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Best PvE Healer class


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Hello everyone,


Been a while since I last played a healer.

As a result I've been way out of the loop for some time.

That said, I have played all heal specs in the past, but not actively...thus I still have some basic grasp of the classes.


With my sights set on Endgame PvE/Ops, I'm wondering which healer might be best suited for that.


Thus far I've heard/read following concencus:

Sage/Sorc: Easy to play, plenty of (group) uility, good mobility, easy Force management.

Scoundrel/Operative: Most difficult to learn, but highest healing output, lots of micro management (Kolto probe uptime on all players, etc


Commando/Mercenary: Great PvE tookit, bursty heals but better at single target healing.


With that knowledge in mind, I think Sorc might be a bit on the tedious side.

For reference: I mostly played operative healer way back when, and rarely Merc.


Thank in advance!

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Operative healer isn't that difficult to play and is viable for all content (I myself play it with some regularity), but it does have a very glaring weakness when it comes to single target burst healing. Sadly enough for Operative that is exactly the thing that people will mostly die to. Sorcs and Mercs are easily capable of keeping up with the long term sustained healing demand, so Operatives' advantage there is a bit wasted really. Its AoE healing is very strong though, which can be helpful in some fights. If you do decide to go Operative, I'd advise that you forget about trying to keep Kolto Probes on everyone. Make sure you keep it on tanks, only use it on specific dps if you're expecting them to take damage in the future due to mechanics. If you try to keep it on the whole group you're wasting time that could be better spent using your other more reactive and bursty heals like Kolto Injection & Infusion.


Sorcs and Mercs are definitely favoured over Operatives in most scenario's though. I'd say the ideal healer pairing for most fights is going to be one Sorc and one Merc. In my experience Sorcs are the most commonly played of the two, though this is probably at least in part because a lot of players favour force sensetive classes. Considering you might find Sorcs a bit tedious, I'd say Merc is probably better suited to you, and it should more often create the ideal Sorc+Merc combo.

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Tbh I don't really agree with what's being said above. A lot of fights in Nigtmare ops will require heavy AoE healing, spread or packed, heavy sustained single target will also be present on all fights with tanks, but you'll rarely have only the tanks taking damage in a fight, operatives do an excellent job at soothing health bars with heavy AoE healing


Technically, operatives have the highest healing output out of the 3 healers, best CDs (Alacrity boost, Mastery boost that resets the CD of your other CDs, personnal shield, Self-cleanse + 100% dodge every 40 seconds, vanish). In an OP group, no heal can rival the AoE output of the op, and if the group is packed, you'll dish out an insane amount of healing.


Although they are relatively easy to play, they still require fights knowledge and anticipation, you can easily maintain probes on 4 targets and go up to 6 during burst & spread healing phases with the right utilites. "Easy to play, hard to master" really takes its meaning with this class


Although I agree, Ops are not the best for single target, but you can still have some decent burst ST healing with the kolto infusion making surgical probe an auto crit and with the critical probe tactial, every surgical probe you do on a target that's <50% hp is automatically a crit, not as good as Mercs and sorc burst ST, but still very good.


I would personally say the current best healing comp would be Operative / Merc or Sorc


But again, you can literally play any of the 3 healing classes and do well in Nightmare Ops, there's no mandatory pick or must have class, play what you enjoy

Edited by suuperzachary
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All healers are viable in Nim Ops as long as you don´t stack them.

So if you have the option equip/master 2 classes and use the one that is needed.


From personal experience I´d say that sorc and merc are the most popular classes. I can count on one hand the times my cohealer was an oper. But thats probably because there are 2 tech classes and one of them is a Mandalorian.

(I´m a sorc main because glowstick lol)

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