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Attention devs! Spam bots on starter planets getting out of hand again.


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I do realize you guys did something to help with it last year but it seems for a nicer word I am seeing a ton of new unnamed accounts/legacy on my ignore list just this week alone.

I just got a dozen of them on my ignore list literally the most I got in one day on a monday just today alone about 10 in a few hours.

I do use the report as well but they might have discovered how to beat your new filter. 3/22/2021 7:48 pm EST US

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I do realize you guys did something to help with it last year but it seems for a nicer word I am seeing a ton of new unnamed accounts/legacy on my ignore list just this week alone.

I just got a dozen of them on my ignore list literally the most I got in one day on a monday just today alone about 10 in a few hours.

I do use the report as well but they might have discovered how to beat your new filter. 3/22/2021 7:48 pm EST US


if a lot off players report then with under report spam there are seeing it on there own when the reports are coming in that the spam bots problem are back all 9 day's long there are back.

so we most use this thread to let then know there are back and keep reporting then that the proof there getting that there are really back.

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punish the players that keep them in business, how?


Permanent bans. It's how every other MMO does it. My legion leader in Aion had to make a new account because he thought it was legit, since the spammers were so active, and bought currency. BOOM, account permanently suspended. He didn't buy any more after that.

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