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6.1.4 Conquest Feedback


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There is no grouping of activities whatsoever on live. I don't see how you believe that there are. Completing one doesn't eliminate any others.


I don't see anything on here: https://i.imgur.com/igEuWlj.png

where there's any sort of linkage or connection or gate. I do them all individually. Defeat enemies must be done in order, but I can still do them both.


This is what I'm visualizing with your suggestion:


Conquest Objective: Housing, Decorations, and Companions

1. Decorate your stronghold 5 times


2. Increase your companion by a level


3. Open up another area of a stronghold


Doing any of the three, from what I'm understanding you're suggesting, would satisfy that one conquest objective, and in satisfying it, the rest are now not available because they were attached to that one and only objective.




Those three objectives are already in the game!

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Right now, on live, doing Heroic Mission eliminates all other items in that group because you've satisfied the conquest objective! So why don't you have a problem with the way it is now?


Let me see if I understand what your are trying to say:


Right now: Do Heroic (which ever one you want) Points given: 2000 (I think it is more)

And that is the only choice you have.


What you are suggesting:


For 2,000 conquest points you choose to do:

(a) Heroic

(b) PVP mission (or whatever it is called)

© GSP or

(d) a Flashpoint


Which ever item you choose you finish it and then you are rewarded with the said points. You are given a choice of 3 or 4 items but each item is given the same amount of points.


Is this what you are suggesting?

Edited by casirabit
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Let me see if I understand what your are trying to say:


Right now: Do Heroic (which ever one you want) Points given: 2000 (I think it is more)

And that is the only choice you have.


What you are suggesting:


For 2,000 conquest points you choose to do:

(a) Heroic

(b) PVP mission (or whatever it is called)

© GSP or

(d) a Flashpoint


Which ever item you choose you finish it and then you are rewarded with the said points. You are given a choice of 3 or 4 items but each item is given the same amount of points.


Is this what you are suggesting?


Yes, and this would be in addition to whatever conquest objectives already exist for those activities.


(And it's 4k without SH bonus, 10k with 150% bonus. That's no big deal, I just want to make sure everyone knows which objective is being talked about.)


So to discuss the three other objectives brought up above:


You might change "Give a gift to companion" to: Give a gift to companion, or buy some gear from fleet vendors, or do (something) with your GSF ship, or do (something) in a warzone.


You might change "Decorate your stronghold" to: Decorate your stronghold, or do (something) in a warzone, etc.


I hope now this is clear.

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You might change "Give a gift to companion" to: Give a gift to companion, or buy some gear from fleet vendors, or do (something) with your GSF ship, or do (something) in a warzone.

What if I want to do all of them? OR would suggest I can do one and only one for the day to satisfy that conquest objective.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Neither do I, and honestly I cant say that I have seen Stradlin ask for any nerf's in this thread either, only compare points which can be obtained solo vs in GSF, which IMO is how this should all have been done; solo left as it was and other activities buffed up to the same level.


I understand that this may not be the case in all posts/threads going back however long, but I couldn't really care less about that, the Dev's are taking our feedback from here and old rivalries and arguments are only clouding the core issues, which asides from one or two people who are not really contributing in any meaningful way, we all agree on.


the rest of us won. and the devs listened to us and logically thought about it! im proud of them for not listening to the complainers! :D woot

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What happens to the items that you don't pick among the possibilities for that ONE conquest objective? Are they eliminated for the day, or would my alts be able to pick them up?


Alright, now this is where my suggestion gets interesting.


You know how mobile games basically give you a login bonus, just for showing up? So consider for a moment--why do nearly all mobile games just give you rewards merely for logging in once per day? There is a good reason they do it.


Right now, as it stands, you can only get Heroic Mission, Bonus Mission, Sell Junk, Fiddle with Amplifiers, Give Your Companion a Gift, Decorate Your Stronghold, Raise Your Companion's Rep--each of these 7 "easy" objectives, can only be done once per day per legacy. Those are the 7 "easy" objectives that I know of.


Essentially, they are login bonuses. Like you get in mobile games.


But unfortunately, they are herding players into only one play style.


My suggestion? Keep the login bonuses. Stop the herding. So yes, you would keep every single "easy" conquest objective. They would remain once per day, per legacy. All 7 of them. They would remain as, almost, "login bonuses".


You just expand those "easy" objectives so that they encompass every possible game activity. You don't eliminate anything.


I think this would achieve Bioware's goal of not herding people into Heroics much more effectively than simply nerfing the "easy" conquest objectives, which is their current solution.

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Alright, now this is where my suggestion gets interesting.


You know how mobile games basically give you a login bonus, just for showing up? So consider for a moment--why do nearly all mobile games just give you rewards merely for logging in once per day? There is a good reason they do it.


Right now, as it stands, you can only get Heroic Mission, Bonus Mission, Sell Junk, Fiddle with Amplifiers, Give Your Companion a Gift, Decorate Your Stronghold, Raise Your Companion's Rep--each of these 7 "easy" objectives, can only be done once per day per legacy. Those are the 7 "easy" objectives that I know of.


Essentially, they are login bonuses. Like you get in mobile games.


But unfortunately, they are herding players into only one play style.


My suggestion? Keep the login bonuses. Stop the herding. So yes, you would keep every single "easy" conquest objective. They would remain once per day, per legacy. All 7 of them. They would remain as, almost, "login bonuses".


You just expand those "easy" objectives so that they encompass every possible game activity. You don't eliminate anything.


I think this would achieve Bioware's goal of not herding people into Heroics much more effectively than simply nerfing the "easy" conquest objectives, which is their current solution.


So, from what you're saying, there would be no lockouts of any activity just for having picked something else that moment, and then in the next moment, my alt could complete the rest on that same day. Okay.


How do you implement that by points without having a certain person scream bloody murder that the point spread is all wrong?


For example, I lift and drop a decoration in my stronghold five times. That's the decoration thingy for the day.

I stealth past everything in the Sith temple and pop Valen Korik in the head. Heroic done.


How does lumping those together with a flashpoint, GSF run, or anything which is more involved work in terms of points earned?


Would this lumping together of conquest objectives not just start an endless argument about point values, and what should be mixed with what?

Edited by xordevoreaux
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So, from what you're saying, there would be no lockouts of any activity just for having picked something else that moment, and then in the next moment, my alt could complete the rest on that same day. Okay.


How do you implement that by points without having a certain person scream bloody murder that the point spread is all wrong?


For example, I lift and drop a decoration in my stronghold five times. That's the decoration thingy for the day.

I stealth past everything in the Sith temple and pop Valen Korik in the head. Heroic done.


How does lumping those together with a flashpoint, GSF run, or anything which is more involved work in terms of points earned?


Would this lumping together of conquest objectives not just start an endless argument about point values, and what should be mixed with what?


My suggestion was only aimed at those 7 "easy" conquest objectives, the ones they are mistakenly nerfing the most. I think they are making a mistake because their nerfs will take things from people that people are used to having.


People unsubscribe because you take things from them that they liked.


That's why they unsubscribed after the 4.0 companion nerf. And the 5.whatever it was conquest nerf.


People do not unsubscribe because you give someone else the exact same thing you gave them, unless it is a rare reward. Conquest points are certainly not a rare reward.


Nothing that Bioware can do is going to stop people from complaining on forums. I do not care if people complain on the forums and, believe it or not, neither does Bioware.


No, they have made a different sort of mistake by herding people into planetary heroics. And now that mistake may lead to consequences for them in terms of funding. After all, if the only content people are playing is the Vanilla game, why, in EA's mind, should Bioware get money for new content?


I do not believe for one second that these nerfs they are suggesting came about because of forum arguing.


Also, I am not Bioware so I do not have to use corporate speak. I can just call the "easy" conquest objectives login bonuses and move on with my life. I think it is fine to have easy conquest objectives. I think it is fine to have login rewards.


In other words, I do not absolutely agree with the notion that Conquest should be balanced "per minute". Essentially, I believe it is fine to try to balance Conquest "per minute"....but, only after everyone basically gets a reward just for logging in once per day. I do not expect that everyone will agree with me on this, but that is fine too.


Even if people only log in once per day, it keeps them connected to the game. That's my argument.

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Relics of the Gree conquest week.


First objective (not related to pvp or the feast event) that jumped out.


"renown rank up pinnacle" 123120 points (one time objective)




4 of those will come with one run through of CZ198



I didn't notice this last week.

Star Fortress Heroic - Infinitely repeatable - 12555 CQ points


Relics of the Gree: Critical Missions 4455 CQ points: Infinitely repeatable! Great for people farming Rep!

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For the GSF crowd


Starfighter: Conquer the Skies: 5940 CQ points (complete any Starfighter match) infinitely repeatable


I’ve not logged in since the update. Is there anything like that for regular pvp?

Edit: nvm logged in and there isn’t.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Feed Back and Questions From Testing

(Tested with 150% SH bonus and no guild)


Questions for the devs that might help us understand the design goals better


1. What’s the philosophy behind giving more points for one activity than is needed for that character to achieve the 50,000 needed for the weekly

Ie, Feast of Prosperity (weekly event) gives 213,750 point, Star Fortress weekly gives 171,125 points, Star Fighter achiever gives 114,000.




My wife and I started a new lvl 1 each

(She only has 65% strong hold bonus and no guild. I have 150% SH bonus)

Got to lvl 10 on Hutta and started conquest.

9 mins to do one heroic gave us conquest through 9 objectives (one which doesn’t show on the list is introduction to conquest which was missing in the objectives list)


Assign a Utility point = 25,375

Gain 5 LvLs 49,375 (note this is during double xp so that wouldn’t happen live under normal conditions) also not sure why this completed at lvl 14 when conquest doesn’t start till lvl 10.

Defeat enemies = 3000

Defeat enemies 2 = 6000

Hutta mission complete = 3875

Bonus mission = 2000

Missions : heroic = 3000

Gain a lvl = 8500 x4


Me = 137,330

Wife = 90,528

As you can see the 150% vs 65% stronghold bonus really makes a difference.


Feed back


It would be better to test if double xp wasn’t applied on the pts.

But so far the amount of points for a new player or starter character are more than sufficient.


Would like to see space mission Nerf reversed. It was a good incentive to play them again. At the current points, I doubt many will bother.


Will be back to edit : work in progress






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Feed Back and Questions From Testing

(Tested with 150% SH bonus and no guild)


Questions for the devs that might help us understand the design goals better


1. What’s the philosophy behind giving more points for one activity than is needed for that character to achieve the 50,000 needed for the weekly

Ie, Feast of Prosperity (weekly event) gives 213,750 point, Star Fortress weekly gives 171,125 points, Star Fighter achiever gives 114,000.








For devs to tell, players to guess. But I think we can make some very educated guesses. They trying to balance multiplayer activities that almost all have very, very few daily objectives (like 2-8 max) in an effort to bring them bit closer to soloing planetaries which has around 100. As long as they are not giving all multiplayer- exclusive content(GSF,WZs and Ops being most urgent imho) tons of new daily repeatable objectives, they are stuck with...less optimal solutions. If you only have two multiplayer daily objectives and want tthem to give even approx as generous conquest as,say, 30 different soloable planetary objectives does, then you are stuck with making one of those two multiplayer objectives give like 200k. conquest. Which is a clumsy and a bad thing from players pov. For obv. reasons,having 200k conq on single char is much worse than 50k conq on 4 different characters.


I'm pretty sure above is part of the picture..But it doesn't cover things like feats of prosperity or Star Fortress weekly though. So it kinda goes beyond that.


Pessimist in me thinks we land in a situation where:

A)Doing soloable content for 90 mins results in 5 characters in target.

B)Doing multiplayer exclusive content results in one character having like 140k conquest.


Since this clearly needs to be spelled out in here in every single post:

A isn't a huge issue if B would somehow compare.

Edited by Stradlin
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Not happy with these changes at all, if anything, dailies like CZ should remain as it is now in live, and places like Yavin should have the conquest points increased higher than CZ. This is old content, and we play this old content cause of the conquest points gained from this activity makes it worth our while. We complete as many conquests over as many alts to get mats materials that you supply in small quantities from said activities.


You have learned nothing, and you are just encouraging players to create farming groups once again, and not enjoy the game.

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Not happy with these changes at all, if anything, dailies like CZ should remain as it is now in live, and places like Yavin should have the conquest points increased higher than CZ. This is old content, and we play this old content cause of the conquest points gained from this activity makes it worth our while. We complete as many conquests over as many alts to get mats materials that you supply in small quantities from said activities.


You have learned nothing, and you are just encouraging players to create farming groups once again, and not enjoy the game.


With the most recent changes for this PTS iteration, CZ-198 is back to the exact same points as it gives on live, they've just been shifted around. The weekly gives more, the mission and slayer objectives give less. With that in mind, none of the daily areas have been nerfed.


Heroics have been slightly nerfed. This mostly affects the first heroic you do, since the Missions: Heroic Mission and Missions: Bonus Mission objectives got hit harder than anything else. After those two objectives are gone, the points are about 25% less for everything else. It's a nerf, but it's not unreasonable given how good heroics were. They're still viable, you just might have to hit one extra planet.


The biggest issue for solo players in Conquest now is players still doing the class story after level 70. Story missions don't count for the planetary objectives anymore and Missions: Story Time isn't available in the 71+ bracket. If Bioware can do something about that, I think solo players will be fine. Focus should be more on testing MP stuff now.

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The biggest issue for solo players in Conquest now is players still doing the class story after level 70. Story missions don't count for the planetary objectives anymore and Missions: Story Time isn't available in the 71+ bracket. If Bioware can do something about that, I think solo players will be fine. Focus should be more on testing MP stuff now.


I agree with this. Not sure why story time is locked away by level. I have quite a few 75s, still in chapter one and two.


My thoughts on these changes overall, just on a very basic test and looking through objectives is, this will slow down people that do a bunch of characters, but of the characters you do get done, you will have more points. In theory guilds will still be fine, but it really depends on how conquest looks on a non event week.


Also, 999 renown rank up is still not giving points, with the points raised to that objective and the overall nerf of solo activities, it's actually pretty significant now.

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So I tested things a bit.

Max lvl character, 150%SH bonus. Renown token clicked, max renown gains via legacy perks. Not in a guild so missing out on some extra conq and renown.


Did nothing but ye olde normal soloable planetary heroics. Killed enough mobs for two rampage dings along the way.


No gifting, amp clicking, crafting or any of that stuff. Only conq objectives that were about planetary missions, renown or rampages dinged.


I made 240.000 conquest in 30 minutes..

- Renown Pinnacle for 114.000 conquest dinged.

- Rest of it, 126.000 points, was exclusively from daily repeatables or from infinitely repeatable renown ding.

- For sake of comparsion, I remember getting 200k in 90 mins on live server last summer..

- Around 5 levels worth of renown dings. TC, too, having double xp active atrm helps gains here. Not being in a guild hurts gains.

- Despite not being in a guild (missing out on conq) and despite having very long loading screens on TC, I reached conquest target in 12 mins or so. This playstyle brings you to conquest target faster than a typical singular GSF match, Warzone or Flashpoint run ends.


In practice, they've now actually buffed amount of conquest you can easily bring home via soloable planetary tourism even further.


Currently on live, planetary missions are vastly superior conquest to multiplayer content. They've buffed both soloiable content and multiplayer exclusive content a good amount. In current TC patch, big portion of manageable conquest now comes via the renown ding infinitely repeatable. I think that's a fine concept. Its just that dinging lots of different conquest objectives real fast is a great path to lots of renown.So here, too, those 100 daily repeatable planetary missions sure come in handy. Doing any multiplayer content means you are on a landscape quite barren of daily repeatable conquestg objectives -> You complete far less missions and make less renown ->You earn less conquest.


In summary, easily soloable content remains much more enticing than content that needs other people to even happen. gg, as the saying goes.



Bioware, if compared to over 100 daily repeatables soloable content has available every week, your multiplayer content has almost no daily repeatable objectives available at all. GSF, for example, has two daily repeatables. (2!) Are you looking into this at all?

Edited by Stradlin
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Bioware, if compared to over 100 daily repeatables soloable content has available every week, your multiplayer content has almost no daily repeatable objectives available at all. GSF, for example, has two daily repeatables. (2!) Are you looking into this at all?


As has been stated repeatedly in the past, simply comparing daily repeatable objectives isn't exactly a great way to look at this, infinitely repeatable objectives are worth more and GSF for instance has an infinitely repeatable objective for 5.5k. Most multiplayer content (barring Ops and maybe Uprisings?) have some kind of infinitely repeatable objective. While getting some more objectives in general would be good for GSF and warzones in particular to help pull them up to the same level of rewards over time, I don't think they all need to be daily repeatables, I'd argue that'd make balancing them to be more rewarding a lot harder.


Having some more infinitely repeatables would probably serve them better. Giving participation, wins, and medals all infinitely repeatable objectives would work well. Then dailies for things like slayer and the objectives from the GSF exclusive week, adding some things in for warzones as well. That would up the point potential for GSF/Warzones much more than just adding a spattering of dailies to them, and it would be sustained point values that could be kept up on each character. Another change here, which would also help a little in the reward issues overall for PVP stuff, would be to add more Renown points to GSF/Warzones so they reach those Renown dings quicker as well.


For your test, I want to point out: while doing the fastest possible heroics (and basically speedrunning them, like running out of the Belsavis instance to avoid fighting the bosses so you could ding slayer on weaker enemies, in an open world with no other players around due to PTS, not looting enemies, using heroic moment liberally for more AOE, etc), the heroics you did accounted for a total of around 80k. Renown rank ups and objectives made up for around 160,000 points, during a double xp event, with a 100% Renown Boost layered on top, and a 114k objective that isn't available every week. That isn't an average look at heroics by any stretch of the imagination and I truly hope Bioware isn't looking at this type of test while balancing.


I will say, though, I hope Bioware goes back to having "Mission Completed" objectives for planetary missions as opposed to the new Heroic Mission objective. That would force you either into a longer one with a bonus, or two shorter ones instead of one, and it would have the added benefit of actually including class story missions.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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From what ive read here this update will not be as bad as some think.


As a small guild i alone can generate 1 million conquest a week.


Another guildie generated 2.1 million in one week.


So yeah they can tone down the points of fluff missions.


We will monitor how it goes after the patch drops and provide feedback.

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Hi all!


As I mentioned last week, there was an additional pass on Conquests for 6.1.4 we were performing. We have this ready to go now, so I would like to take this opportunity to go over what it entails.


  • Almost every objective across the board has seen a shift up in points.
    • This will bring values for Objectives such as Defeat Enemies back up to around where they are on our Live server (more on this below), while also further increasing specific high effort and time Objectives.

    [*]Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).

    [*]Starfighter: Bomber/Gunship/Scout/Striker Pilot are now available during all Conquests.

    • Starfighter: Bomber/Gunship/Scout/Striker Pilot Eternal will remain available only during Total Galactic War and Clash In Hyperspace.

    [*]Starfighter: <Ship> Pilot Eternal has been updated from requiring 5 battles to only requiring 1.

    [*]Missions: Story Time is now also available in the 71+ Level Bracket.

    [*]Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+) and is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).

    [*]Many “Complete [WEEKLY] Mission” Objectives are now Daily Repeat, allowing multiple characters per Legacy to complete them.


Objective Point Increase

This point pass lifted almost all point values across the board up for all content types. Our intention here was to bring a little more parity of point values between 6.1.2 and 6.1.4, while also maintaining our desire to reward high complexity and time intensive activities.


We will again use the demonstration of running through two Daily Areas; CZ-198 and Yavin 4, and once again going off the assumption that while running this we will accomplish Defeat Enemies, Defeat Enemies 2, Mission Complete, and the Weekly Mission.


The following demonstrates values without any bonuses added to them, and are subject to change.


CZ-198 Daily Area

  • CZ-198: Defeat Enemies is now worth 1,650 points (down from 2,000)
  • CZ-198: Defeat Enemies 2 is now worth 3,350 points (up from 3,000)
  • CZ-198: Mission Complete is worth 2,000 points (no change from 6.1.2)
  • CZ-198: Weekly Mission is now worth 4,300 points (up from 4,000)


Total prior to 6.1.4: 11,000 Conquest points

Total with 6.1.4: 11,300 Conquest Points


Yavin 4 Daily Area

  • Yavin 4: Defeat Enemies is now worth 1,650 points (down from 2,000)
  • Yavin 4: Defeat Enemies 2 is now worth 3,350 points (up from 3,000)
  • Yavin 4: Mission Complete is now worth 2,000 points (no change from 6.1.2)
  • Yavin 4: Weekly Mission is now worth 10,600 points (up from 4,000)


Total prior to 6.1.4: 11,000 Conquest points

Total with 6.1.4: 17,600 Conquest points


Let’s also take a look at some of the other changes coming up for multiplayer content, and how those changes can affect your day-to-day play with them. For this example, let’s look at a day of Galactic Starfighter and assume that we will complete Conquer the Skies, Dominate the Stars, <Ship> Pilot, and Achiever.


Galactic Starfighter

  • Starfighter: Conquer the Skies is now worth 2,500 points (up from 600)
  • Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily) and worth 4,700 points (up from 3,000)
  • Starfighter: <Ship> Pilot is now worth 14,500 points (up from 5,800)
  • Starfighter: Achiever is now worth 48,450 points (up from 4,000)


The following assumes we are not in either Clash In Hyspace or Total Galactic War, and have a 60% win rate over 5 matches.


Total prior to 6.1.4: 6,000 Conquest points

Total with 6.1.4: 59,400 Conquest points


There have been some great discussions and suggestions for what you all would like to see with Conquests in the future, such as adding more planets to each Conquest and adding additional Conquest objectives and options. We will continue to consider these as we move forward, and thank you for the great thoughts.


We encourage everyone to hop onto our PTS and give any additional feedback you may have regarding our latest update, and hope you enjoy Conquest with 6.1.4!

Edited by DanielSteed
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I agree with this. Not sure why story time is locked away by level. I have quite a few 75s, still in chapter one and two.


My thoughts on these changes overall, just on a very basic test and looking through objectives is, this will slow down people that do a bunch of characters, but of the characters you do get done, you will have more points. In theory guilds will still be fine, but it really depends on how conquest looks on a non event week.


Also, 999 renown rank up is still not giving points, with the points raised to that objective and the overall nerf of solo activities, it's actually pretty significant now.


You don’t need story time because it’s replaced with - Chapters: Any (complete a Kotet or kotfe chapter) = 12125 (this is infinitely repeatable)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Mostly agree what you saying about GSF and WZs. Though I think having new objectives as daily repeatables(vs infinitely repeatables) would prolly be bit easier to balance out from devs' pov.



during a double xp event, with a 100% Renown Boost layered on top,



It is a shame TC has the double xp event going. Would be nicer to play with numbers closer to norm. Not being in a guild does balance things out somewhat: I'm missing the 15% renown bonus plus whatever the current conquest bonus for being in a guild is. I'd say double xp brings atleast two additional renown dings there.


You gain renown about 2 x faster via planetaries than you do via GSF or pvp. No idea about Ops or Fps. Completing lots of fast missions is a great way to earn renown fast. Daily conq objectives count as missions here. Thus, those and heroics are a great combo to have with renown in mind.




For your test, I want to point out: while doing the fastest possible heroics (and basically speedrunning them, like running out of the Belsavis instance to avoid fighting the bosses so you could ding slayer on weaker enemies, in an open world with no other players around due to PTS, not looting enemies, using heroic moment liberally for more AOE, etc), the heroics you did accounted for a total of around 80k. Renown rank ups and objectives made up for around 160,000 points, during a double xp event, with a 100% Renown Boost layered on top, and a 114k objective that isn't available every week. That isn't an average look at heroics by any stretch of the imagination and I truly hope Bioware isn't looking at this type of test while balancing.


This is a test center. You supposed to test things. When big part of the patch is all about making various conquest yields more balanced, it is prolly kinda useful to find out how quickly a normal player can earn conquest.

You'd rather have some race to the bottom´here? Like..let's RP walk in big circles around Belsavis, pick up flowers and see how much conquest that earns in a day or something?


There is some value in finding out how much normal player who doesn't like or care about conquest and doesn't like farming conquest earns conquest. But MAYBE, since we talking conquest, there is also some tiny token measure of value in finding out how much normal player who does like conquest and who does go out to earn it..earns?



is in any way unusual or obscure. Activity finder, heroic mission terminals and the teleporter mission items encourage and enable this approach. Conquest mission log gives you a literal road map to follow. As anyone here who actually plays madness sorc can easily point out, I'm not even familiar with this spec. In addition, I don't like doing planetary missions..so at least half of the folks reading this are more familiar with this and do similar runs quite a bit faster. Also, loading screens on TC take quite a bit longer than their live server counterparts.


the heroics you did accounted for a total of around 80k

Yeah. 80k just from heroics in 30 mins. I mean, if we bypassing renown and all else. We can agree 3 x GSF matches is 30 mins. In practice, closer to 40 but let's keep it simple. Those matches bring 5.5k conquest each now. 16.5k vs 80k. Looks real sad don't it?

Edited by Stradlin
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