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Suggestion: Co-op Space Combat


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Not sure if this was thought of yet, but since you can bring players into your starship ( i mean I hope they kept this since the beta) I was thinking that there would be certain space missions where maybe two players can engage in turret to ship combat. I figure since they had that mini game in KOTOR 1 that why not?


Of course, think like the Han and Luke scene from A New Hope. It can even be competition to whoever kills more enemy ships.


What do you guys think?

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+1 for idea.


What about Space PvP?


I would say that will have to be in a future patch or expansion. Right now this game is trying to be geared towards content for player's created characters. But yes, the ship and the crew become part of the experience so that would be nice. however, I feel something like what I suggested would be a smaller burden to implement and could be done faster.

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the "space missions" that we have now should be moved to those arcade machine they have in cantinas.

for "true" space missions, just buy "x-wing vs Tie Fighter" IP from lucas, update it to today standad, write a few scenaries for it that tie in with the game plot and its just perfect.

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