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I Remember When The Prices On The GTN Weren't Crazy Bad...


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Now they are so bad I wonder what the heck people are thinking. What are people thinking? 5mil for a pair of boots. My gosh. I sell boots even if they are no longer available for 100K or even less. People, FTP (and preferred players probably) won't be able to pay 5mil for boots.


Chances are those boots aren't bought by a FTP person, but instead by a trader, who then adds a zero or two. As for the prices on the gtn. There are two perspectives

1. Buyer...they are crazy expensive

2. Seller, wish I could get more for this plat items.


It's like real life, you want to buy the things you want, for as little as you can, but when you go to sell something, you want as much as possible for it. Yes, some of the prices have gone crazy, but no one is forced to buy anything,

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Chances are those boots aren't bought by a FTP person, but instead by a trader, who then adds a zero or two. As for the prices on the gtn. There are two perspectives

1. Buyer...they are crazy expensive

2. Seller, wish I could get more for this plat items.


It's like real life, you want to buy the things you want, for as little as you can, but when you go to sell something, you want as much as possible for it. Yes, some of the prices have gone crazy, but no one is forced to buy anything,


You can tell who is buying stuff. If someone buys something and only one piece, they aren't resellers and if a subscriber pays that much for a pair of boots, well they are really rich or they need their heads examined or both.

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You can tell who is buying stuff. If someone buys something and only one piece, they aren't resellers and if a subscriber pays that much for a pair of boots, well they are really rich or they need their heads examined or both.


Depends on what you define as rich, as it has changed over time. People pay the crazy prices on the gtn, that's why they keep going up, and as long as people pay it, it won't stop. People have more money in the game, from more sources then ever before. My son started playing again recently, and was amazed at how quickly he earned credits, and kept hitting the limit on his pref acc. But even as a pref, he was able to outfit himself with a decent looking set, and dyes.


As for the resellers, it depends on the item, sometimes they buy one, sometimes all, it depends on what it is. Personally I've seen stuff at low prices, and bought it, because I knew I could flip it then, or hold on top it to flip later, and make a killing.

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I think a lot of the problem is the devaluation of Credits. The game showers you in Credits for just about anything, and there seem to be no effective credit sinks. No training costs, no travel costs, and a very low GTN 'tax' on transactions. I've just returned to the game after maybe 2 years away, and the difference in prices across the board is stark.


I started playing around the time the Hutt expasnsion launched, and back then F2P and Pref could contribute to the trade environment. The cred caps back then were 200k F2P, and 350k Pref.


I'd say that to get even close to an equivalent effect these days the caps need to be increased to maybe 2mill F2P, and 5mill Pref.


That would at least free up the GTN to a much wider group of players, with benefits to everybody I think.


And while Bio are at it, they could bring back OP, WZ and FP Passes to the GTN! :eek:



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And while Bio are at it, they could bring back OP, WZ and FP Passes to the GTN! :eek:




This would be a great idea, I've often been in groups and needed someone, and a guildie would join, except they couldn't because they aren't subbed. I'd have no problem buying a few passes, and keeping them in the guild bank, for situations like this, and I know plenty of people would do more stuff if they had passes available.

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One thing to keep in mind is that the prices of things you see on the GTN are often the prices of the things that didn't sell.

For example, those 5 mil boots. They might regularly go for 1.5 million, but all those have been sold, so all you see are the 5 mil+ ones.


And of course, if you have a billion credits, 5 mil doesn't seem like so much. 🤔


And also, of course, those items on the GTN are mostly cosmetic. Not being able to afford them doesn't really impact your gameplay.

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Now they are so bad I wonder what the heck people are thinking. What are people thinking? 5mil for a pair of boots. My gosh. I sell boots even if they are no longer available for 100K or even less. People, FTP (and preferred players probably) won't be able to pay 5mil for boots.


LoL, I sell dyes for 50 million. 5 million for a pair of boots is nothing when I make 100-500 million a week.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You can tell who is buying stuff. If someone buys something and only one piece, they aren't resellers and if a subscriber pays that much for a pair of boots, well they are really rich or they need their heads examined or both.


Is 3.8 billion rich these days? I don’t think so when the new Augments cost 600-700 million each.

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Is 3.8 billion rich these days? I don’t think so when the new Augments cost 600-700 million each.

Of course it is. Just cause there are some people who are so rich they don't know what to do with themselves, doesn't mean that 3.8 billion isn't rich.


Besides those are such niche items that you'd have to be crazy...or filthy rich to go for them. And those augments that will only be BiS for a limited time because the next time new tiers of gear will come out they'll be useless. Not much of an investment...so yeah crazy or filthy rich. Oh and nobody really needs those new augments unless you take pvp very seriously and even then...

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Things have been crazy on the GTN for a long time. The studio are their wort enemies when it comes to keeping inflation under control.


The latest Augments made with rare materials are a prime example - only a few do the top-tier activities.... but people still want BiS gear.... the mats drop in a trickle so the Augments are stupid expensive.... So everyone who doesn't want to raid or do ranked PVP puts up the prices of everything they can sell.... An armour piece or a dye or a decoration or a boost.... Even low grade mats are 100s of times what they were at the start of the game.


Effective credit sinks, - new events that drain money out of the system is required.


Its poor design that you can PVP for an evening and easily amass 100-200K without spending a credit. You can run dailes for the same time and mnake even more, - for a few credits repair bill at the end. It only takes a few score people doing so, every day of the year and that's billions swimming around. - Making Decos and cosmetic things cost a lot of CCs is also fuelling the inflation. - If you spent a few dollars on a shiny, you wanna make millions on the GTN if you sell it. - Especially if all your fave things to buy is being over-priced by everyone else.


BioWare seem unaware of the problem and refuse to spend time or effort thought to the problem, meaning that every passing day it just gets a little bit worse....

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its only getting worse when people sell unlock items like unlocking the cargo bay or legendary cargo bay for more then 1 mill credits on the GTN will a free to play player never can have more then 1 mill credits and still people are selling stuff like that for more then 1 mill and its with all unlock items more.
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If you spent a few dollars on a shiny, you wanna make millions on the GTN if you sell it. - Especially if all your fave things to buy is being over-priced by everyone else.


This is the problem. It's the real-money $-to-Credits money laundering loop, which is how many people pay to win: $ > CM > GTN > Credits > Endgame Augs.


This, btw, is also why we're plagued by gold farmers: they offer a better pay-to-win value than laundering money through the CM, as EA/BW intends. This is also why EA/BW cares; it's a revenue leak for them.


Crazy inflation would end if game mechanics were demonetized. As subscribers, we deserve better.

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I dont know how anyone can afford to buy anything. I just wanted a dye. Prices were absurd.


you can buy dyes for as little as 5k..... what you wanted was a specific dye. If you can't afford the one you want, next best thing is to get something similar, or just experiment with the preview system, and see what happens.

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I think a lot of the problem is the devaluation of Credits. The game showers you in Credits for just about anything, and there seem to be no effective credit sinks. No training costs, no travel costs, and a very low GTN 'tax' on transactions. I've just returned to the game after maybe 2 years away, and the difference in prices across the board is stark.


I started playing around the time the Hutt expasnsion launched, and back then F2P and Pref could contribute to the trade environment. The cred caps back then were 200k F2P, and 350k Pref.


I'd say that to get even close to an equivalent effect these days the caps need to be increased to maybe 2mill F2P, and 5mill Pref.


That would at least free up the GTN to a much wider group of players, with benefits to everybody I think.


And while Bio are at it, they could bring back OP, WZ and FP Passes to the GTN! :eek:




Theres a lot more credit sinks now then there used to be. Can't even afford to gear my chars because of the high credit costs. Not that I need to for story anyways. There's strongholds and faction items on vendors I still don't have the credits for, not without hours of credit grinding.


Most of my outfits I saved monthly CCs for, or got lucky during events like dvl and got them cheap off the gtn. Now most items have wet CC costs in the store the gtn costs have gone up and purchase of rng boxes down (which used to cause influxes of much wanted items sometimes lowering their costs on the gtn, that doesn't happen now).

Edited by Suzsi
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This is the problem. It's the real-money $-to-Credits money laundering loop, which is how many people pay to win: $ > CM > GTN > Credits > Endgame Augs.


This, btw, is also why we're plagued by gold farmers: they offer a better pay-to-win value than laundering money through the CM, as EA/BW intends. This is also why EA/BW cares; it's a revenue leak for them.


Crazy inflation would end if game mechanics were demonetized. As subscribers, we deserve better.


I’ve made all of my credits from crafting. All my cartel coins go towards opening up collections or new things that are too expensive on the GTN to buy,


Honestly, I’ve made more credits this year by playing the GTN and selling crafted items above market price. Since I stopped getting into price wars on the GTN and trying to compete with people flooding the market, I’ve made 100x more credits.


Let me be clear. I don’t sell cartel market items. I don’t flip cartel Market items. I craft and sell or flip crafted items people sell too cheap. I’m not the cheapest on the GTN anymore. I’m somewhere in the middle and I sell more than when I was the cheapest. Which means I make more credits with less effort. I don’t have to craft as much or farm as much as I used to and I make way more credits because people don’t always buy the cheapest items.


I actually sell some of my crafted stuff higher than the cartel stuff. You can make plenty of credits without every needing to flip real money on the cartel market.

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I’m so old now I remember when you could do that with $1


Am I the only one who remembers that $.25 could buy an RC cola and a Moon Pie ?


Also: as far as boots are concerned .. Satele boots are usually between 39 - 42 Mil !



Edited by OlBuzzard
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