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Feeling ripped off by the Lucas Machine@@@@@@@


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I feel ripped off, as well. My system also exceeds the minimum requirements listed and all my drivers are up to date, but the game has so much lag it's virtually unplayable. If playing requires a new $1,000+ gaming system we should be told so before we waste our money and time trying to get it to work.
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Have neither of you NEVER played an online game before?


There are ALWAYS large patches at launch, and "high-end" to you probably isn't actually high-end.


If you want some help, I suggest you post your actual specs.

That dell your mom bought 3 years ago is no longer "high-end"


I don't think people realize a high-end PC is a 4k+ machine with a quad core processor, 12-24GB of ram, and at least 2 SLI Nvidia 570 GTX's.


That's high-end.


BTW, unless you describe where you're lagging no one can really help you either.

Odds are it's your connection not your PC unless you're having FPS lag.


These are all different things.

Edited by Sech
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I feel ripped off, as well. My system also exceeds the minimum requirements listed and all my drivers are up to date, but the game has so much lag it's virtually unplayable. If playing requires a new $1,000+ gaming system we should be told so before we waste our money and time trying to get it to work.


maybe stop dling **** ?


and btw saying that you spend x amount of $$ for a rig doesnt' making it good (or bad).


stop e peening for the price of a comp

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My computer was about $600 2 years ago.


I play on Max Settings, and only really see any noticeable lag if I'm in the middle of the Imperial Fleet with plenty of people running around.


GTX 260 with a Phenom II X4 and 4 GB of DDR3.


Feel better?

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My computer was about $600 2 years ago.


I play on Max Settings, and only really see any noticeable lag if I'm in the middle of the Imperial Fleet with plenty of people running around.


GTX 260 with a Phenom II X4 and 4 GB of DDR3.


Feel better?



I've been running the game on an Asus gaming laptop.

2.2ghz dual core, 6 gb of ram, and a 260m GTX.

I run everything on max except shadows.


Sometimes I lag in the fleet but that's it.


the "lag" you may be experiencing is the TERRIBLE unresponsiveness of the UI in some pvp situations. Hopefully though BW is going to fix that.

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Have neither of you NEVER played an online game before?


There are ALWAYS large patches at launch, and "high-end" to you probably isn't actually high-end.


If you want some help, I suggest you post your actual specs.

That dell your mom bought 3 years ago is no longer "high-end"


I don't think people realize a high-end PC is a 4k+ machine with a quad core processor, 12-24GB of ram, and at least 2 SLI Nvidia 570 GTX's.


That's high-end.


BTW, unless you describe where you're lagging no one can really help you either.

Odds are it's your connection not your PC unless you're having FPS lag.


These are all different things.


Meh thats super high end, high end you can get for around 1000-2000.

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