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Sensitivity problem? Be honest, tell us why people will be on your legacy ignore?


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I usually only tend to use my ignore list for credit sellers or people with really poor behavior when it comes to Flashpoints, be it lack of respect for their fellow group members or a complete inability to listen to fight mechanics, important to note something here, will not ignore someone who can't follow them so long as they're actually trying to, but if someone has been told that to do and they proceed to ignore it, then gets told what to do again and pulls the "its just a game" card, or "I don't care about stats/rotation" despite queueing for master mode objective meridian, then yeah they're getting ignored.


As for general trolls I usually don't add them in chat however when its particularly obnoxious I feel no shame in adding them to the ignore list, I miss when fleet chat trolls were all about calling each other terrible players and instead of talking about politics 24/7. It gets tiresome.

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I come to hang out and play a game... I don't have time to feed trolls, wannabe edgelords, and obnoxious arses.... I've got the whole rest of the internet for that if I choose. The only politics I care about while I'm here are Imperial efficiency vs Republic freedom and the like..


... in short, someone wasting their time is their business, someone wasting my time is not. If I don't control it when I have the means, it''s masochism... and I'm not a masochist.

Edited by Void_Singer
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I come to hang out and play a game... I don't have time to feed trolls, wannabe edgelords, and obnoxious arses.... I've got the whole rest of the internet for that if I choose. The only politics I care about while I'm here are Imperial efficiency vs Republic freedom and the like..


... in short, someone wasting their time is their business, someone wasting my time is not. If I don't control it when I have the means, it''s masochism... and I'm not a masochist.


How is it wasting your time if it's not directed at you?


Simply ignore them and move on, right? Problem is, the people that are like you are the people that come here screaming bloody murder that chat is nothing but misogyny, racism and spam. For the most part, racism & abuse is all but gone THANKFULLY since devs started caring again. So I rather not put any wrong impression in the dev's head because the needle will always be moved too far in one direction. If they listen to the people who treat ignore like a Amazon wish list soon enough we will probably have to solve a captcha every time you want to speak in chat then have a moderator approval afterwards. Legacy ignore is a good step forward and swift punishment for actual abuse, harassment, and racism is really all that is needed.


I am not saying chat is clean but it is definitely easy to gloss over.

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So far, I've ignored 2 people:


1. Bad RP player in pug.

Like the one I got from Blood Hunt. The tank kept yelling in all caps that he was Hulk, Hulk style and kept yelling how good he was and how he was carrying the game and got us wiped in the husband and wife boss because he was busy typing HULK IS DOING ALL THE DPS YOU WEAK. **** him I was the only lv75 306 gear dps in that FP and i'll add him to the legacy ignore when the feature came out.


2. Abusive players who should be put in an animal cage instead of on the internet.

The one person who lost their **** and yelled at me for 10 min because one lowbie accidentally walked outside the group stealth when we passed the gate/hallway in HS. She wasted more time by yelling at people while looking like a nut job. I'll legacy ignore her too.

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For the most part, racism & abuse is all but gone THANKFULLY since devs started caring again.


What server are you playing on, because I can tell you on starforge it's not gone, it's still there. And not just DK, or fleet, it's spread like a virus to most other planets.


I come to hang out and play a game... I don't have time to feed trolls, wannabe edgelords, and obnoxious <redacted>....



This is not exaggerated. If the stuff that gets said in chat was ever printed in a magazine, they would be shut down.

Edited by DarkTergon
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I ignore for flashpoint-issues and harassment, and right now my total count is just 3 toons. Credit sellers just get reported. Fleet politics, etc. gets an "ugh" and then I flip to my guild-chat-only tab and move on with my day. The introduction of legacy ignore won't change my approach.
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Because I don't pay $15/month to put up with being cursed or insulted (directly or indirectly), nor to put up with people being offensive just because they can get away with it. I don't give a hoot if they're competent or not, I can deal with that, but if they can't be civil I don't need to spend my game & entertainment time on them. It doesn't stop them from playing the game, it just keeps me from having to witness their shenanigans.
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Because I don't pay $15/month to put up with being cursed or insulted (directly or indirectly), nor to put up with people being offensive just because they can get away with it. I don't give a hoot if they're competent or not, I can deal with that, but if they can't be civil I don't need to spend my game & entertainment time on them. It doesn't stop them from playing the game, it just keeps me from having to witness their shenanigans.



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I generally ignore chat, but rants or spam on homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, using derogatory epithets about ethnicity, the disabled, or a disability, or persistent personal attacks directed at someone are all ways to get on my ignore list. If the person is being truly vile I will file a report for harassment, as well.



You and me both brother! I also include crude sexual references in that list.:mad:

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I think I've ignored 2 people in the game. Both were creepy and followed me around the fleet asking me to ERP with them. If that's your thing, you do you, but if someone says "no thanks," walk away. Continually pestering me earns you a block.
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You know it's happening. Player1 logs off, makes a new character, jumps to the fleet and begins to say things in Genchat they would never say on their main character. Legacy Ignore won't stop that, but I would bet a million credits it will slow it down, a LOT. Also the gold sellers...buh bye! I'm going to love this new feature, and use it with extreme prejudice. Why? Because I pay $15 a month to do what I want, that's why.
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You know it's happening. Player1 logs off, makes a new character, jumps to the fleet and begins to say things in Genchat they would never say on their main character. Legacy Ignore won't stop that, but I would bet a million credits it will slow it down, a LOT. Also the gold sellers...buh bye! I'm going to love this new feature, and use it with extreme prejudice. Why? Because I pay $15 a month to do what I want, that's why.

If they log off and make a new character, legacy ignore WILL stop that because a new character will be part of that same legacy. I'm not sure why you think it won't stop that.

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If they log off and make a new character, legacy ignore WILL stop that because a new character will be part of that same legacy. I'm not sure why you think it won't stop that.

And it won't stop the gold sellers. So, 0 for 2. 🤔

Edited by JediQuaker
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If they log off and make a new character, legacy ignore WILL stop that because a new character will be part of that same legacy. I'm not sure why you think it won't stop that.


Legacy Ignore won't stop a player from logging off their main character and making a new character in order to run their mouths in a reckless fashion in Genchat. It will only stop their chat showing up for you. What will happen, is that players who do that, will think twice about it now since their main characters will also be ignored, especially if those main characters are 'popular'.


I'm very curious to see if the amount of harassment, and otherwise socially unacceptable comments often seen in Genchat decreases after the patch. I suppose the die hard grievers/trolls could always pony up a new account. :)

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waste o time..the whole thing.. just turn gen chat off. most use discord or some other chat program for anything of real import. I think that they wasted the devs or whoevers time on this crap. If ya that whiney..thin skinned..then go play online tic tac toe.
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Legacy Ignore won't stop a player from logging off their main character and making a new character in order to run their mouths in a reckless fashion in Genchat. It will only stop their chat showing up for you. What will happen, is that players who do that, will think twice about it now since their main characters will also be ignored, especially if those main characters are 'popular'.

Well legacy ignore is supposed to block them only for you so that makes sense. But why would they go off and make a new character when they are being ignored by any number of people? Now it's because they can circumvent the ignore function by creating a new character and grief people. After this patch goes live they will not be able to do that because their legacy is now blocked by ignoring them. So for anyone who ignored any of their characters, their comments will not be visible. I'm not sure why you think it should be more than that. That's what reporting is for.

I'm very curious to see if the amount of harassment, and otherwise socially unacceptable comments often seen in Genchat decreases after the patch. I suppose the die hard grievers/trolls could always pony up a new account. :)

They could but it's very easy to use legacy ignore on the next account. So it's more effort for them at least.

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And it won't stop the gold sellers. So, 0 for 2. 🤔

Your comment makes no sense. I say it will stop that and that I don't understand why he thinks it won't. So there is no "and".


Besides, credit sellers are an entirely different issue as it is and have very little to do with the ignore function. It has to do with the ability to create free accounts and the fact that BW is creating a market for them. It's an incorrect expectation if you see the ignore function as a possible solution for credit sellers. It's like expecting a hammer to be able to cut down a tree. It's the wrong tool for it.

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I don't see myself using legacy ignore much, if at all. However I have ignored people in gen chat who were just so absolutely nasty and horrible that I never want to have to deal with them. Those might earn a legacy ignore. I have ignored individual characters because I lack patience with annoying people and constant blind guild invites on a starter planet from the same person is incredibly annoying. If your guild can't get people without sending blind invites, you need to rethink your guild.
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So now all the planets and places you go show up as empty? No names on the list unless you've friended them? Can't even find people in game anymore. The people I find are people usually adding their alts to the guild. Since this is impossible unless we somehow can appear in the same location through a 3rd party app either way that's way way too tedious. Or I'll just assume the entire game has me on legacy ignore including the people logging in for the first time. Edited by HuaRya
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