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Please let us skip Walker piloting


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I just spent the last two months leveling my character, learning the complicated intricacies of when to fit in a crowd control or stun break ability into the rotation along with strafing or quick running out of the red circles. It can be exhilarating when I just barely manage to squeak by a very tough encounter where every single offensive and defensive cooldown, every crowd control and soft stun, maybe even had to pop heroic moment toward the end just to barely win the encounter.


And after two or so months of this amazing gameplay, I'm shoved into this clunky pile of crap mechwarrior ripoff with 4 abilities which not only walks very slowly but cannot even strafe.


If I wanted to play mechwarrior I would be playing mechwarrior. Please let us skip the walker piloting parts. They are not fun to play, and worse - actively work against enjoying the game. We need a button that warps to the next part where you're not in the stupid walker. Or, let us eject and make it through on foot. Other people may love this crap, I dunno... let them have their fun but stop forcing me to do this.


Sincerely, KOTET Chapter 1 and Iokath is the reason I unsubbed in 2017 and having just arrived there again on an alt - yeah it's the same level of UN-fun

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I'm in the same boat. I would have replayed the KOTFE + Iokath arc 1000 times if it weren't for the Walker parts. I understand there are people who enjoyed it, but at least give us the option to skip it. It is doable despite being broken as hell, but it's the definition of ANTI-FUN to me. Feels like a chore and I'd rather do the CZ dailies for the 70008th time.


Also, I didn't like the default choices given when I decided to skip story entirely up to Ossus. Especially if it results in missing out on romance arcs whether with new or returning comps. I would replay KOTFEET for them but NOT for the Walker parts o god :rak_04:

Edited by vianiel
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I think there should be a legacy option that once you complete the chapters, that you can skip over the ones you don't like, on future chars. (If the chars have reached that point, and are the correct level or higher.) That way you are missing the parts you don't like, and can continue with the story, without losing the choices that skipping the whole think makes.
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If you've already done Iokath on other toons, you may have enough reputation and power shards from there to buy the buff items, the modified armor, movement, and weapon cells. These do work on the chapter-based walker content like in kotet 1 and kotet 8.


However, I do believe the damage output of the walkers was not properly increased with 6.0. The walker takes far too long to kill ground based regular mobs compared to the player character with their companion. I think damage output at base needs to be at least doubled.


Piloting a walker, or some type of vehicle, is pretty iconic for Star Wars though. I don't want it to be skippable, I would like it to be fixed. Story mode of these chapters was reasonably fast in 5.x. Increasing the damage output would help the pace of that part of the chapter dramatically.

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Piloting a walker, or some type of vehicle, is pretty iconic for Star Wars though. I don't want it to be skippable, I would like it to be fixed. Story mode of these chapters was reasonably fast in 5.x. Increasing the damage output would help the pace of that part of the chapter dramatically.


Making it skippable won't affect you, you'll still be able to do it when you like. I think we should have an option to skip it, just because you like a part doesn't mean everyone else has to do it. It would be nice if they fixed it too, so people who do want to do it, can, without the issues effecting it at present.

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Making it skippable won't affect you, you'll still be able to do it when you like. I think we should have an option to skip it, just because you like a part doesn't mean everyone else has to do it. It would be nice if they fixed it too, so people who do want to do it, can, without the issues effecting it at present.


I have concerns that major things could break if the Devs try to make a section of a chapter "skippable."

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I have concerns that major things could break if the Devs try to make a section of a chapter "skippable."


I second that concern. Blanket fixes usually come right after an update or two, tweaking smaller parts I can only see adding to the likelihood of bugs in 'x' amount of areas that'll never be fixed

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I don't think they should remove it, as there are people who like it. But it should be skippable, if you've done it ones already.


Also chapters I have played.Why do I have to replay them all if I start another char?

Let me skip.

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