my smuggler.


And what do I get Corso is cool when change his look. Wookie not so much he could be if he stop using his Vibrator and start shooting and bashing people instead.

But non recruiteble.

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I play a Sith Marauder. I have to say they're pretty ******. If you play any kind of Sith people will always be afraid of you and calling you "my lord" and other great perks. It just feels good to put the fear of God into the characters every time you blink an eye at them. That's what I love about the Sith. The unapologetically evil part is also quite nice. :rolleyes:
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It depends. For the IA, the dark side choices are all about being efficient and merciless. But the light side are all about risking the mission, or cover, to save a few people.


I love the light side imperial agent story. I get chewed out by my superiors all the time :)


But Rax you still play with the cool kids on the Darkside, but doing light choices.


As Imperial Agent, smuggler darky, are your taking natural cover a death sentence for you as is for smuggler?


And you do have cooler Companions. ;)

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