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Yeah.. The New Amplifier Pane Needs to Go.

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People have being saying that for a while, there has been a few things on the PTS that has gone over really bad with the users, and has a flood of complaints against it, and even better options provided, etc. But BW just ignored it, and did what they do anyway. I'm not even sure they bother reading the test server, or if they do, they see one positive comment, and think everyone is happy.


and thats maybe also the reason why there is much hate against BW that can be a reason more that if BW is ignore us for the feedback we give about things and there give no crap about it or reporting problems and there keep ignore us then you only wake more hate against then at some point.


same if there telling this on the bug reports is also showing there are not listing to us: Our team is still working on this and when we have more info to share about this bug, we will inform the community.

and after that you hear notting any more from then about the problem.

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Yeah it's terrible. It's not only the panel though. What's with the big low res character in the windows 98 background ? Also if I'm not wrong, the screen doesn't show the currently equipped outfit but the set bonus instead Edited by happerycube
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I understand that the need to promote the new changes in the amplifiers.

** The amplifiers still need some work (improvements appreciated ... just needs to work better on this aspect of the amplifiers ... as mentioned before).


** The new UI needs to be laid out more logically with the "secondary stats" more readily available ( I actually use them all the time to check on various percentages / effectiveness ) . [note: the new size is OK ... but place the weapons at the bottom and keep the armor sections together]


** The new amplifier section really does need to be collapsible an available only when toggled. Make a good "spot" to toggle ... but amplifier list should only come up when requested.


IMO this is a win / win for everyone !!


I know ... someone is going to be somewhat offended. But good night man .. we all have to rethink how we do stuff from time to time. That's just a part of the growing process. I make my own "Umbrella (aka A-Rig) covers. You can't buy good ones any where !! I just finished the 4th and 5th generation (one for open faced reels the other for bait casters). I give them to my friends. They were absolutely ecstatic when I showed them the new changes !! I had to learn and CHANGE my whole design concept to get it right !! The earlier ones were all improvements ... but just not the RIGHT ones. We finally got it right !!


This is life !! (This is not off topic ... meant to be an encouragement example of not being afraid to change the approach on how we do things ).


It's all good folks ... Just learn from this .. make some really good changes and let's move on !! Please !! ????

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Another thing I just encountered.

When I inspect my outfits, the amplifier panel *seems* to disappear. But no, it's just invisible.

As a result, I can't move the character window to the right side because the invisible amplifier panel won't let me.


Did you hire a 14 years old to design this? In fact, a 14 years old might do a better job because they probably plays more games and have a better idea of a good UI is.

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Here's my post in agreement: It's terrible, the old character sheet worked just fine and the fact they spent time working on this and released the unfinished product first is absurd and should be reverted. Amplifiers were fine as an optional tab to open.
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You don't have to drag them. Open the character panel, right-click to unequip the ones you don't want to keep, then open the inventory and equip the ones you do want.

That only works with the top slot. The bottom slot has to be dragged to.





I'm adding my voice to the chorus:

The Character Sheet change is bad. It takes up way too much space on my 1080p monitor, and I run scaling slightly below 1! The Amplifier Pane should be collapsible, and be collapsed by default.


I also think removing the second drop-down was poorly thought out. Having two drop-downs for stats is useful for monitoring how a buff or debuff alters performance. The Amplifier Pane is also far too big of an obstruction to monitor changes in stats while playing now. I used to be able to have it open on the side. Now, with the Amplifier Pane, my character is obstructed.


There was no need to sacrifice that second drop-down for a bigger character view, and changing some of the equipment slot locations will take a lot of time to retrain muscle memory.


The only thing I like is that I can see all my amps at once and roll a new one with less clicks. I'm always in favor of less clicks, but the trade-off is too much.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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I SO agree with this. The character tab "upgrade" was COMPLETELY pointless -- no, it's worse; it's purely retarded -- and should be reversed immediately.


There already WAS a button that showed us all amps if needed. What was wrong with that? Whose bright idea was to shove the amps in our faces all the time -- and remove an actually USEFUL stat display??


Do your devs actually understand what stats players need and want to see? Players need to see stuff like their crit, defense, shield and absorb percentage -- all of those with a single glance! Especially because those stats change during combat when procs and cooldowns occur!


Meanwhile, nobody cares about amplifiers. While leveling, they are utterly worthless -- and when at maximum level, there's no need whatsoever to view them after they have been sorted out... especially when the useless amp tab does not even group up amps of the same type.

Edited by Parsifal_
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I can't help but think the new interface is that "in your face" by design. There is no way that whoever designed it wasn't aware that most users would not like it.

To me this clearly says that the design intent behind it was to literally shove amplifiers into our faces, because their internal metrics show them that almost nobody is spending credits on it. So they had an internal discussion on how to make the amplifiers better, came to the conclusion that all discussed ideas would require more resources than they would be able to commit. Then someone up the command chain said: we need to make amplifiers work as intended (i.e. as a credit sink) anyway, we will shove it down their throats if necessary .... and here we are.


Most probably the designers responsible for it knew that it would be hated by the players and were annoyed that they had to do it anyway. So a minimum of effort was spent and not more than minimum thought was put into it.

This is not a design / gameplay philosophy problem. It is a problem of a team not getting the resources required to provide good solutions for the goals they are tasked to achieve.


It feels like they have to make amplifiers drain credits from the economy without also getting the green light to change anything about how they currently work as that would cost a lot more dev time than just shoving an UI element in our faces.


I can't help but have the exact same feeling. It feels like some narcissist just wants to shove his brainchild in our faces -- knowing it would be hated, but at least he would get the attention he craves!

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I can't help but have the exact same feeling. It feels like some narcissist just wants to shove his brainchild in our faces -- knowing it would be hated, but at least he would get the attention he craves!


I, too, feel the new Amplifier panel needs to be hidable. I bet they put in our faces now because too many people were ignoring it and not spending their minkies making changes. Amplifiers are meant to be a money-sink afterall.

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I, too, feel the new Amplifier panel needs to be hidable. I bet they put in our faces now because too many people were ignoring it and not spending their minkies making changes. Amplifiers are meant to be a money-sink afterall.


This isn't going to make people roll them more, it just annoys people. The only time I rolled an amp was for CQ, and as I've stopped doing that, I've no need of ever seeing them again.

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This isn't going to make people roll them more, it just annoys people. The only time I rolled an amp was for CQ, and as I've stopped doing that, I've no need of ever seeing them again.


I will need the missing stat sheet ... but not the amplifier sheet. Maybe one day when the method of acquiring a SPECIFIC type of amplifier with a specific application is available .. THEN the amplifier listing will be something that is viable and needed.


Even still .. that particular aspect of the character sheet needs to be "toggled" and not such a distraction / problem as it is now.


** sigh **


Why in the name of common sense is it really so difficult for someone to accept the fact that this was just a bad idea in it's current state. If the new UI were done more tastefully (as has been mentioned before release) .. and the new amplifier changes been added without being so distracting and cumbersome that would have worked just fine !


The larger size I'm sure was meant to help ... not to hurt. But after that ... something went wrong.


[/shrugs] .. Oh well. I've tried since PTS to offer feed back without being rude ... but you can see where that got us !!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I completely agree. The new amp pane is just ugly, and takes up far too much screen realestate.

Have a 28" screen, and play in 1080p.


Why was this even done? Just seems like a waste of dev time and resources better used for other things that make the game better.


Please either make it collapisble or remove it.


Also, they new character screen is way to big, and much to zoomed in. Makes the character look ugly and low resolution. And why did you change where the weapons were? They were just fine under the character as it was before, but now it's just a mess.


This just seems like another one of the good old "let us change this, because reasons" things, wich we seen more of, not just here but other places aswell...

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Why in the name of common sense is it really so difficult for someone to accept the fact that this was just a bad idea in it's current state. If the new UI were done more tastefully (as has been mentioned before release) .. and the new amplifier changes been added without being so distracting and cumbersome that would have worked just fine !


I think stuff like this gets greenlit many months in advance by some exec that fully believes "video games are not art" and the last thing the dev team wants to go their boss with is, "remember that new character window we spent all that money developing? well... everyone hates it.", a month before it's planned release. I get the feeling that these guys have no choice but to release stuff on time whether it's working properly or not, or even if it gets the worst feedback possible.


Things like this are the reason BioWare started developing it's own IPs back before EA took them over. BioWare just wanted to make good games and release them when they were "Done", not when some artless corporate tool said so.

Edited by TheWilloughbian
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its not only on the forums that people hate the new amplifier pane but its also on the general chat.


some are also asking in the chat how to collapsible it the amplifier pane but when there know there cant there are also not happy about it and then you get that other people join in also that there hate it so its not only on the forums there hate the new amplifier pane.

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