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Out of Quickslots


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I'm not quite sure if this is the proper place to post this but, I'm lvl 34 and I'm already sending skills to the left/right quickslots. Surely I'll have enough place there but it just ruins my skill organization.


Also, since I play with the mouse (and please, don't make a silly debate about that) having to move my mouse to the left and to the right of the screen in the middle of the battle is very far from being the ideal.


I already took out of my quickslots the relics (the ones that are clickable), medpacs and other consumables (yeah, I open my inventory in the middle of combat to use those if I ever need to).


Please, make the icons half the actual size so we can put waaaay more skills and more quickslots in the middle of the screen.


Here's a screenshot of my screen to illustrate the issue.




This was taken at 33, at 34 I already have two more skills, so the bar on the center is full, and I have 1 less slot on left/right ones.


The lack of place is kind of driving me crazy. If anyone has a fix, or perhaps something that I have overlooked that could help me, I'm open to suggestions (except something like "learn to play with keyboard kthxbai", I've tried and I don't like it).


And no, I won't unsub if this doesn't gets fixed ASAP. I love the game.



Edited by ozirizo
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Yep it is a big problem. To combat this I just looked closely at my skills and picked up the ones I hardly ever use and take them off. All classes have a few skills that are irrelevant to their chosen path.


that was basically my solution. (got trained into it by guild wars... damn 8 skills only limit.....)

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You can easily keybind all your skills - combination of ctrl/shift/alt with mouse clicks works wonders (2 side buttons, scroll button and up/down scroll). A bit of a learning curve at first, but once you get the hang of it then you never need to take your eyes off the enemy. Edited by supaflav
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