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SWTOR 6.2.x ?


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Great reply!


Well thats true... They have us by the balls indeed...

There is only one SW MMO and nothing more on this universe... And only because of this, they are still in business.

This game is in dire need of an engine update for years now... DX9... pleaseeeeeeeeeee (Valkorion voice)...


But there is so much one can do on the game... I like RPG´s and i like story content... Im not really all that much an MMO player, so i can skip all the multiplayer part...

But because there is no SW RPG atm (i have finished SW Jedi Fallen Order), i don´t have much to go.


I understand that crafting more story and gameplay, do take time, but with the money they make, they could just expand the team and allow a more faster and steady ammount of content for it...


I have resub for 3 months, but after all that is available for the player is gone, i might just unsub again and request a partial refund...


Best Regards,




And those are very fair comments indeed. Different people will want different things out of a game. I too would love a SW RPG mind you.


I think you'll find you won't get that refund but I do get that the game can disappoint you. The funny thing is that as far as MMOs go, this one has quite a bit of story. Most MMOs that I've played do not have this much story. Aion Online and GW2 have story quests but they are very generic and they have a story mission every few levels. So in between you have to gain xp in whatever activity to get to the next story mission.


Of course when you have RPGs in mind that are all about the story then this MMO can be a letdown, but when compared to their peers, that is other MMOs, this one has quite a lot of story.


So without wanting to be rude, you are sort of comparing apples with pears and expecting this game to be what it's not.


Now as far as other activities in this MMO, that's where I feel it's lacking...but that's another topic ;)

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I think i speak for many others...

We want more content... more story and a more steady pace...

There is no Roadmap with the release window of content to this game, and i have not seen any new stuff or ideas being release by the Creative Director for this game...


I like many others would even pay for a expansion if the content released was vast enough...

But we are starved for content... we see te potential for so many good things... and then we see an ENORMOUS lack of initiative from Bioware Austin...


Until then i will keep waiting for some light at the end of the tunnel...


Best Regards,



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The Black Death which wiped out half of Europe was a pandemic. The Swine Flu which killed 100 million was a pandemic. This is a minor nuisance treated way out of propitiation for politician reasons.


What's your definition of a pandemic? Seems to be different than the official definition.


There is no Roadmap with the release window of content to this game, and i have not seen any new stuff or ideas being release by the Creative Director for this game...


I wrote a made up roadmap for them a week ago or so. Feel free to read it. I think my vision is the most positive outlook you could expect from BW in 2021. ;)


Mr. Kanneg stated in 2017 or 2018 that he will no longer provide roadmaps, so don't expect one for 2021. He recently posted in BW's "how exciting 2020 has been for us" thread. So at least we know he's still around and safe and sound.


Merry christmas to everyone!

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The Black Death which wiped out half of Europe was a pandemic. The Swine Flu which killed 100 million was a pandemic. This is a minor nuisance treated way out of propitiation for politician reasons.


1,730,663 (at the moment) is not a small amount, and we are still in the midst of it, not to mention, there's a new strain, which is more deadly, and if people continue to be stupid about it, even more strains could follow. Will you still think it's a "minor nuisance" when people you love die.

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In theory the 6.1 and 6.2 are story additions to 6.0, the expansion. So the next expansion will be 7.0 and not 6.something. The next story update would be 6.3 then. The 6.2.x are not going to be story updates but 6.3 should be.


Now 7.0 has not been announced yet but I suspect that it will be end of next year because then the game will be celebrating their 10th year. But that's just what I'm thinking, it hasn't been talked about by the devs yet.


As far as your mains are concerned... sure this a short update. However, as a casual with a family, etc. I'm surprised that you react this way. Let me give you another perspective on why. Create a new character and play them through all the stories. That's what a lot of people do an new players also. That takes a LOT of time. In fact I skip directly to Ossus after completing the vanilla story cause I can't be bothered with the rest in between. It takes too long to do.


So that's what a lot of people encounter and though some might enjoy it others find it tedious. And the longer the game is out, the worse it's going to get for new characters. Now I expected a bit more from 6.0 as it was an expansion. But these story updates in between should be short in my view because it only adds to the stack of story that new characters have to go through.


You main 3 characters, others have 10 or 20. BW has to balance all types of players. So I'm actually happy it didn't take more than an hour to go through. The difference is that the expansions brought one story to fit them all, unlike vanilla, and here we see how that has had poor replay value. The great thing about the vanilla story is that they're 8 separate stories. That means a lot of replay value without getting bored too quickly.


Now I don't actually think that BW have the resources to do more but that's another topic ;)


When will the next rebalancing occur?

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This is not the 1900's, it's 2020. While it may be an era of pandemic concerns, it is also still being globally connected via the interwebs. With the right equipment, people are doing professional level voice work without needing a 'studio', and it is not like there are not any real time communication options with superb audio codecs for cooperative scenes...


It took voice actors a while to set up home studios, not many had them prior to Covid.

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I have been thinking... for so low content update, they really did take their time slow......ly...


now... there is nothing... like it was... before 6.2...

I really would like to know what lies ahead for this game...


I could only imagine what could have been this game and up in a much more capable hands (not EA...).


Best Regards.



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