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Reverse Engineering got *****?


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I don't know if it is luck, or a ninja nerf. I certainly have had less success REing my blue schematics. Even with the high amount of time I am spending crafting, I can no longer keep myself in purple quality armor, as by the time I get even a few purple schematics, it is time to move on to the next line of armor.


I understand their desire to keep purple schematics rare, though it means that I probably won't be in all purple again until lvl 50, at which point I will no longer out-level my gear, and can work on the gear for as long as needed.

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My experience from reverse engineering is... well... i dont want to even do it anymore.. I have armstech and I got all the blue barrel recipes by just reverse engineering like approx 5 of each.


I have tried to get epic recipe from one of them for like a week now by reverse engineering ~40 rare barrels each day WITHOUT the epic recipe... I have lost TONS of credits, materials and time and im so frustrated and angry that I have decided to leave it and just buy the epic barrels i need with daily commendations.


I was never a fan of rng but now... I just ******* hate it... Its just not worth it when you can get the same stuff or even better by doing few daily quests that take like 15mins. :mad:


Aaaaand lets not even talk about REing the weapons... I have RE'd tons of same green quality weapon without luck of getting even the rare schematic of it..

Edited by Plehi
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I really hate that theres so much money dumped into my crafting skills, but i love it the same time.. Feels so much better when u finally get something that uve worked so hard for..

Its easy to level ur crew skills, but it costs money, and its hard to get the BEST schematics and it costs ALOT of money.. Tell me why it should b otherwise? Money is there to spend, if u wanto hold onto ur money dont craft, and buy the stuff instead?


I really hope they dont make things cheeper and easier in the game bcouse ppl whine and moan just bcouse stuff are expensive and hard to get..

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So the question is do you want your crafts to build your own armor or make you money? if you want it to build your own armor, Re'ing stuff should be easy, however it will cause the market for rare recipe products to drop and not make you a profit as its easy to get those items.

Here is the real problem. The game is new. Supply and Demand are unstable to say the least. The devs need to take a back seat for a few weeks. You have a bunch of new toons leveling, some people just hitting 50, some have been to 50 because they decided to level their toons up in 48 hours. You need to let the dust settle. Overreacting and making changes now will impact the game in too many ways that you cant predict. Saying that we need to increase RE success rates could destroy the market for Higher quality crafts. And you cant go back once that happens. Keep it the way it is and See where we stand in 3 weeks. And if you think crafting is a money sink, you are out of your mind or are doing it wrong. Figure out how to at least break even before asking for hand outs. It can be done so dont say it cant.

Edited by Wildfae
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Sorry, you all can flame me into oblivion for this... but what is wrong with everyone? I guess we only have WoW to blame for catering to the lowest common denominator all these years and starting this trend.


First, the slicers are all flipping out b/c they all cant AFK make a million creds a day after the new fixes (sorry, refuse to call fixing something that is broken a nerf).


Now, all the other crafters are flipping out b/c they cant RE and get a purple schem on the first try or 2?


Seriously.... so what happens in a month when crafter bob the armormech gets all his purple schems on 1 or 2 REs? Crafter Bob is gonna want to start making uber purplez to sell on the GTN so he can make millionz of creds. BUt guess what? 1000 other Armormechs on the server all have the same recipe b/c it was SOOOO easy to get and now they are all undercutting each other on the GTN to sell b/c the supply is through the roof. Crafter Bob and all the other Armormechs are going to be selling at less than the material costs.


So what comes next? Crafter Bob starts a thread on the Crew Skills forum ripping apart BioWare b/c they made getting purple schems too easy and now he is losing $ and crew skills are broke and BW is stupid and he is gonna threaten to cancel his account.


Sorry, but I hope all the crafters that dont want to work for their schems quit their prof (just like all the QQing slicers). In the long run it will benefit all the REAL crafters - not just the people looking to make 100,000,000,000 creds in the 1st week so they can epeen on the forums and general chat about how rich they are



flame away!


I actually agree with you, there's no point in the crafting system if everyone will have all recipes after 1 month. It benefits endgame "content" to keep purples rare, at least for serious crafters.


Also if i happen to stumble on a high level purple schematic i want to know that it will have certain value, even if it's not an item i can personally use i could always trade with other crafters or sell. Then buy what i need, this is what trading is all about. But no everyone wants to craft everything for themselves.


I remember from real mmo's, in this case Daoc, where crafting was a serious endeavor. Most crafters would need guild funding to even get to the good stuff, now i feel like mmo's are a joke. Leveling, crafting it's all too easy which takes away the incentive to invest time in a certain craft ... but still people complain.

Edited by Revsx
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I happen to feel as if I speak with some level of authority on this matter, as I've probably reversed 100's upon 100's of items. High lvl ones at that - what the hell happend? You mean to tell me I have to eat upwards to 100 implants for a new schematic? Go through 200 smart cells? Bioware, que paso?



I'm bleeding credits...


Hmmm, I think the biggest problem is you out level the content before you can make it useful. With the amount of time it takes to craft some of the later items, you're better off overleveling your craft so you have your purps ready to go when you ding that next tier.


It takes an absurd amount of tries, and I am fine with that at level 50, but while leveling it decreases the utility of crafting. Still, it will be nice to know that most players won't put in that much effort, so you can make some credits off of it.:D

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Hmmm, I think the biggest problem is you out level the content before you can make it useful. With the amount of time it takes to craft some of the later items, you're better off overleveling your craft so you have your purps ready to go when you ding that next tier.


It takes an absurd amount of tries, and I am fine with that at level 50, but while leveling it decreases the utility of crafting. Still, it will be nice to know that most players won't put in that much effort, so you can make some credits off of it.:D

The problem with crafting over your level is that you need components that you can't scavenge in the field yet. You either have to buy them off of the GTN, or you have to send out your companions. The only way to afford this, is to sell off the materials you CAN scavenge at your level, and use that money to buy the higher level materials.


I am currently a little over leveled for the world I am on. I dinged 30 (Vanguard) last night, and I am probably about half way through Tatooine (maybe less than half way). I try to do every quest, which has caused me to be over leveled. I am currently crafting gear for my level, which requires components that are very rare for Tatooine (some higher level droids, and very rare ground spawns). The BP and Legs that I will need next level? Not on Tatooine. I have to send out my companions for that (even for the greens).


Basically, I think I am going to have to start settling for blues as I level. Purples are just getting to expensive, and time consuming. I won't get a purple until I am ready for the next line of gear.


When I am level 50, I'll start the slow grind for a full set of purple.


When I was making purples for myself before, I wasn't selling very many. Any materials I got for the purples went to making my own stuff (or for a couple of friends). Very few crafts of mine have made it to the GTN.

Edited by PlayLoud
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The problem with crafting over your level, is that you need components that you can't scavenge in the field yet. You either have to buy them off of the GTN, or you have to send out your companions. The only way to afford this, it to sell of the materials you CAN scavenge at your level, and use that money to buy the higher level materials.


I am currently a little over leveled for the world I am on. I dinged 30 (Vanguard) last night, and I am probably about half way through Tatooine (maybe less than half way). I try to do every quest, which has caused me to be over leveled. I am currently crafting gear for my level, which requires components that are very rare for Tatooine (some higher level droids, and very rare ground spawns). The BP and Legs that I will need next level? Not on Tatooine. I have to send out my companions for that (even for the greens).


Basically, I think I am going to have to start settling for blues as I level. Purples are just getting to expensive, and time consuming. I won't get a purple until I am ready for the next line of gear.


When I am level 50, I'll start the slow grind for a full set of purple.


When I was making purples for myself before, I wasn't selling very many. Any materials I got for the purples went to making my own stuff (or for a couple of friends). Very few crafts of mine have made it to the GTN.




I had very much enjoyed the process of recycling materials until I could craft purple gear for myself. I would focus on whichever slot I have the lowest level gear in and then start crafting and RE'ing stuff in that slot to get it to a tier2 purple. It was fun...


And now I find myself getting so unlucky trying for a purple recipe, that If I just continue questing and crafting at the same time, I will have definitively outlevelled my purple gear by the time I learn the schematic for it. It's not just materials, it's the fact that it takes like 20 minutes or so to craft each blue and 20-40 minutes to go find the underworld metals. With all the time it takes, if I don't have the purple schematic after a few sessions I've already gained 3-5 levels and i'm looking at new pieces of gear.


I echo people's sentiments about how I wouldn't mind a very very rare discovery system at endgame, but WHILE LEVELING I believe the discovery rate should be buffed somehow.

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My take on crafting is that what I am doing now is more for my next characters. It is nice that I get some cool gear now, but I'll be able to make some really nice gear for my later characters. There are so many different play-through options with each class, male/female, dark/light, and companions.


I am thinking that 8 character slots is not enough to see all of the content for both sides on one server.


The play-style and dialogue of a male dark sith warrior immortal focusing on Quinn/Pierce is way different than a female light sith warrior vengence focusing on Vette/Jaesa.

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I hope they make it harder to craft some of us like the challenge. recalls SWG and its crafting system it took months to years to get the best stuff. Im sorry but that was a crafting system this is a cookie cutter system we have.


But even with a cookie crafter system we have their are many bugs with it IE vibroknifes and guns that we can make but not RE into blues etc....this system is broke and unbalanced I am sure with time and patches it will get fixed

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I wrote here earlier about my "good" luck with reverse engineering my barrels as an armstech. I had RE'd 140+ blue quality barrels, yes over 140, even lost the count after 140... Today finally, after a week of trying, it finally proc'd and i got the epic recipe of that barrel type. Well I desided to give a try on other barrel type and got the epic schematic from my 6th RE.. Seems like the RNG is HUUUUGE on this one. So to you all burned out crafters, there really is hope. Atleast it made my epic schematic feel epic... Edited by Plehi
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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know if it is luck, or a ninja nerf. I certainly have had less success REing my blue schematics. Even with the high amount of time I am spending crafting, I can no longer keep myself in purple quality armor, as by the time I get even a few purple schematics, it is time to move on to the next line of armor..


Dunno but I'm having a much harder time popping blue or epic and so is a friend who crafts a lot. It went from being tolerable to sucking beyond measure overnight, it seems


Maybe it would be ok to get screwed if BW at least came out and said they did it and why instead of just making a change that everyone notices without a peep. But I'd still feel screwed.


A small adjustment would be ok but going from one extreme to the other sucks, and the people who powered and got a lot of recipes early can make bank while every one else is screwed.

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Dunno but I'm having a much harder time popping blue or epic and so is a friend who crafts a lot. It went from being tolerable to sucking beyond measure overnight, it seems


Maybe it would be ok to get screwed if BW at least came out and said they did it and why instead of just making a change that everyone notices without a peep. But I'd still feel screwed.


A small adjustment would be ok but going from one extreme to the other sucks, and the people who powered and got a lot of recipes early can make bank while every one else is screwed.


Pretty much this.


They ninja patched it and I have wasted over 500k trying to RE a single blue item.

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nothing has been ninjaed patched and none of you can prove otherwise.


I made 2 epics yesterday and 3 blues. about the same rate as usual.


known RE bugs are for vibroknives and scatterguns if you tried those tugh luck people have gone 200+ I believe now with no scematic although blue recipes are supposedly found though treasure hunting missions nd investigation. I can vouch for this have discovered a Blue level 39 scattergun yesterday.


the trick to having proper epic whithin your level is to start atleast 5 levels prior. if your late to the party on this yes you'll prob have to settle on a blue for your level and start on the next epic right away. it's notto hard to get into a rythm the faster you get your epics out. if just starting to craft epics stick to blues and sellthem for 2-5k depending on level.


I started crafting epics by vibrosword tier 2. so naturlly I had more starting cash to continue my projects and make an epic everytime thereafter becuase I could sell at much highe rprices. Now im up to crafting an epic vibrosword and pistols. as I progress even futher ( im 33 now ) at possibly my 40s i should be on 3 weapon lines tripling my profit.


Epic weapons are 7 levels ahead of a green item ( they last atleast 2 planets worth of leveling before waning in efficeny) and 5 levels ahead of a blue damage and stat wise until 50. remeber these selling points they make excellent profit after being able to keep up with the crafting cost.

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I do batches of 15 atm.


One time I got 2 purple schematics out of it, sometimes I get 1, other times I get none.


But all in all its much better then crafting in Aion.



And I am really happy wearing my purples with an auggie slot.

Edited by Amiracle
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Ive done 100 blue lvl 49 implants now and only one purple crit with...presence..


Even if you DO get a purple recipe, the item is not selling for enough money to be worth it, and you can just go to a planet and get a better item from daily

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I have made well over 100 earpieces by now and only got a proc twice. And the second time it said 'recipe already known', and it was the worst of the 5 possible combinations that I got. That was almost a week a go on my 25th or so craft. Now 75 crafts of nothing.


I don't mind spending lots of materials on recipes, but it needs to not be random. I don't like having to spend 2 million credits to get a recipe while some lucky bloke gets it with his first RE. That's simply unfair, not to mention it totally ruins my fun when I spend all my companions getting mats for almost a week now and I *still have nothing to show for it*.


I could have spent all that time on something else and make more money and probably have a better and more fun time. If I had known this in advance I had definitely done that. But there is no warning anywhere in game saying 'warning, you are about to waste 20 days of gametime getting the stuff you want, and we will not give you the recipe you need, you will get one you don't need instead, have fun!'.



They need to make it a guaranteed proc at 10 green) and then you get to choose which advanced recipe you want. From green to blue it should take 20 max.

The second green of the same level you want a recipe from takes 20 RE's and the second purple takes 40 blues. Third one 40 greens and 80 blues.

This will ensure that recipes take a lot of effort to get (and you will have to specialise and choose your recipes) and you can work towards them instead of hoping on the lightning to strike you.

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I have made well over 100 earpieces by now and only got a proc twice. And the second time it said 'recipe already known', and it was the worst of the 5 possible combinations that I got. That was almost a week a go on my 25th or so craft. Now 75 crafts of nothing.


I don't mind spending lots of materials on recipes, but it needs to not be random. I don't like having to spend 2 million credits to get a recipe while some lucky bloke gets it with his first RE. That's simply unfair, not to mention it totally ruins my fun when I spend all my companions getting mats for almost a week now and I *still have nothing to show for it*.


I could have spent all that time on something else and make more money and probably have a better and more fun time. If I had known this in advance I had definitely done that. But there is no warning anywhere in game saying 'warning, you are about to waste 20 days of gametime getting the stuff you want, and we will not give you the recipe you need, you will get one you don't need instead, have fun!'.



They need to make it a guaranteed proc at 10 green) and then you get to choose which advanced recipe you want. From green to blue it should take 20 max.

The second green of the same level you want a recipe from takes 20 RE's and the second purple takes 40 blues. Third one 40 greens and 80 blues.

This will ensure that recipes take a lot of effort to get (and you will have to specialise and choose your recipes) and you can work towards them instead of hoping on the lightning to strike you.


like you learn 1-5% of the purple recipe you want per RE? then you accumulate that until you have 100%

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