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After Balmorra, who BEST to use - Corso, Bowdaar or Akaavi


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After Balmorra, who BEST to use - Corso, Bowdaar or Akaavi?


I have always used Corso and geared him out. Never used Bowdaar or Risha. Now I get Akaavi after Balmorra. Who is best or better to use for questing until max level? I like Corso since he acts like a tank/dps. Can Bowdaar or Akaavi do better?



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Risha, all the way. I've got Gus now and I alternate between him and Risha depending on how much ground I need to cover in a short amount of time. Fights with Gus take much longer and you definitely do all the heavy lifting.


Running and gunning? Risha


Pacing myself and watching for patrols? Gus

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I am level 40 and I have found some end of story situations particularly difficult. Typically when I use Risha my surviablity AND the surviablity of my companion is much better especially against a boss. However there have been a few situations where I use Corso & his grapple. He can grab a high level NPC with is harpoon & it has not aggro'd the other NPC's around it. Then I can kill them off as I see fit & do not have to take them on all at once & worry about using flash grenades etc. None of the stun effects so far, except droid slicing, last long enough top really do much good on higher level NPCs.
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I might be doing something horribly wrong, but I've found that as a sawbones I need one of the tanks. Nobody else can hold aggro from me, and I can't burn down things quick enough for aggro not to matter.


So, it's a matter of which one. I hate to say it, but I think Corso is mechanically the best. He's got a really useful ranged pull and all of his CC-breaking abilities are off by default. You have to mess with Bowdaar's abilities every time you get off your speeder, and the fact that he's melee is worse for positioning.


I still typically use Bowdaar, though. Corso's "Yeehaw!" really, really grates on me.

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I used Risha until I picked up Guss and have never changed since then. Some melee elites might need some extra love and when that happens I pull out Corso to tank for me.(until you get guss, who works for everything and I want to bromance him)
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I'm sawbones, level 42. I used Risha as soon as I got her, but found Akavi to be more my style. Akavi does sick burst/AoE damage and the AoE knockback is nice. I still keep Corso geared up, but most "world mini bosses," (the ones designed for like 2-4 people that drop orange/epics) I solo with Akavi. She's got the plate armor, does great DPS and can hold aggro off me when I'm spam healing her. Rarely do I ever use Corso for anything, even if it's me tanking the mobs the efficiency of using Akavi is far better then using Corso.
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Guss Tuno the healer, he keeps you alive. Guss (don't need to "surrender" to redirect aggro if you are taking too much heat) > Risa > Akavi > Corso > Bowdaar....


Guss and Risa due to them sharing Cunning based equipment with you, so basically you pass on your hand me down to them... Used or crafted.


Akavi melee tank and AOE since she will literally be jumping around well to groups of enemies.


Corso ranged tanking, AOE badly unless you are close to a bunch of enemies. Then his EMP burst does his work. You can manually get him to pull enemies over one by one with his harpoon...


Bowdaar, melee tank but his AOE is limited. Effective when facing very few enemies, namely one.


C2N2, you can use him too since he's a healer. But there's the issue with affection points, hassle to keep switching him out for conversation.

Edited by Roguehwz
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Risha, the girl tanks as well as Corso or Bo and can do massive damage. By far our best pet. I am level 41 and have used he sense I got her.


Yes ! i dont understand. How can Risha take the same dmg as Bowdar ? Tanks sucks bad.


Risha on sniper mode. I let her tank. in Sawbones.


I'm sawbones, level 42. I used Risha as soon as I got her, but found Akavi to be more my style. Akavi does sick burst/AoE damage and the AoE knockback is nice. I still keep Corso geared up, but most "world mini bosses," (the ones designed for like 2-4 people that drop orange/epics) I solo with Akavi. She's got the plate armor, does great DPS and can hold aggro off me when I'm spam healing her. Rarely do I ever use Corso for anything, even if it's me tanking the mobs the efficiency of using Akavi is far better then using Corso.


Problem with Akaavi and Bowdar is they do so mutch MAYHAM. So they pull other mob packs into the fight....


Akaaavi Brakes my CC Slice or Tranq dart -.-



Wookie toos into 10 other mobs.... and u wipe...


Either Sawbones with Risha on Sniper mode with AOE abilitys Shut down. or Scrapper with Risha on sniper. Very fast killing.


Trying to kill somthing with Bowdar or Corso will take 3 times longer. I tried killing Yellow classbosses with Bowdar and Corso. But their DPS is so low it takes 15 min to kill it.


for Heroic 2+ i have Guss healing. and myself doin DPS together with 1 player and 1 more DPS companion.

Edited by Donnadarco
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If you turn off Wookie Toss and the aoe abilities Bowdarr tanks very well. Corso annoys me and I hate to say it that stupid harpoon is useful sometimes. I haven't obtained Risha yet but from reading around a lot of people use Akavi.


Yes they all have their uses so what I do is dissmiss and summon as needed. Corso's harpoon as much as it is bugged and keeps getting turned back on, it also allows you to have the fight where you want it well out of the way of traffic and that can be very useful.


So I use them all, in a group Corso is not really useable especially if you are heal spec, you don't want to reel in the boss so he is standing right beside you, at least I dont think thats a good idea. ;) Never ever! NEVER use Corso Riggs in a group! :D:cool:


I don't have a lot of experience with Akaavi yet but last night I joined a guild and I was grouping with a guildmate and she was a Gunslinger and me a Scoundrel. She had Akaavi out so I summoned my Akaavi and I have to say that group was pretty deadly and a ton of fun!

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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How the HELL are you guys succeeding with a non-tank? I don't have Guss yet and I plan on using him, but I simply cannot do well with Akavi or Risha. Obviously 1-3 mob groups, and with the strongest target CC'd it works fine... but I can't do well in the long run unless I use Corso. I find I have the least amount of downtime with Corso too.


I'm looking forward to getting Guss though, might not have to heal companion every other pull like I do now.


Spec'd deep Scrapper.

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On a related note: Is there any advantage or disavantage to which character you use in fighting and the story? Personally as full sawbones solo grinding is easy with Bowdaar. But I want to advance the storyline of Risha. So I was thinking of using the wookie for fights then when I turn in or get new quests I'll pull out the woman. Will this be counterproductive?
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On a related note: Is there any advantage or disavantage to which character you use in fighting and the story? Personally as full sawbones solo grinding is easy with Bowdaar. But I want to advance the storyline of Risha. So I was thinking of using the wookie for fights then when I turn in or get new quests I'll pull out the woman. Will this be counterproductive?


There shouldn't be any counterproductiveness as far as I know. I think companion affection is only determined by dialogue options as far as quests are concerned.


Keep someone on a companion gift mission at all times btw. Does wonders if you want to experience more than 1 companion's storyline. Wait... do any other mission crewskills give gifts besides diplomacy?

Edited by Aurinax
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