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6.1.4 Conquest Feedback


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Hi all!


[*]Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).

[*]Starfighter: Bomber/Gunship/Scout/Striker Pilot are now available during all Conquests.

  • Starfighter: Bomber/Gunship/Scout/Striker Pilot Eternal will remain available only during Total Galactic War and Clash In Hyperspace.

[*]Starfighter: <Ship> Pilot Eternal has been updated from requiring 5 battles to only requiring 1.


WOOOOOOOOO0000! Now we talking!!!




...It is a shame TC is quite a ghost town; There is no testing these numbers. One can try to do the math..but it just isn't the same without getting hands dirty. Applies for all multiplayter stuff there.


But anyways, this looks great! Much needed and very welcome change!

Edited by Stradlin
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Mostly agree what you saying about GSF and WZs. Though I think having new objectives as daily repeatables(vs infinitely repeatables) would prolly be bit easier to balance out from devs' pov.


Completely disagree. Daily repeatables have to be balanced for the fact that they can only be obtained once per day, so getting great numbers through daily repeatables alone would likely result in many more objectives, meaning more things to balance and test numbers for. Planetaries have so many dailies because they're formulaic. Mission Completed, Enemies Defeated 1 & 2, weeklies for daily planets. That's 4 objectives, repeated for different planets. When you have to start coming up with multiple, different daily repeatable objectives, with new independent point values for different content, that doesn't easily lend itself to that kind of formulaic repetition, yes, that's going to be harder to balance than simply making more infinitely repeatables.


As a note, in that vein, the win objective for GSF is now infinitely repeatable too. So that's a potential 19k+ per match, not counting the new daily-to-infinite objectives they mentioned as well, that never runs out. You never have to switch content for that, do something else, go to a higher level planet or a longer mission. That potential 19k is always there. That's why infinitely repeatables are more valuable and easier to balance. You have a steady benchmark there to count on, that never has to change because you already dinged one of those today.


It is a shame TC has the double xp event going. Would be nicer to play with numbers closer to norm. Not being in a guild does balance things out somewhat: I'm missing the 15% renown bonus plus whatever the current conquest bonus for being in a guild is. I'd say double xp brings atleast two additional renown dings there.


You gain renown about 2 x faster via planetaries than you do via GSF or pvp. No idea about Ops or Fps. Completing lots of fast missions is a great way to earn renown fast. Daily conq objectives count as missions here. Thus, those and heroics are a great combo to have with renown in mind.


Double XP definitely should have been disabled for TC. It's incredibly misleading and makes a test that relies on 2/3 of its points coming from Renown rank ups even more misleading.


This is a test center. You supposed to test things. When big part of the patch is all about making various conquest yields more balanced, it is prolly kinda useful to find out how quickly a normal player can earn conquest.

You'd rather have some race to the bottom´here? Like..let's RP walk in big circles around Belsavis, pick up flowers and see how much conquest that earns in a day or something?


There is some value in finding out how much normal player who doesn't like or care about conquest and doesn't like farming conquest earns conquest. But MAYBE, since we talking conquest, there is also some tiny token measure of value in finding out how much normal player who does like conquest and who does go out to earn it..earns?


You know, there may just be some middle ground between walking big circles around Belsavis and what you were doing, that may have actually been my point. If your goal was to find out "how quickly a normal player can earn conquest", doing it the way you did makes your results misleading at best.



is in any way unusual or obscure. Activity finder, heroic mission terminals and the teleporter mission items encourage and enable this approach. Conquest mission log gives you a literal road map to follow. As anyone here who actually plays madness sorc can easily point out, I'm not even familiar with this spec. In addition, I don't like doing planetary missions..so at least half of the folks reading this are more familiar with this and do similar runs quite a bit faster. Also, loading screens on TC take quite a bit longer than their live server counterparts.


I pointed out what I felt was unusual or obscure in my post. Your run was a far cry from an average heroic player. I can tell you for certain I don't play that way when I run heroics, nor do I know anybody that does. If that's how you play, great, but that doesn't make it how "normal" players do heroics. It looked to me like somebody trying to do them as fast as humanly possible. When you're trying to present that as "This is what a normal heroic player can earn through Conquest", yeah, that's incredibly misleading. That was not an average run.


Yeah. 80k just from heroics in 30 mins. I mean, if we bypassing renown and all else. We can agree 3 x GSF matches is 30 mins. In practice, closer to 40 but let's keep it simple. Those matches bring 5.5k conquest each now. 16.5k vs 80k. Looks real sad don't it?


I never said GSF didn't need to be buffed, or that GSF was in a good spot. I actually said the opposite, that they needed to buff GSF, so I don't know what your point is here. This observation doesn't make your test any less misleading.

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I pointed out what I felt was unusual or obscure in my post. Your run was a far cry from an average heroic player. I can tell you for certain I don't play that way when I run heroics, nor do I know anybody that does. If that's how you play, great, but that doesn't make it how "normal" players do heroics. .


Nothing in that video is strange or special for a normal player out to get some conquest.


It is a great and simple way to earn tons of conquest. Number of game mechanics are as if designed to support and encourage it. And(tis subjective) it is the most fun way I can think of to experience 10 year old missions. Nice to stay on the move.

And well.. " as fast as humanly possible" you speak of here is kinda like climbing 30 stairs as fast as humanly possible. Difference in seconds between world record and a fit grandmother isn't that big! I mean..add another 10 or 15 minutes to time consumed if you for some reason must - Numbers you are left with still don't change the big picture. (big picure that might turn into something spoken about in past tense at last, see the latest dev post!!!) If you like doing planetaries(and thus, know them well) and if you do this on some class you know how to play, you can easily be faster than I. So it is a far cry from some crazy speedrun. Just that "crazy speedrun" and " normal player derping through things" don't differ that much here.

Only huge difference is the veil between "somebody just playing the game and not caring or even knowing about conquest" vs. "somebody out there to earn conquest"

Edited by Stradlin
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Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+) and is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).


Well, that's one objective I won't be doing. 46 toons on SF on my main account and only 3 aren't 75.

I have 57 slots per server, so I guess I could make a few toons, and then while they're in the 10-49 bracket, run Missions: Heroic, and then when they hit 49, torch the toon and make more. Definitely a plan, right?


And of course below are what make some people happy that their numbers are buffed, stuff that I'm simply not interested in or will do, but yay anyway, you people who wanted it. Congrats.


Galactic Starfighter


Starfighter: Conquer the Skies is now worth 2,500 points (up from 600)

Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily) and worth 4,700 points (up from 3,000)

Starfighter: <Ship> Pilot is now worth 14,500 points (up from 5,800)

Starfighter: Achiever is now worth 48,450 points (up from 4,000)


We encourage everyone to hop onto our PTS and give any additional feedback you may have regarding our latest update, and hope you enjoy Conquest with 6.1.4!

I did hop on after the first refresh when the massive stupid nerf was partially reversed, and I didn't worry about the test server being empty, everything I planned to do there was solo, anyway. I'll check again after this latest refresh.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I pointed out what I felt was unusual or obscure in my post. Your run was a far cry from an average heroic player. I can tell you for certain I don't play that way when I run heroics, nor do I know anybody that does. If that's how you play, great, but that doesn't make it how "normal" players do heroics. It looked to me like somebody trying to do them as fast as humanly possible. When you're trying to present that as "This is what a normal heroic player can earn through Conquest", yeah, that's incredibly misleading. That was not an average run..


You're kidding, right?


The run in the video was actually slower than most of mine, and that of any player with stealth characters. I'm happy he didn't choose a stealth character, which would have skewed the results. This is far more realistic to live.


That said, I'm VERY disappointed they limited heroics to 10-50. It's like, what?!


I guess it's their way of saying, "hey, we heard you and put the points back at normal," but I think it would've been better to just nerf the points instead of limiting them this way, since they've basically now set Heroic points to 0 for most of the population.

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That said, I'm VERY disappointed they limited heroics to 10-50. It's like, what?!


They limited one objective, called Missions: Heroic to the 10-50 bracket.

Doesn't mean you can't do the heroics if you're higher level than that, only that doing so won't contribute to Missions: Heroic.


So for conquest guilds, the answer is simple: Pile all the level 10 alts your guild members have onto starter planets, especially hutta with 5 heroics, and infitnitely run them to achieve Missions: Heroic. Burn through them, switch alts.


If level 10 bores you, start at level 10, run through all of the planetary heroics in a day and just keep rapid-leveling via conquest even without double XP, then when you hit 49, either bench or torch those toons and pull in (or create) the next set of alts.


10-49 is now the heroic mill.

Edit: For those of you who grind heroics, the rest will be off grinding GSF or some such.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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They limited one objective, called Missions: Heroic to the 10-50 bracket.

Doesn't mean you can't do the heroics if you're higher level than that, only that doing so won't contribute to Missions: Heroic.


So for conquest guilds, the answer is simple: Pile all the level 10 alts your guild members have onto starter planets, especially hutta with 5 heroics, and infitnitely run them to achieve Missions: Heroic. Burn through them, switch alts.


If level 10 bores you, start at level 10, run through all of the planetary heroics in a day and just keep rapid-leveling via conquest even without double XP, then when you hit 49, either bench or torch those toons and pull in (or create) the next set of alts.


10-49 is now the heroic mill.

Edit: For those of you who grind heroics, the rest will be off grinding GSF or some such.


Right so the heroics will still be available for a 75 , it just wont contribute to conquest , correct?

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Right so the heroics will still be available for a 75 , it just wont contribute to conquest , correct?


I don't think that's actually what's happening, but we won't know for sure until the server comes up.


The dev post said "Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+)". If that's accurate, that's solely the generic daily objective that had previously been nerfed. The individual planetary objectives are called [Planet Name]: Heroic Mission, and were only available for 71+ (10-49 and 50-70 had Mission Completed instead), so those would presumably still be available.


I don't see the point of making such a change, personally, but it's fairly minor if it's to be interpreted as written. I think it was 3k after the nerf then buff, so the changes to the Defeat Enemies objectives should make up for it. If the [Planet Name]: Heroic Mission objective was removed, that's a much bigger nerf, but that's not what the post says. We'll see for sure when the server comes back up.

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I don't think that's actually what's happening, but we won't know for sure until the server comes up.


The dev post said "Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+)". If that's accurate, that's solely the generic daily objective that had previously been nerfed. The individual planetary objectives are called [Planet Name]: Heroic Mission, and were only available for 71+ (10-49 and 50-70 had Mission Completed instead), so those would presumably still be available.


I don't see the point of making such a change, personally, but it's fairly minor if it's to be interpreted as written. I think it was 3k after the nerf then buff, so the changes to the Defeat Enemies objectives should make up for it. If the [Planet Name]: Heroic Mission objective was removed, that's a much bigger nerf, but that's not what the post says. We'll see for sure when the server comes back up.


My download/patch is complete, logging in now to check it out.

However, the server isn't up yet

Edited by Darev
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Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+) and is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat)

Levelling is so quick and easy (and not just during double xp), characters don't stay in the 10-49 bracket for long. Heroics give a decent bit of variety, objectives you can complete on almost any planet. If I've done heroics on one planet for what feels like too much, I can easily go to another and do the heroics there. Far more options than with weeklies. I don't like heroics being removed as objectives for higher level characters.

The dev post said "Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+)". If that's accurate, that's solely the generic daily objective that had previously been nerfed. The individual planetary objectives are called [Planet Name]: Heroic Mission, and were only available for 71+ (10-49 and 50-70 had Mission Completed instead), so those would presumably still be available.

I hope you are correct! But I prefer if both are accessible to higher levels.

Edited by Estelindis
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I and a guildy (who isn't subbed at the moment but plans to reup today) are both unamused at the change to the heroics brackets. That's where most of our Conquest is from. We like doing heroics for Conquest. The vast majority of my chars are level 70+ and others are basically just barely within the bracket and would likely level out of it pretty quick if I were to do Conquest (or anything else) on them.
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That said, I'm VERY disappointed they limited heroics to 10-50. It's like, what?!

They've basically now set Heroic points to 0 for most of the population.


Aren't you confusing Planetary Mission 0/2 -ding and Heroic Mission ding? As it stands, you only ding Heroic Mission - conquest objective once per day on live servers anyway. It isn't the bread and butter exactly.


I'm guessing this was done to give lowbie characters a renown objective -replacement of sorts.Also guessing it won't be 10k/ding as a lowbie exclusive infinite.

Edited by Stradlin
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Hi all!


As I mentioned last week, there was an additional pass on Conquests for 6.1.4 we were performing. We have this ready to go now, so I would like to take this opportunity to go over what it entails.


  • Almost every objective across the board has seen a shift up in points.
    • This will bring values for Objectives such as Defeat Enemies back up to around where they are on our Live server (more on this below), while also further increasing specific high effort and time Objectives.

    [*]Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).

    [*]Starfighter: Bomber/Gunship/Scout/Striker Pilot are now available during all Conquests.

    • Starfighter: Bomber/Gunship/Scout/Striker Pilot Eternal will remain available only during Total Galactic War and Clash In Hyperspace.

    [*]Starfighter: <Ship> Pilot Eternal has been updated from requiring 5 battles to only requiring 1.

    [*]Missions: Story Time is now also available in the 71+ Level Bracket.

    [*]Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+) and is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).

    [*]Many “Complete [WEEKLY] Mission” Objectives are now Daily Repeat, allowing multiple characters per Legacy to complete them.


Objective Point Increase

This point pass lifted almost all point values across the board up for all content types. Our intention here was to bring a little more parity of point values between 6.1.2 and 6.1.4, while also maintaining our desire to reward high complexity and time intensive activities.


We will again use the demonstration of running through two Daily Areas; CZ-198 and Yavin 4, and once again going off the assumption that while running this we will accomplish Defeat Enemies, Defeat Enemies 2, Mission Complete, and the Weekly Mission.


The following demonstrates values without any bonuses added to them, and are subject to change.


CZ-198 Daily Area

  • CZ-198: Defeat Enemies is now worth 1,650 points (down from 2,000)
  • CZ-198: Defeat Enemies 2 is now worth 3,350 points (up from 3,000)
  • CZ-198: Mission Complete is worth 2,000 points (no change from 6.1.2)
  • CZ-198: Weekly Mission is now worth 4,300 points (up from 4,000)


Total prior to 6.1.4: 11,000 Conquest points

Total with 6.1.4: 11,300 Conquest Points


Yavin 4 Daily Area

  • Yavin 4: Defeat Enemies is now worth 1,650 points (down from 2,000)
  • Yavin 4: Defeat Enemies 2 is now worth 3,350 points (up from 3,000)
  • Yavin 4: Mission Complete is now worth 2,000 points (no change from 6.1.2)
  • Yavin 4: Weekly Mission is now worth 10,600 points (up from 4,000)


Total prior to 6.1.4: 11,000 Conquest points

Total with 6.1.4: 17,600 Conquest points


Let’s also take a look at some of the other changes coming up for multiplayer content, and how those changes can affect your day-to-day play with them. For this example, let’s look at a day of Galactic Starfighter and assume that we will complete Conquer the Skies, Dominate the Stars, <Ship> Pilot, and Achiever.


Galactic Starfighter

  • Starfighter: Conquer the Skies is now worth 2,500 points (up from 600)
  • Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily) and worth 4,700 points (up from 3,000)
  • Starfighter: <Ship> Pilot is now worth 14,500 points (up from 5,800)
  • Starfighter: Achiever is now worth 48,450 points (up from 4,000)


The following assumes we are not in either Clash In Hyspace or Total Galactic War, and have a 60% win rate over 5 matches.


Total prior to 6.1.4: 6,000 Conquest points

Total with 6.1.4: 59,400 Conquest points


There have been some great discussions and suggestions for what you all would like to see with Conquests in the future, such as adding more planets to each Conquest and adding additional Conquest objectives and options. We will continue to consider these as we move forward, and thank you for the great thoughts.


We encourage everyone to hop onto our PTS and give any additional feedback you may have regarding our latest update, and hope you enjoy Conquest with 6.1.4!


Would you guys please consider having a higher repeatable pvp conquest like you’ve done for star fighter that isn’t linked to wins.


At the moment you have to win matches to get anything from pvp or get 8 medals.


If you are playing arena and losing each match, you don’t have time to get the 8 medals and you don’t get the win requirement to get anything else. So you can literally play pvp for an hour and get no conquest points.


It would also be good if all the pvp conquest goals weren’t locked per legacy, but were per character. This would allow us pvpers to just pvp on as many alts as we want to. At the moment, once the legacy pvp goals are obtained, the only thing we get is around 2000 point if we get the 8 medals.


It’s great what you are doing for star fighter, but please don’t forget about normal pvp along the way.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It’s great what you are doing for star fighter, but please don’t forget about normal pvp along the way.[/color]


This! It is bit weird - I remember BW adding a two tiered brand new daily repeatable for ground pvp last summer in 6.1.2. It seems this has gone poof since then?


I think unranked WZs need some sort of a ...rethink that goes beyond conquest. Arenas and actual Warzones shouldn't share the same queue pool imho. Preferred players most def. shouldn't be excluded from unraked WZs. I've always really enjoyed the derpy nature of lowbie wzs. Sadly it feels there really is no doing them atm..Game keeps spamming arenas instead. Which tend to be like 3 vs 4 or 2 vs 3. Too few lowbies of any given bracket in the pool.

Edited by Stradlin
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yes! keep listening to the GOOD feedback and not the negative! this is a step in the right direction!!


Please consider bringing back "defeat republic/imperial guards" so we can all do open world base raiding again! THAT was absolutely fantastic and gave people something fun and unique to do ! it encouraged open world pvp as well and went with conquest big time!

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Hi all!


As I mentioned last week, there was an additional pass on Conquests for 6.1.4 we were performing. We have this ready to go now, so I would like to take this opportunity to go over what it entails.


I have to give you credit. I will never again, no matter how much I may dislike a decision made by you, accuse you of never listening to the players. You may not do so as often as I like or come to a decision I like but you have listened to our feedback on the Conquest points this time. Heh, feedback, isn’t that a nice name for the rage fest we’ve seen on this topic? So thank you for listening and we’ll see how it all ends up.

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Is the Introduction to Conquest -mission still being auto-granted as planned?


If so, please remove it. The Chance Cube still isn't there, and that was supposed to be a bug waiting to be fixed. Still waiting. On top of that, if you finish that mission below lvl 75, you won't get the tech frags. Some of us actually still like to get them, and still use them.

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Hi all!


As I mentioned last week, there was an additional pass on Conquests for 6.1.4 we were performing.



Very happy with the GSF changes!


I think that unranked could use the same treatment, change "Unranked: Victorious" to infinitely repeatable, give the win some conquest points as a reward more than once a day.


I have to say though that I still don't see myself going back to unranked in any serious way so long as losses don't count towards the daily and weekly quest progression. I would strongly suggest that they move to the same targets as GSF with the loss counting as 1 and win counting as 2, without this, completing the daily and weekly is just far to unpredictable.


Harvesting nodes back to 10 from 25, I know this wasn't a major one, but really happy to see it being moved back, did not expect it if I am being honest!


Heroics and kill quests look to be back in a good place, still ahead of the rest I would say, but IMO we are definitely going in the right direction now buffing the other activities to close the gap to a reasonable amount rather than the gulf that it was previously.


One thing I am unclear on though, the weekly missions; they were already daily repeatable were they not? So you could always, for example, run CZ198 7 times in a week, once per day over 7 characters. To enable weekly missions to be completed on more alt's, would we not need to make them infinity repeatable? Then the weekly quest's themselves would gate excess completion as they can only be obtained once per week per character?


Overall, really nice changes, and extremely positive seeing the feedback provided being taken on board.

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I hope you are correct! But I prefer if both are accessible to higher levels.


PTS is finally up and I can confirm it's the generic Missions: Heroic objective that got restricted to the 10-50 bracket, not the [Planet Name]: Heroic Missions objective. The latter is still available at 71+.


Personally, I think solo stuff is fine with these changes. Heroics are the only things that seem to have taken a nerf, with that generic daily being restricted and the Missions: Bonus Mission objective being reduced, but I think that nerf is reasonable. I still don't quite understand the decision to include [Planet Name]: Heroic Missions over [Planet Name]: Mission Complete, considering the latter does a better job of balancing some of the quicker heroics by requiring either 2 heroics or 1 with a bonus, but that's not a huge issue at this point.


The one piece of solo content I'd bring up here that should probably be looked at is Space Combat. Those got nerfed pretty heavily with this patch (from 7500 to 2750) and that seems like an odd choice to me. Again, just like with heroics, Space Combat doesn't have much in terms of level relevant rewards. Even less, honestly, considering heroics at least give good credits. It's basically dead content at this point, so Conquest is an avenue that can at least give people a reason to try it out. I've actually had fun with it in recent times doing it for Conquest and upgraded my ship on a couple characters to try some of the harder missions. I don't think they'd really be worth the effort now.


Beyond that, I think the focus now should shift back over to multiplayer stuff. GSF buffs look good, but Warzones being left out of that is odd. The setup there was similar. Infinite for matches (medals in this case), daily for wins and weekly. With the change to make GSF's win objective an infinite, WZs should get the same. There's no reason not to have that in my opinion, it doesn't seem like Warzones are any faster or easier than GSF. Uprisings should probably get a look as well, they don't have an infinite like FPs do and Uprisings are much worse in terms of rewards for the weekly and activity finder daily, so at least having some extra Conquest would help pull them up to speed.

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A couple things I noticed.

The CQ points for each renown "ding" went down about 1500-2000. It was really high at 9180, so I don't mind this.

it's still a LOT.


The rep gain went up 10k points! it's sitting at 47k (with all bonuses). I am astounded by this.

This and CZ on a toon that doesn't have that cap'd would probably be over 100k points just for those "two" things (getting rep from the CZ mission completion) I can't test that to say for sure, my toons there are cap'd for that Rep.


I did CZ and went to Ilum. Did the normal heroic, did just 2 gree missions, two rounds of the 25 count gree droid kills and walked away with around 180k points in just 35 minutes on just a single toon.

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