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Make Crafted Invasion Forces and War Supplies Relevant to Conquest


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Here's an idea to bring crafting back into conquest. Make the crafted Invasion Forces and War Supplies relevant to invading planets with the higher yield planets costing more. For example (just spitballing numbers here), if your guild wants to invade a large planet, it costs you 100 Invasion Forces to commit to that invasion (10 for a medium and 1 for a small). In addition, each day that you want to benefit from your flagship CQ point bonus, you have to have 50 War Supplies for a large planet invasion in your guild bank (which are deducted at the start of the day). Say 20 for a medium planet and 5 for a small planet.


This way, the crafted war materials would mean something and conquest guilds would have a reason to invest in the infrastructure to produce Invasion Forces and War supplies. It could also potentially act as a check on runaway guild credit balances for those guilds unwilling to invest, since they will have to buy them on the GTN.

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